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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. I think your right. I think it is old school if you will. The numbers won't decide for me if I want to see a lady. Yes, I do look at a lady's photos, but that doesn't decide for me either. What I like to hear, well read from a lady is her posts, pm's and emails. That gives me an idea of whether she is someone I would like to meet, whether we will click. And it is ladies' posts, ladies of all different measurements btw, that intrigued me and wanted me to contact them and meet them A rambling RG
  2. Escape From Alcatraz RG
  3. Hasn't happened to me but that is because I'm in smalltown Ontario, so small a town no ladies would come here. But when this smalltown boy goes to the big city I have only run into a lady when she has knocked on my hotel room door. That said, if you run into a lady outside of an encounter just walk by like she is a stranger (she may have family/friends nearby, or you might too) You can always text her afterwards to say hi and tell her you weren't being rude by ignoring her just being discrete. I think you'll find most companions prefer discretion. And you may even develop relationships, well friendships with ladies in this lifestyle. But keep those friendships within the confines of this lifestyle, outside of an encounter, be discrete A rambling RG
  4. Meg is right. I don't care what others think, I dress what is comfortable for me. I also must be a constant in an ever changing universe LOL. In my high school days I wore jeans, and t shirts, sweattops/hoodies, or flannel button front shirts. Guess what I wear now, 99% of the time the same thing (I do scrub up a bit nicer for encounters though ;-) ) RG
  5. The lady is within her rights to request and expect a deposit or cancellation fee. For the gentlemen, this lifestyle is an escape, an indulgence if you will. For the ladies this lifestyle is their livelihood! (emphasized because it seems to be something forgotten by some) If a lady cancels or no shows the worst for the guy is he doesn't have an encounter with her....but he does get to keep his money and can possibly set up another encounter with another lady If a guy cancels, that was time the lady set aside for him on the belief she would get income (remember, this is their job, their livelihood) It was time she could have used to see a paying client instead of setting aside for what turns out a no show/no income period of time. Instead she has, for that period of time, made no money...money to pay the rent, groceries, bills, possibly support her kids (yes, some ladies are also mothers) That's not to mention other expenses. The lady may have booked a hotel room for incalls , may also tour (which has added expenses involved). She could be paying for a hotel room, plane ticket, meals, incidentals etc, based on seeing a paying client. If a guy is a no show or cancellation then she from a business perspective just has expenses yet no income. Her profit loss statement is a loss If you schedule an encounter with a lady, carry through with the encounter. If you can't make it and are a no show or cancellation, pay a cancellation fee to the lady. You already have the money (or should have) so no excuse for not compensating the lady for her financial loss because you couldn't keep your commitment. And let's not forget something else. I've read posts, mostly in other boards (which thrive on negativity btw imho) about the lady being five minutes late or along those lines, and bashing her to holy hell...I read posts by those "men" I want to bash them (but I digress) But those same type of "men" seem to think it's ok to no show or cancel on a lady without compensating her someway. If you cancel and get a reputation for being a habitual canceller, well it isn't just between you and the lady, ladies talk to one another, and you will get known, and not in a good way A rambling from a guy who paid a lady her donation in full plus tip when he couldn't make an encounter due to illness. At least financially it wasn't a loss for the lady RG
  6. Last night watched another good movie...Marathon Man with Dustin Hoffman, Lawrence Olivier, Roy Scheider and William Devine Good movie, but I think this movie is where people's dislike of dentists came from, especially Nazi dentists LOL RG
  7. Real men not only have no such stories to tell, even if they did they wouldn't share them. Now after a hard day at work I'm going to go draw me a bubble bath and have a long soak with some Hagen Das in the most masculine way possible :biggrin: RG
  8. Wishing you all the best in your future Take Care RG
  9. M is for a Magnificent Magical Moments leading to Magical Memories RG
  10. Well I didn't do an all day, I did a sleepover. A lot of the encounter is social, it isn't all spent in the bedroom. In fact most of the time in the bedroom is spent sleeping. If you plan to have a full day with a companion something outside the hotel room should be planned. In my case, I took the lady out to a restaurant for a nice dinner out. Then we spent the evening...well you can figure out how we spent the evening ;-) We closed off the evening by watching tv together in bed, then falling asleep. Now I'm planning a weekend escape with another lady, and I'm already thinking about what we can do on the Saturday. All day and night in a hotel room can't be pleasant for the lady. So an activity will be planned Guess my point is, extended dates are more than just sex. It is very much a social encounter too. And something should be planned, be it dinner out, maybe a movie, something more than staying in a hotel room for a whole day Just my opinion for what it's worth RG
  11. I was going to watch it but it ends past my bedtime...I paid today for last night for watching The Departed, it ended real late. And damn, Godfather II on tomorrow night, but it runs late Why don't they start those longer running movies earlier in the evening, like 6pm RG
  12. Something else, while yes CERB occupies "space" on the web for lack of a better term, it really isn't publicly accessible. It is a private board, only accessible to those people who register and are granted membership. Your average Joe or Jane just can't type in cerb.ca and have access to the board, they need to register and it takes a bit of time to go through the moderation phase, and even more posting history before full access to the board is granted RG
  13. My take on it for whatever it's worth. This lifestyle and business (yes, let us not forget it is at it's core a business) is very unique and unlike any other business that I can think of. There are some gentlemen who seek out a lady for sex, and nothing more. And there are ladies who provide sex only and nothing more. And that is a mutually beneficial arrangement for both the lady and gentleman and there is nothing wrong with that. But there are gentlemen who seek out, for lack of a better word, companionship. And there are ladies who provide companionship. Usually it is ladies who offer what is a GFE. And not a rule, but in my experience, this GFE has turned out to have no menu, the encounter unfolds naturally Companionship to me is two adults seeing one another and seeing if you click/connect. That doesn't happen with every lady you'll meet, nor does it happen with every client the lady sees...it is that something undefined, and natural, call it chemistry if you will. If you two like each other's company, the gentleman will call the lady for a second, third, forth etc encounter. And why see a lady for repeat encounters. It has to be more, much more than just sex and looks. If it was just sex, that is really just a physical act. If just looks, well there are a lot of beautiful women here. But a lady offering companionship, and it evolves. That means the gentleman feels relaxed to open up and talk to the lady. And the lady feels relaxed and opens up too. There is obviously trust and respect between the two, and it may evolve to a friendship within the confines of this lifestyle. I emphasize that because the friendship first should be it's own reward, no special expectations nor asking for discounts from the lady...that to me is despicable and something a gentleman and friend would never do. And second, the friendship still respects the boundaries in this lifestyle. You don't see her in the lady's civilian life and she doesn't see you in your civilian life. But when you do see each other, it is in paid encounters, it's just the encounter is two friends getting together, not a SP meeting a client So short answer (after I catch my breath here LOL) is yes I certainly think a connection can be made between a lady and gentleman. Obviously chemistry plays a big part in this connection, not every lady and gentleman will connect beyond the immediate encounter. The fact that at it's core this is a business transaction, to me doesn't diminish any connections made. Looked another way, this business has allowed the gentleman to meet a lady which has developed into, because of chemistry, a connection, maybe a friendship. A long winded rambling RG
  14. Eradicate not just cancer, but all disease and along the same lines abolish imperfect vision, we would all have 20/20 vision...god I hate wearing glasses I agree both with Cristy and Meg, and I too would end all animal cruelty Third, not directed at anyone, well one, me LOL make it impossible to carry around a few extra pounds, and be a naturally good looking guy :-) Think that's about it off the top of my head...oh no more baldness speaking of off the top of my head LOL RG
  15. Congratulations Realnicehat for the 1000 post milestone. Looking forward to reading your next 1000 contributions RG
  16. Phaedrus is quite right. Don't create a new profile and handle when you already have a profile, just drop the Mod a PM to change your handle. A new profile leads people to think something is nefarious. And I'm not 100% sure but I think you are only allowed to have one account on CERB (but I could be wrong) A rambling RG
  17. Just saw The Taking Of Pelham 123 Now watching The Departed Going to be a late night tonight, The Departed is a long movie, but a good movie RG
  18. V is for For those that don't get it...V is for Valentine RG
  19. CERB is your friend in which ladies to see. Avoid the other sites I know if I was on a trip to Halifax for recreational purposes, there are a few Halifax ladies I'd like to meet I don't think you have any cause for concern, just use common sense A rambling RG
  20. The compliment should be respectful, not creepy. It should make the person feel good after receiving it and kinda happy she met you. It shouldn't for lack of a better word, make her feel dirty or wish she never ran into you A compliment should make a persons day, not ruin it. Will your compliment make her day A rambling RG
  21. It's sad to say but true. Some people are really "brave" when hiding behind anonymous board handles submitting posts to put others down. Guess that's how they can build themselves up On the bright side, not only are there a lot of respectful gentlemen here on CERB, there are a lot of great ladies here too. RG
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