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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. I think it's pretty safe to say that we appreciate the hard work you (and town council) do to make this a positive community. So a thank you is due to you too RG
  2. J is for "j'adore les dames merveilleuses du CERB" ;-) RG :-)
  3. Welcome to CERB Dave. Glad you introduced yourself. You'll like our community here RG
  4. I too am in agreement with Meg and Gegefatale, and really, it should be the person inside that matters, not the colour of his/her skin But it does happen, and it isn't necessarily restrictions on a person's skin color, ladies have been known to have age restrictions, maybe they won't see someone with a disability, or so on. Yes, refusing to see someone who is of another race may appear to be racist, but unless the lady explains why she refuses to see another race, (she might be the same race and where she lives, it is a small community and could run into someone she knows) it is best to move on Some ladies want to see older guys. One lady back in my newbie days, but she retired before we could have an encounter, only saw guys 40 years old and up. Wasn't age discrimination, she was a university student and didn't want to take any chance of running into another student who wanted an encounter Some ladies won't see someone with a disability. It may not be discrimination, it's just the client would require special needs during an encounter that many just don't know how to provide or feel uncomfortable trying to provide. And let's remember, the only difference between a man and woman here, the lady posts her restrictions, for all to see, but the guy, well he knows what his restrictions are, so knows which ladies not to contact without the world knowing. But at the end of the day encounters are about a man and woman being intimate together. Do you really want to be with a lady who for whatever reason would prefer not to be with you. Find a lady who you will click with and see her. Besides, if a lady doesn't want to be with a man, irrespective of her reason (and it is her body, she has the right to decide who to be intimate with) but feels pressured, or maybe forced if in the case of an agency, doesn't that bring up a whole other issue, encounters turning into cases of sexual assault, because she has to have or feels pressured to have sex with a man she doesn't want to have sex with. A rambling RG
  5. Congratulations on your 500 post milestone Looking forward to your next 500 posts RG
  6. Here I go again, just a quick rambling. A couple ladies I see/have seen, when we were in conversations during an encounter reflected that for guys, review boards are part of the "hobby" (I hate that word when used for this lifestyle) and hobby implies recreation, escape, enjoyment etc. But for the ladies, coming on the review boards is for them work, a part of their job (yes, this isn't a hobby to them, it is their livelihood) and most boards are a necessary but unpleasant evil for them. CERB on the other hand, while part of their livelihood, because of it's positivity is not so much part of work, and the ladies are as much (and they should) equal members of this community. The other boards don't foster this same community spirit for them. If CERB goes the route of a review board, I fear the community spirit will go, and so will many of the ladies too. As for reviews in general. If a review was done in a respectful responsible manner, I would be less opposed. But a couple examples from some review boards I was on, and why I quit them all and stuck with CERB Case One. I wrote a recommendation of a lady, one I posted here. I also posted it on this review board I was on at the time. Well I got a slew of PM's bashing me for not writing the real intimate details, telling everyone what she does and so on. I said that was private, and was bashed on PM's for saying so, the gist being only reviews with the nitty gritty details are worth posting and if I wouldn't do reviews like that, don't post. I closed my account Case Two. A "man" posted his review of a lady. His review of this lady went something like this. A friend of a friend saw her. Had a bad encounter, so I won't see her. He reviewed a lady he never even saw. Closed my account to that board too. BTW both ladies I have seen, and aren't review worthy, they are recommendation worthy It seems, and I may be generalizing here, but review boards seem to cater to those who want either a review which bashes the lady or reads like Penthouse Forum So for what it's worth, I think CERB should stick to being a recommendation board. If guys want to read reviews, there are other board out there, nothing says you can't join them too. And I fear a decline in the ladies' participation or worse, closing of their accounts if we go the route of an escort review board That's my two cents worth RG Oooppps one quick comment. When I was on the other boards, I didn't enjoy being on them, unlike CERB which I do enjoy being on and contributing too. So closing my accounts there was no hardship. And I had six bad encounters, five I could chalk up to YMMV (being generous here) but not review worthy (review meaning negative review) But one I had, it was REVIEW worthy, that bad. It wasn't so much that she stole money from me but she robbed me of an encounter. But as bad as she was, I could only review on another board, and I'd rather be a positive contributor here than a negative one on another board if that makes sense. Plus it made me appreciate all the more those good and great companions I see.
  7. He even acted as a President LOL Jerry Seinfeld RG
  8. Well I have posted a recommendation, or two, or three or.....;-) And that is because I had a good time with the lady, and the lady was the big reason I had such a good time. Recommendations that I write are first and foremost, my way of giving a public thank you to the lady. The second and third reason are sort of interrelated. Second, a recommendation might help the lady's business because she might gain a client or two (or more) because someone read the recommendation. Third, for a gentleman looking for a lady to see, a recommendation might help in his decision. Me, however, I do on occasion read recommendations, but really I chose who I'm going to see based on a lady's profile/postings/website/email/pm's back and forth. But I know recommendations can help both the lady and gentleman. So while I am not a user of recommendations myself, I am happy to write recommendations, it may help the lady and another gentleman in other encounters One quick thing, a lack of recommendations is not a negative IMHO. One lady I saw, a great companion BTW, did not want any recommendations written due to some personal reasons, so I respected her request. It meant there were three recommendation worthy encounters I had but never posted about, but that doesn't mean the lack of recommendations made her a lady not to see, she was a lady a gentleman would have had a good time seeing Hope that makes sense A rambling RG
  9. Thank You Everyone for your comments and posts. It is appreciated. I came to this lifestyle a few years back (2010) a wet behind the ears newbie and a newbie to this board too. But this community amongst other things was a wealth of information and advice and helped educate me to the etiquette if you will about seeing companions. Some of my preconceptions about seeing companions were wrong, and it was this board that helped educate me. But even more so, it is a community of people who have a common interest From newbie I have (I hope) grown, and chose to give back to this community with what I hope are positive constructive posts (not to mention a few fun ones too, like the music thread). So for those just new to CERB, contribute, make posts, don't be shy. Be part of this community I definitely have to thank Mod and Town Council for making this the positive community it is. So to them Thank You And finally, a Thank You to Tracie for noticing and posting this thread, Thank You Tracie And now back to our regular programming LOL RG
  10. I'll just make a quick posting here, more echoing what I've said earlier. CERB is a community where both the ladies and gentlemen are equal participants, opposite sides of the same coin. And CERB's current policies make this a community where the ladies feel safe and welcome. My concern about allowing negative reviews, even if clear cut policies about who could write such reviews were made up, is that we could find a drop off in the ladies membership here on CERB, with many closing their accounts. Also, there are many boards out there already that allow negative reviews, in fact seems to thrive on them. Do we really need another escort review board? Or does CERB fill a very unique niche, as a escort recommendation board, and maybe it should continue to occupy it's unique niche, and we not fix what isn't broken. Anyhow, a quick rambling for what it's worth RG
  11. Tomorrow back to work after four weeks off And it wasn't much of a holiday break either RG
  12. The World Is Not Enough (James Bond) RG
  13. Damn Another "Y" Young Jeezy I Luv It What the hell is a jeezy anyway and does it mean there is an old jeezy too LOL Am I showing my age RG
  14. One that drives me up the wall, now with my knowledge of this lifestyle. How police dramas portray escorts as victims...just watch your average Law and Order tv franchise. Yes it is illegal in the United States for the most part, but that doesn't mean companions are all victims. For many it is a mutually beneficial arrangement with a client. But tv shows escorts as victims and clients as exploiters and victimizers with no respect for women A rambling RG
  15. Personally, from a guy's, well this guy's point of view, intimate dates with a professional companion are not about anonymous sexual encounters. On the balance sheet it is a case of a man's privacy versus a lady's safety No brainer, safety trumps privacy each and every time. Put another way you want a lady to be alone with you intimately, requiring the utmost of trust of the man on her part, but the man doesn't trust her with basic verification information like his name, really if you think about it, doesn't make much sense, jmho. And I say this as a man who in my newbie days held the view that my privacy was paramount. I was educated to verification, and why it was needed, and one benefit for the man, well two. First I have met many wonderful companions. Second, it went a far way to establishing trust, even before we met. And my privacy has never been of concern to me Now providing this information to an escort review/recommendation board another matter. What if the review/recommendation board changes owners, who then "owns" my information. And who knows who actually sees my information at the board, the Mod, Town Council,, at times we have seen the board have technical issues, so any repair people, hackers. I'm comfortable letting a lady see my information prior to a date. But how many would really have access to this information on a board that I personally don't know and it's that unknown I'm not comfortable with A rambling RG
  16. I regret checking messages/emails on my cell phone down in Florida last January. I figured a bit higher charges for roaming charges but holy f*ck, lets say they were high enough that the money could have been used for an encounter. And I wasn't on the phone all that long Well maybe last night/this morning a regret buying (rescuing) my cat. He kept me up last night, so I locked him out of my room. This morning I found out how he entertained himself. Toilet paper pulled off the roll and the bathroom papered. Now he is lying on the back of the couch sleeping looking innocent as can be. Well no, don't really regret buying him though Actually can't really think of any regrets RG
  17. Just some quick musings here. First, is CERB in competition with other boards, and needs to put it one way, lower itself to their standards to keep in running with them? BTW that is just a question. Second. One thing I like about CERB compared to the other boards is it's civility, and how ladies are part of the board. Better worded, other boards in my experience seem to be a "boy's club" whereas this board is a community welcoming both ladies and gentlemen together. And there is more a us versus them attitude on those boards but here, we are all opposite sides of the same coin attitude. How many ladies will leave if reviews, not recommendations start Does membership, well paid membership, make a review, or even recommendation by that writer more worthy to read. And does it invalidate any reviews/recommendations written by someone who had membership on a board where no requirement to pay a membership is needed. Personally, JMO but I believe you can get a better idea as to the credibility/integrity of a writer of recommendations if he partakes in the board regularly and contributes. This gives you an idea of what he is like How well are you going to consider a reviewer who lurks for 5 years, then comes out once, posts a negative review, compared to someone who contributed to the board for 5 years, posts many recommendations and one time posts a negative review (btw not endorsing negative reviews here, but just trying to illustrate a point) And there are some "men" who enjoy bashing women, and would see this as an opportunity to do so. And they already have other boards they can use to do so, unfortunately. In fact on CERB, my own experience, being a gentleman, showing respect, is considered positive, but on the other boards (well can't say all boards, but a couple I tried and left) the us versus them attitude prevailed and respect for ladies was not considered a good thing by those "boys clubs" How many clients are going to want to pay to write reviews. And how many are willing to provide personal information to a board to allow them to do so. And does CERB want to get into allowing reviews. Personally, unless there are aspects I don't know about, CERB should stay where it's at, it doesn't need to lower the bar to other boards' levels. I prefer this to remain a community welcoming of ladies and gentlemen, not a "boys club" with an us versus them attitude Finally, I feel very comfortable providing my personal information for verification/screening purposes to a lady who I want to see for an encounter. But providing it to a website, really for the sole purpose of writing recommendations, I think my days of writing recommendations would be over. Also, there is an SP Only forum here on CERB where the ladies can, I assume, share amongst themselves information/screening about bad dates. Would there be some legal liability on CERB's part if it had a member's personal information and a bad date occurred. While CERB certainly doesn't want bad dates, I'm sure it doesn't want to be drawn into police investigations either and could be if it had member's personal information and accusations of a bad date took place. What if a case also went to civil court, CERB might be drawn into a court case they don't want either (sorry but I can see the litigation potential here). It's a possibility that CERB itself would have to consider And yes, for me, recommendations, not reviews, because my attitude is positive about encounters I'm to have, and my experience has been the same. So I believe even before seeing a lady, one outcome of the encounter I'm to have is writing a positive recommendation. I only had six bad encounters, but only one review worthy but I kept to the CERB mantra, if nothing nice to say...... My experience in this lifestyle has been positive and I wouldn't buy a membership so I could post negative reviews Some quick off the cuff ramblings and who knows, I may come up with more RG
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