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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Degrees and what they really mean BS bull sh*t MS more sh*t PhD piled high and deep Just in fun RG
  2. Congratulations Meaghan on your milestone Looking forward to your next 1000 contributions RG
  3. Beautiful woman offering a compliment to a man Well all I can say if I was on the receiving end..."You had me at hello" LOL RG
  4. Oh, so that's what I've been doing wrong all this time But you got to appreciate the difficulty in those junk shots...holding the phone in one hand to take the picture and a magnifying glass in the other, so you seem to be much more than you really are LOL (probably explains the looks of disappointment on a lady's face when I show up in person) BTW all said tongue in cheek Seriously, and I've said this before, my interest in a lady begins first and foremost with her posts, profile, website and emails/pm's, they are good indicators if we would click. Yes I do look at a lady's photos if she has them, but they don't decide for me if I will book an encounter. So from this guy's perspective I'm more fussed if you will, about who the lady is, not on what she looks like. Anyhow, a quick rambling RG
  5. As a sidebar, to quote the Nike ads...Just Do It LOL Seriously, if you can get past the fact that you are not having a romantic relationship with a lady like you would in the civilian dating world. But you and the lady will enjoy a mutually respectful and beneficial encounter, with no strings attached. As for being nervous, actually that's part of the excitement, if I wasn't nervous meeting a lady, well what's the point, I'd just be taking her for granted and if that's the case then it'll be time for me to pack it in Give it a try. You sound like someone who likes to get to know the lady So book a three to four hour encounter, spend some time getting to know one another, then if you feel comfortable, proceed to the bedroom. If it isn't right for you no more encounters. But if you find having encounters with ladies is as rewarding and enjoyable, and fills a void in your life as it did mine, you'll continue to see ladies. But you have to make the first step. And your nervousness is normal, don't let that stop you, or you'll never have an encounter Good luck And sorry for the thread hijack :-) RG
  6. Heather Thomas (remember The Fall Guy with Lee Majors, god I'm aging myself again) RG
  7. Jeri Ryan Kinda made the thought of being assimilated a fun thing, nothing to be scared of Resistance is futile RG
  8. Watching the Godfather and just occurred to me, How come in every Mafia type movie there is one guy named Pauly RG
  9. Sometimes super intelligent people (ie Mensa Top Of The Class LOL) may be really intellectually gifted, a genius, but they can't fit into for lack of a better word, the regular world...sort of a square peg in a round hole. Back when I was in university a prof of mine was talking about a friend of his (they got along I guess because they were both geniuses) He said his friend, also a prof was really intellectual, but had problems functioning in day to day society, for example taking a bus (OC Transpo a struggle) He just saw the world differently I guess But to answer the question, if a lady is comfortable with a guy interpersonally isn't that all that matters. I know some ladies with degrees who are in relationships with guys who are in blue collar jobs. And some of the smartest, ok not academically but common sense wise are people who in one case has high school, the other didn't even finish school. And no one should worry about what anyone else thinks, as long as you are happy and the guy is happy too And the most important thing isn't how smart you are, but are you a good person, and that transcends intelligence. Don't know if that is an answer or not But for the slower of us here, a picture RG
  10. J is for "j'adore les dames du CERB" ;-) RG
  11. Martin Milner (remember Adam 12) God I am aging myself LOL RG
  12. Did a little searching on the web Em Don't know if this link will help or not https://discussions.apple.com/message/22687900#22687900 Good luck RG
  13. In this day and age we have spy satellites which can take crystal clear photos of people from outer space so the technology is there....... So how come banks, with the loads of money they have, have cameras which can only take grainy photos. Again today, at work got a bulletin from police holdup squad asking to identify suspects in a holdup. Seen better and clearer pictures from a two year old drawing with crayons RG
  14. Well the finicky little phone...I was up 45 minutes this morning playing around with it trying to get the screen to come on. Posted my HELP!!! lol thread, and took the advice to reboot by removing the battery. Well then I picked up the phone, and the damned thing booted up like it should Thanks for the suggestions everyone RG
  15. Morning Everyone Got a problem with my cell phone. Yesterday working just fine, battery fully charged everything. This morning woke up (use the phone amongst other things as an alarm clock and it works) and the alarm signaling an incoming email works. What doesn't work, the screen doesn't come on at all. No way to use the phone without the screen display. I just thought to try putting the charger on it, that didn't do a thing, and yes, I unplugged it right away (don't want to risk overcharging the batteries) Any ideas of what to do Thanks RG
  16. National Lampoon's Family Vacation RG
  17. B is for brightness-for the ladies of CERB have brought a certain brightness and joy into my life RG
  18. Erika Eleniak I know she's a Playboy Playmate, but she did star in Under Siege so technically she's an actress But then again Steven Seagal starred in that movie too, but is he really an actor LOL RG
  19. Live and Let Die (James Bond) RG
  20. Congratulations Emma on your 4000 post milestone Looking forward to your next 4000 contributions RG
  21. Congratulations on your 1000 post milestone SNMD Looking forward to your next 1000 contributions RG
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