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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Absolutely not a deal breaker by any stretch of the imagination. For some ladies they are comfortable showing photos of their face, and those ladies should be respected for doing so But there are many ladies who chose not to show their faces and they too should be respected for that decision. Many enter this profession just for a short time. Many hold other jobs. Some have families And a lot do not want photos of their faces or knowledge that they were in this lifestyle to come out publically. There is an old adage, once a picture is posted on the internet, it is there for good. And some ladies don't want a picture of their face (associated with this lifestyle) to come back at a future date to haunt them, like maybe when they are no longer involved with this lifestyle. So my opinion, a lady should do what she is comfortable doing, and whatever decision she comes to, it needs to be respected A rambling RG
  2. Congratulations on your first 100 contributions Stevemcqueen Looking forward to your next 100 RG
  3. F is for Feeling Young for that is what the ladies of CERB have done for this 52 year old guy made me feel young again :-) RG
  4. But for me at least Cristy, the ad isn't the only thing I look at when considering a companion to see. A lady's posts mean a lot more. For me an encounter is much more than just sex. If only sex, a half hour is all I'd need, and I like booking multi hour encounters. BTW If I lived in the Maritimes or you lived in Ontario, I'd give you a call ;-) And just a general question out there to the ladies, if a guy contacted a lady for an encounter and was very graphic with what he wanted from an encounter, equally graphic as a lady is in her ads, how many ladies would reply to his email. Just wondering and that question just popped into my head A rambling RG
  5. Angel Heart? (Lisa Bonet) and then Kim Bassinger and Mickey Rourke in 9 1/2 Weeks RG
  6. I'm no financial wiz by any means. One thing, in regards to this lifestyle, is I use disposable income I have on hand...no credit whatsoever. Even booking a hotel, I use my credit card only to make a reservation, but pay for the room in cash. If a hotel won't take cash payments, they don't get my business. If I got started using credit for this lifestyle, well it would soon catch up with you fast, and in a bad way Second thing, my truck is old...but paid for. Some days I think I should buy a new or newer vehicle, but having monthly payments again, well that idea kinda sucks...I think I'll drive the truck till it won't drive no more RG
  7. I'll second that. I like that a lady calls me by my real first name...and yes, all ladies I see know my real first name, and most know my last name too Although I have been called by a couple ladies....no wait I've been told by a couple ladies that I look like John Malkovich, but I haven't been called that. I guess the most flattering name if you will, I get, is being called a gentleman, and I always try to be one, although with the ladies here, it's pretty easy to do. Mind you I've always, I think, been a gentleman A morning rambling RG
  8. [COLOR=black]You know. . . time has a way of moving quickly and catching you unaware of the passing years. It seems just yesterday that I was young, just married and embarking on my new life with my mate. Yet in a way, it seems like eons ago, and I wonder where all the years went. I know that I lived them all. I have glimpses of how it was back then and of all my hopes and dreams.[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]But, here it is... the â??back nineâ? of my life and it catches me by surprise...How did I get here so fast? Where did the years go and where did my youth go? I remember well seeing older people through the years and thinking that those older people were years away from me and that â??I was only on the first holeâ? and the â??back nineâ? was so far off that I could not fathom it or imagine fully what it would be like.[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]But, here it is...my friends are retired and getting grey...they move slower and I see an older person now. Some are in better and some worse shape than me...but, I see the great change...Not like the ones that I remember who were young and vibrant...but, like me, their age is beginning to show and we are now those older folks that we used to see and never thought we'd become. Each day now, I find that just getting a shower is a real target for the day! And taking a nap is not a treat anymore... it's mandatory! Cause if I don't on my own free will... I just fall asleep where I sit![/COLOR] [COLOR=black]And so...now I enter into this new season of my life unprepared for all the aches and pains and the loss of strength and ability to go and do things that I wish I had done but never did!! But, at least I know, that though Iâ??m on the â??back nineâ?, and I'm not sure how long it will last...this I know, that when it's over on this earth...it's over. A new adventure will begin![/COLOR] [COLOR=black]Yes, I have regrets. There are things I wish I hadn't done...things I should have done, but indeed, there are many things I'm happy to have done. It's all in a lifetime.[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]So, if you're not on the â??back nineâ? yet...let me remind you, that it will be here faster than you think. So, whatever you would like to accomplish in your life please do it quickly! Don't put things off too long!! Life goes by quickly. So, do what you can today, as you can never be sure whether youâ??re on the â??back nineâ? or not! You have no promise that you will see all the seasons of your life...so, live for today and say all the things that you want your loved ones to remember...and hope that they appreciate and love you for all the things that you have done for them in all the years past!![/COLOR] [COLOR=black]"Life" is a gift to you. The way you live your life is your gift to those who come after. Make it a fantastic one.[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]LIVE IT WELL![/COLOR] [COLOR=black]ENJOY TODAY![/COLOR] [COLOR=black]DO SOMETHING FUN![/COLOR] [COLOR=black]BE HAPPY ![/COLOR] [COLOR=black]HAVE A GREAT DAY[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]Remember "It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]LASTLY, CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING:[/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR=black].Your kids are becoming you......but your grandchildren are perfect![/COLOR] [COLOR=black].Going out is good.. Coming home is better![/COLOR] [COLOR=black].You forget names.... But it's OK because other people forgot they even knew you!!![/COLOR] [COLOR=black].You realize you're never going to be really good at anything.... especially golf.[/COLOR] [COLOR=black].The things you used to care to do, you no longer care to do, but you really do care that you don't care to do them anymore.[/COLOR] [COLOR=black].You sleep better on a lounge chair with the TV blaring than in bed. It's called "pre-sleep".[/COLOR] [COLOR=black].You miss the days when everything worked with just an "ON" and "OFF" switch..[/COLOR] [COLOR=black].You tend to use more 4 letter words ... "what?"..."when?"...â? ???[/COLOR] [COLOR=black].Now that you can afford expensive jewelry, it's not safe to wear it anywhere.[/COLOR] [COLOR=black].You notice everything they sell in stores is "sleeveless"?!!![/COLOR] [COLOR=black].What used to be freckles are now liver spots.[/COLOR] [COLOR=black].Everybody whispers.[/COLOR] [COLOR=black].You have 3 sizes of clothes in your closet.... 2 of which you will never wear.[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]...But Old is good in some things: Old Songs, Old movies, and best of all, OLD FRIENDS!![/COLOR] [COLOR=black]Stay well, "OLD FRIEND!" Send this on to other "Old Friends!" and let them laugh in AGREEMENT!!![/COLOR] [COLOR=black]It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived.[/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][COLOR=black]TODAY IS THE OLDEST YOU'VE EVER BEEN, YET THE YOUNGEST YOU'LL EVER BE, SO ENJOY THIS DAY WHILE IT LASTS.[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER]
  9. Don't know what to watch tonight, Argo or Zero Dark Thirty Which is better Mind you both are on my "to watch" list RG
  10. Happy Birthday Malika Enjoy your special day RG
  11. Me unequivocally NO NEGOTIATING Something a gentleman wouldn't do to a lady Even if a lady says she allows negotiating (something I haven't run into btw) her first opening rate if you will is what I'll pay. I won't negotiate. Only she knows what her time is worth, what her expenses are and so on. It's IMHO devaluing a lady for me or any man to even suggest a donation when the lady is providing her companionship, which has an intangible value far exceeding any donation that could be asked for RG
  12. Diamonds Are Forever RG
  13. V is for A place I go to prior to an encounter...well encounters in Toronto RG
  14. stories anonymous sex or sex with someone you got to know RG
  15. And it doesn't get better with the "Z's" Zorro The Gay Blade RG
  16. Crap!!! X even worse than V X Men RG
  17. Valkyrie very few movies I know starting with V RG
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