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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. George Lazenby (James Bond in On Her Majesty's Secret Service) btw, and jmo, one of the worst James Bond movies ever, even worse than the Roger Moore dark years...but I digress RG
  2. Famke Janssen (Xenia Onatopp in James Bond Goldeneye) RG
  3. Why would a man think it's gross? If you think about it, that would mean he expects the lady to do something gross (a bj) but that's OK???? or there is something about your penis that is gross which you have failed to disclose to the lady. Kissing during and after a bj, is ok, and adds to the intimacy of the encounter. Why wouldn't you want to kiss a lady providing you with one of the most intimate sexual acts. As for your friends, well they won't be at the encounter, it is a private encounter just between you and the lady. And this isn't school days any more, worried more about what everyone else thinks, we are adults here, my advice is be your own man, don't even worry what your friends say or think. It's the other adult in the room, the lady that matters. A rambling RG
  4. Judgement At Nuremberg RG
  5. The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly RG
  6. C is for companionship, which is what the ladies of CERB provide RG
  7. Food poisoning...last night and most of today been rough At least it now seems to have...er passed RG
  8. Saw Flight the other night with Denzel Washington. Good movie, although maybe the ladies that tour coast to coast may think twice about flying after seeing it LOL RG
  9. I joined CERB in Feb 2010 and my first encounter was in July 2010. During the time between Feb and July I looked at a number of different sites, one of them CL. My first encounter was with a lady from CL...it was a bad encounter. In fact when I stick to the ladies of CERB I have had good encounters, when I have looked elsewhere, well my encounters not so good. First bit of advice, stick to the ladies on CERB Second, understandable the question about when is the right time. About the only plus about my first encounter is it got me over the hurdle of seeing a professional companion. After that encounter it was, I found easier to set up a date (oh and my dates got better too) and see a companion. My advice, find a lady you would like to meet, contact her, tell her you are a newbie, and set up a date. I say tell her you are a newbie because any faux pas made are easier to forgive to someone new than to someone experienced in this lifestyle. And once you make the date, no matter how nervous or scared you might be, go through with the encounter. Not showing up for a scheduled date is rude and not an acceptable faux pas ever Good Luck RG
  10. The remake of True Grit. Would have been better to watch the original with John Wayne again and Jack Reacher RG
  11. I'm certainly glad that you had a visit with your dad, even though the reasons for it not so good Wishing you all the best in this battle. Stay strong, be positive, and my thoughts will be with you RG
  12. Known as a singer, but also a actress too...Cher RG
  13. For me, I don't use recommendations in making a decision to see a lady. Recommendations are but one way to help a potential client decide on who to see. I do respect that recommendations are used by some gentlemen, so yes, I do write them (when deserved of course ;-) ). So in that sense, I do give back to the CERB community, well at least I hope I do. Recommendations for me are first and foremost a public thank you to the lady for a wonderful encounter. Second and third reason sort of related. Second is to help the lady build her business by hopefully getting new clients. Third is letting gentlemen know of a wonderful companion to see. That said, for me, I don't use recommendations to chose who to see. I use a lady's posts on CERB, email correspondence and pm's to get an idea if we will click. Recommendations are a tool, one tool available on CERB to help a potential client decide who to see. But CERB also has the board, and pm's, other potential tools available as well. So for me at least I didn't come to CERB to read recommendations, but CERB offers other potential tools which aid in deciding who to see, whether intended for that purpose or not. So yes, CERB is a escort recommendation board, yes, no argument...but it is more than just a escort recommendation board and our reasons for being here may differ. CERB offers different things to different members, it isn't a one size fits all board, if that makes sense. But CERB is only as good as the contributions of it's members A rambling RG
  14. I'll second that Welcome back Angela RG
  15. Tacos washed down with Becks no alcohol beer Followed by sliced peaches with real whipped cream RG
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