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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. E is for escapes, for that is what the ladies of CERB provide, a much needed escape RG
  2. Congratulations on reaching the 500 post milestone Looking forward to your next 500 RG
  3. Congratulations on your 100 post milestone Looking forward to your next 100 posts RG
  4. Well for E how 'bout Dirty Harry himself, Clint Eastwood For G Max Gail (anyone remember Wojohowicz on Barny Miller) RG
  5. Starting with lunch first. Lucked out in the grocery store, pumpernickel bread fresh from the bakery department, still warm, so BLT's on pumpernickel for lunch...YUMMMMM!!! Then for supper thick tasty T-bone steak on the bbq, corn on the cob, and homemade potato salad followed by fresh sliced peaches with homemade whipped cream. Kinda makes up for me having to give up my quiet weekend at home for a family gathering although I had to do the bbqing But didn't have to do the dishes RG
  6. Congratulations on the 100 post milestone Citchmcg Looking forward to your next 100 posts RG
  7. Thanks Tracie That did the trick RG
  8. I'm using another computer, websites come up no problem, but the screen background is white. BTW doesn't matter what website, homepage, CERB other sites. I've played around with the display on control panel, but to no avail. Any suggestions on how to fix it Computer used is running Windows 7 Thanks RG
  9. Happy Belated Birthday Megan Hope you had a terrific day RG
  10. There was a thread on this a while back http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=106571&highlight=vegas My own personal opinion, first not being the gambling type, I wouldn't go to Las Vegas. But some do like gambling and casinos, it's just not my thing. But to go to Las Vegas to see a escort, well look at CERB, there are so many wonderful companions in Canada, and here it's legal to see ladies up here too :-) But if I had to go to Vegas, I wouldn't see ladies down there, illegal in Las Vegas, and going to a brothel in the outlying counties, well brothels are not for me an intimate atmosphere for an encounter But that's me A really early morning rambling RG
  11. O is for "out of the ordinary" RG
  12. M is for the magnetic attraction I have to the ladies of CERB (whether they have it to me another story LOL) RG
  13. outcall (to my hotel room) Long encounters (2 hours or more) or short encounters (hour or less) RG
  14. For me, and speaking only for me, I do like to know what a lady's rate for an encounter is, to me that is reasonable I do understand that some gentlemen like to see a menu, a list of services that the lady provides is important to them. And I confess, when I was a newbie, that was my focus. But I met some remarkable ladies and realized seeing companions was much more than about sex. For me, an encounter is more, much more than the sum of the lady's services. It is about chemistry, how we click and so on. What is the most important part of a lady's website, for me at least, is the section usually titled "About Me" or something along those lines. If interested, her posts, emails and pm's give me further insight as to if we will click. Most of the ladies I see or will see don't have a menu on their website. But their websites give me a little glimpse into who they are and that is why I'm interested in meeting them. But they all tell me what the donation is for an encounter with them. To answer your question though, I wouldn't view listing services as a negative. There will be potential clients who are interest first and foremost in the services provided. Just for me, much more important is the connection/chemistry we will have...whether we will click is far more important. Hope that helps RG
  15. Congratulations Piano on your first 500 posts Looking forward to your next 500 posts RG
  16. Travelin Soldier Dixie Chicks Amazing Grace (always seems played at funerals, was at my dad's celebration of life) Ballad of Ira Hayes Johnny Cash (since based on a true story it is sad) If You See Him, If You See Her Reba McEntyre, Brooks&Dunn RG
  17. I don't blur the SP-Client relationship. All of my encounters I realise and recognize are at it's core, a business transaction, and that I never forget. That said, this is a very unique lifestyle and business, one dealing with intimacy and companionship, and has no comparison. For emotions coming into play, actually is IMHO natural. What you have to do, and I do, is keep your head on straight, and not let your emotions run you. I still recognize that the lady is a professional companion who sees other clients, and I have no delusions, I know I'm not the one and only LOL or the man of her dreams, but we are friends and I respect them, and they have shown me nothing but friendship and respect in return. There are for example, a couple ladies I consider friends. But the only time I see them is in scheduled paid encounters. No blurring of the lines here, I still respect the core boundary, that this is a paid business transaction, and that it the only time I will see them. But encounters are two friends getting together, not a SP meeting a client, if that makes sense. Does that lessen the friendship, IMHO no. It is just a unique friendship founded on a ongoing business arrangement. A rambling for what it's worth RG
  18. Go to your control panel Upper left hand corner, User CP click on it Scroll down to Edit Avatar From there you have two ways to upload an avatar photo First is upload a photo from the internet by typing (or copying/pasting URL) or upload a photo from your computer At least that's how I remember doing it LOL RG
  19. I must agree, it's a bit vexing. But some like the added "security" behind a anonymous board handle I guess, and to each their own When a gentleman wants to book an encounter with a lady, I can see having a closed profile page might raise a warning flag with her..."if he is hiding his anonymous profile, what else is he hiding?" But I also find it strange some ladies do the same. When you are trying to attract potential clients, not letting them see your profile is a sure way to make a potential client lose interest But it is a personal choice, and I guess everyone has their reasons and should be respected RG
  20. Happy Birthday Mandy Enjoy your special day RG
  21. Well for ease of seeing (that was the reason I picked this phone, and I could have chosen Blackberry, Apple or something else) I picked the Samsung Galaxy Note when I signed with Rogers BTW I was told the Samsung Galaxy Note, when I got it, had the largest screen available, any larger screens available were tablets. Here's a size comparison Not saying which is the best, but for my poor eyes the larger screen is best for me Besides phone, it has texting, email (I believe it holds up to 10 email accounts) and internet, plus a lot of functions I havn't figured out how to use RG Additional Comments: Forgot to add, but the keyboard layout on my phone is a QWERTY layout and all that means is the keyboard is like a computer keyboard, and so named for the first six letters starting with Q at the top left hand side of the keyboard That layout can be done on a regular keyboard or touch screen keyboard Hope that helps RG
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