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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. R is for Respect, something we should all show the ladies who provide us such wonderful companionship RG
  2. Carroll O'Connor (Archie Bunker from All In The Family) RG
  3. All the ladies I see are goddesses, and I am thankful to them for looking past my physical imperfections and still are willing to see me. You ladies are all beautiful and we men should appreciate (I know I do) the companionship and intimacy you provide us. A rambling from an appreciative gentleman RG
  4. O is for obsolagnium Something I hope I don't get and yes, I looked it up RG
  5. OK Now my turn I'm a single middle aged man (52 years old) who joined CERB in Feb 2010 and embarked on this lifestyle July 2010. I guess I would be described as quiet and easy going. But not a pushover. And principled. I have a few close friends, but they are real true (through thick and thin) friends In my younger days I did travel (while with the Armed Forces) to Europe, I have no desire to travel now. Well except to Toronto, Kingston or Ottawa, but that is to see ladies I like the outdoors, well fishing. While financially selling my boat made sense, I regret it at times now. Oh well, likely next year buy another one...I hope I used to date, looking for Miss Right. Never worked out. But over the past few years I found I'm a happy single guy and like my life. Now I don't think I'd ever get married, too set in my ways I guess. I'm master of the remote control I enjoy this lifestyle and the connections, sometimes friendships (within the confines of this lifestyle) I have made with many wonderful women. It has turned out to be a very important and enjoyable dimension to my life Think that's about the quick highlights off the top of my bald head RG
  6. Watched an oldie but goodie last night. The Great Escape Don't know how many times I've seen it, but enjoy it every time I watch it RG
  7. Congratulations on your first 500 posts SteveyK. Looking forward to your next 500 contributions RG
  8. K is for the knock on the door, the knock that means the lady has arrived to your hotel room RG
  9. E is for Escape...for that is what an encounter is with a lady from CERB a much needed Escape RG
  10. Well you'd think with all the stereotypes held about "the biz" I would have stumbled into a hooker, prostitute, streetwalker, lady of the night or whatever other term of the day is used since embarking on this lifestyle. Well I haven't. I have however met ladies. Ladies who are bright, intelligent, pleasant, sociable. They don't meet society's stereotype of a sex worker at all. In fact, when I first embarked on this lifestyle, the one stereotype I had was this was about anonymous sexual encounters only. Boy was I wrong. First I didn't know how much I missed female companionship, not just sexual, but all aspects of being with a woman. And second, no anonymity, they know my name,(in some cases my address too) whether it is a lady I'm seeing for the first time or a lady I see on regular basis. The ladies have integrity, honesty and are professional. In some cases they are friends. And most of all, their companionship helped fill a void in my life after my last break-up (and last time I dated) None of the stereotypes about "the biz" reflect my experiences. In fact the encounters I have had with ladies have been the most honest no strings attached relationships (for lack of a better word) I have had. A rambling RG
  11. And I like emiafish because he also contributes to the CERB community. No comments on the dirty old men sticking together though, I hate being considered old LOL RG
  12. Well you can do a third option, save up your money even a bit more and have a ménage a trois with two special ladies for a longer period of time My first (and thus far only) ménage was with two special ladies, and it was for four hours. That memorable encounter, and the memories afterwards were well worth the donation given to the ladies RG
  13. http://www.geektown.ca/2013/08/major-password-security-flaw-exposed-in-chrome.html RG
  14. Congratulations F4F on your first 100 posts Looking forward to your next 100 posts RG
  15. The gist of the OP's thread was that his friends wouldn't kiss a lady after she performed a bj on him because it was gross. No one is saying the guy, or for that matter the lady either have to kiss or do anything. But if a guy thinks kissing a lady after she performs a bj on him is gross, (one of the most intimate and giving acts she can do IMHO btw), then isn't it just as equally gross for the lady to perform a bj. BTW I hope it isn't for the ladies. And me, I don't kiss a lady right after a bj because I feel it is required. I kiss a lady before, during and after because I like kissing the lady I am seeing and it is one way to show the lady I like her. And it is IMO more enjoyable for two people to just go with the flow, enjoy the moment, and let the encounter unfold naturally , rather than worry about things that really are not worth worrying about, if that makes sense. I'm fortunate I guess, none of the ladies have done anything I worried about, in fact worry is one emotion I haven't had in this lifestyle at all But no one is saying you or anyone has to do anything. One cornerstone of this lifestyle is everyone respects everyone's boundaries. But that said, a guy who has certain boundaries like no kissing after a bj might just find a lady will have certain boundaries with him to, like no bj. After all, if he finds kissing her after a bj gross, she is going to have to wonder what it is about his penis that he knows about, that is so gross to begin with A rambling RG
  16. You Only Live Twice (James Bond) RG
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