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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Highlight of the Day Today...Adopted a feline family member only five months old. She said I could stay in her apartment as long as I continue to pay the rent and feed her. RG
  2. Well since it's Tuesday first bought my breakfast out. Then a quick stop at the cheese factory, picked up a bag of fresh curd (guess whats for dinner 😋) I was almost tempted to buy two bags, one to eat right away, they just came out of the factory into the store and was still warm, but I showed restraint...one bag only. Then picked up and filled up the truck with winter (it's around the corner) windshield washer fluid And thats it RG
  3. There is a "Contact Us" on the bottom of Lyla's page. Even if locked out she should still be able to get to the Lyla home website page (before the forums even come up) click on the contact us button and proceed from there. Good Luck RG
  4. On this Thanksgiving Weekend I just found out my wireless provider doesn't just value me, they "Truly Value" me. How do I know...I was sent a survey after paying my phone bill asking for my feedback, and they told me so, so I told them 📱 😆 Nice to be "Truly Valued" LOL Happy Thanksgiving Weekend Everyone Yes a Dumb Rambling I Know RG
  5. Picked up my prescription Then filled up the truck with gas Finally got some groceries (I like my fresh fruits and veggies fresh) A rambling RG
  6. Since I'm stuck in the apartment all day 😥waiting to find out if my smoke detector works (annual fire inspection today) I planned ahead. Doing a pot roast (the first time I've ever done one) in the Crock Pot. Apartment smells really good right now. Only down side, can't have any potatos with it because I'm on keto. But I'm looking forward to dinner😋...just hope I'm a good cook🤞 RG
  7. Today is the day for the annual apartment fire inspection (they check the smoke alarm to see if it works) They are arriving sometime between 9am-5pm today...I don't like people in my apartment when I'm not there so guess who's stuck at home all day...well till they arrive I hate waiting. RG
  8. Safe sex is about risk reduction and condoms (plus STD/STI testing) are best at risk reduction. Risk elimination requires 100 % abstinence (not a reality) Even monogamy, you only know if you are 100% monogamous, but never 100% absolutely for sure do you know if your partner is faithful. A quick rambling RG
  9. Took a drive to the city (not a so big city, but closest one to me LOL) and bought a couple shirts at Marks Work Wearhouse. Then back home, stopped at the grocery store, picked up a roast and some veggies, either tomorrow or Wednesday I'm doing a Crock Pot pot roast...first pot roast I've ever done. Sadly no potatos though, doing this keto diet😥But there is a keto friendly slow cooker recipe for pot roast😋 A rambling RG
  10. Send a PM to "cerbmod" I don't know how long it takes him/her to reply to a PM however Good Luck RG
  11. This recommendation is of a Very Special Evening, a ménage a trois I had this past Friday night with two beautiful ladies, Simone Loren and Cassandra Cox. I've had wonderful dates with each lady (recommendations of those encounters posted on Lyla) and I asked them if they would do a ménage. They both agreed, and on Friday we all met. Both ladies arrived at my hotel on time. Our evening began with Simone and Cassandra getting introduced to each other and me getting reintroduced to them...together this time. Then the three of us had conversation over drinks. The excitement of the evening continued with an adventuresome drive to dinner in my pick-up, a single cab GMC Sierra. A ride that GM would have loved to video for use an ad. We went to Ruth Chris's Steakhouse, and when we walked in the door heads turned, even the hostesses' when we arrived. I assure you heads were turning but no one was looking at me. And our smiles weren't just because of the wonderful dinner we were about to have, but in anticipation of how the rest of the evening was going to unfold. We savoured our delicious dinner, talking, laughing, enjoying the evening. And when dinner ended, it didn't mean the date was over, it meant things were about to begin. We got back to my truck, the drive a very memorable adventure, but this one GM wouldn't use for an ad. What happened once we got back to my hotel suite is private and will stay that way. Except to say these two beautiful Goddesses treated little (well not so little LOL) old me like a King. But it was a very special night, (well everything that night was special) one I will have wonderful memories of for a lifetime. Both Simone and Cassandra are wonderful companions and if you have the opportunity...yes opportunity, to see either one of them book them. But if you would like a ménage a trois, the two of these ladies together...well WOW!!!, it'll be a wonderful and memorable encounter Here are Simone and Cassandra's websites http://www.simoneloren.com/ https://www.cassandracox.ca/ And once again, to Simone and Cassandra, a Big Thank You for making a evening a Very Special Evening And Memorable Night one I'll never forget. Thank You. RG Couple Footnotes 1) This recommendation was read and OK'd by both Simone and Cassandra before posting 2) The photos on the ladies' websites are current and accurate 3) Simone Loren was formerly Evelyn Underwood of Cupids. Same great lady, now independent
  12. Breakfast out Then stopped off at the cheese factory got a fresh bag of curd for dinner😋 Then mustered up the courage to be prepared, and bought a jug of winter windshield washer fluid It's behind the seat in my truck till needed...I know real cooler temps and winter is still off a ways but I'd rather be prepared than not prepared at all RG
  13. Road trips to Toronto and back cost a bit, gas wise that is. Gassed up the truck today, refilling what was used on the trip. Was it worth it, every single cent...memories (not the gas) for a lifetime RG
  14. I would just like to post a "Thank You" to Simone Loren and Cassandra Cox for a wonderful ménage a trois last night. Both ladies are not just gorgeous but also beautiful on the inside. And we had a date, one that I not only will remember, but is a special memory too A recommendation will be posted shortly, but I wanted to Thank these two wonderful ladies for a special evening last night. RG
  15. Starting to pack, heading to Toronto Friday for a special date with two very special ladies. As you can imagine I'm weak in the knees and hearts pounding in anticipation of seeing these two ladies again...but this time together A Happy Rambling RG
  16. If you waited till after this Friday there would be some more Toronto chatter 😉 That said I can recommend Cassandra Cox, Simone Loren (formerly Evelyn Underwood of Cupids) and for an agency, Cupids Escorts Here are their websites http://www.simoneloren.com/ https://www.cassandracox.ca/ https://www.cupidsescorts.ca/ Now my blood pressure just went up and my hearts pounding thinking of the two ladies I'm seeing this Friday Good Luck RG
  17. No not oh gosh the world might end More like read the RULES of Lyla. Here the link for you https://www.lyla.ch/faq/category/1-rules-welcome-letter/ And copied/pasted for you these specific rules PLEASE READ THESE RULES:- No Slander- Post only positive recommendations! This is not a review board!- No advertising prostitution related services or advertising sites offering such things- No posting nude photos or photos depicting sexual acts. Yes this site is adult but we do not allow porn- If you do not have anything nice to say don't say it! If you don't like Lyla's rules about "only positive recommendations", and "if you do not have anything nice to say don't say it" why did you even join this board??? RG
  18. Don't know if it's old(er) age or genetics or what but my knees are going. The aches and pains in both knees has gotten worse. On Sept 25th appointment is made to get them checked out. I don't want to go under the knife (yes I'm a big baby) which is why I've put it off but the pain has gotten to the point I have to do something. Whats worse is I can't take any pain killers, because I'm on low dose aspirin (prescribed by neurologist after my Stroke) and he said I can't take Advil, Tylenol or any pain killers while on it. Wish I drank LOL RG
  19. Why do people want to turn Lyla into a review board??? This is a recommendation board, and was a recommendation board when it was CERB. If you want a review board there are boards to choose from, this board offers something different, and doesn't want to be a clone of the rest. As for lack of reviews (well first off should be recommendations) how many complaining of the lack of recommendations don't contribute/post any recos of their own. A board only works when the members contribute to it, not just lurk hoping for something to read. So quick answer as to the lack of recommendations, maybe members just aren't writing any or maybe (another possibility) is that the lady doesn't want recommendations written about her. And if you want reviews boards there are three boards (end with ...erb, plus some others) to choose from. But Lyla was and is a recommendation board and it's rule don't allow negative reviews A rambling RG
  20. My knees in the shape they are no racing here LOL And as a former Fat Bastard BBM kinda covers a few things doesn't it LOL A morning rambling RG
  21. What's worse (speaking about Lyla) if you don't post the race in the template, you don't post a recommendation. If someone is really interested in a recommendation they can click on it and open it up to read...the template would show all particulars there. And how do we really know if race is the one "most important" (beyond name) looked for in reading a recommendation...maybe it's hair colour, age, eye colour etc etc etc. A reader should read the recommendation based on the fact it is a recommendation, if they need additional information (eg race) in the title line before they will read a recommendation there is something not right That said, I really don't believe it is the reason for race being in the title line, I think it's just a glitch in the new Lyla format. I don't remember back in the old CERB/Lyla days having race in the title line. And I believe (although not a computer expert) it is a glitch that can be fixed, it's just they haven't bothered to do so A rambling from RG (bald late 50s if I was in a post title LOL)
  22. Picked up a bottle of wine today, for a very special Date next Friday (a week away now) and I'm already tripping and stumbling over in excited nervousness in anticipation of seeing these two Great ladies...together!!! RG
  23. Like Greenteal posted, use the ladies' preferred method of contact. Many don't like using PM for contact. In my experience most ladies prefer email, in fact I can't recall making any bookings for a date using PM (and thats since 2010) My two cents A rambling RG
  24. I survived (barely LOL) the trip...and the china cabinet (an antique so I'm told) survived too. A big curved glass door and mirror unbroken. I charged so much less (like nothing) and gave a better guarantee than movers who charged $$$ and no guarantees the glass wouldn't break And in two weeks I hit the road again, to Toronto. And today (don't really like calling it a purchase) the lady received payment for the date (reason for going to Toronto) In two weeks I'll be like this guy...well sort of🤪 A rambling RG
  25. It is set up in the recommendation template (if that's the right term) that a lady's ethnicity is included. Not meant to toot my own horn but I mentioned this in another thread (page 2) Tell us what features are Missing or that you want? "Posted September 24, 2018 Something I noticed in the recommendation section. When making a new recommendation the template has sections for website, email, phone etc, plus a drop down menu "Select Provider's Ethnicity" You can't (I just tried with two recommendations I posted today) leave it blank, you have to use that drop down menu or otherwise the recommendation won't get posted. But the second thing is that once filled in if you look at the page of all providers' recommendations in a city it looks like part of the last name of the companion (look at the latest two ladies I reco'd in Toronto today, neither one has White as part of her last name) Is there anyway to just keep companions name in the main recommendation page of a city and all information from the template (website, email, phone, race etc) gets included along with the recommendation once you open a specific lady's recommendation thread. Thanks A rambling RG" I don't know if this answers your question about ethnicity nor do I know if this "feature" is now gone from the reco template. I certainly don't agree with the ethnicity included in the title of the recommendation but thats JMO A rambling RG
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