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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. shower (sometimes for two) hot tub (jacuzzi) or sauna RG
  2. I should add something more. Yes the ad can be important. But for a couple ladies I have seen, I was more attracted to them because of their posts on CERB. In fact it was those posts that caused me to initiate contact with the lady, because that is more revealing of a lady's personality than anything else JMHO. And it's her personality that makes me think we will click or not A rambling RG
  3. X Men Origins Wolverine and no haven't watched it RG
  4. Doobie Brothers What A Fool Believes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDWGKQcQ8zw RG
  5. Well about time, but cable is back up and running since going out last weekend because of the storm...why it took so long I don't know but I have cable now :-) RG
  6. I agree with Vitto. Respect is automatically given. As you get to know somebody, maybe the respect you have for them grows. Maybe the person shows a side and you lose respect for them. Take this lifestyle for example, from a prospective clients POV. If you, hypothetically speaking start off having no respect for a lady you are about to see, what does that say about you...wanting to be intimate with a lady you have no respect for? Every lady I would like to see I first and foremost respect. And sometimes that respect, after you meet, grows even more. And a few cases, very few fortunately, after you meet, well you have no or little respect left. And I believe this holds true in life as a whole A rambling RG
  7. Providing a reference is for a lot of ladies an industry norm. Most of the ladies I see require full verification/screening, including real name, board handle confirmed by PM, phone number, email address. Now if you don't have a reference because it is your first time, you can provide a work number (although I understand why you could be reluctant to give that out) Explain that to the lady/agency they may have other screening methods One come to mind right away, they are verification sites, there may be others as well but the two I know of are Preferred 411 and Date Check My advice, give out full information (name, board handle confirmed by PM, phone, and email) and explain as of yet you don't have a reference. They will work with you from there, or should RG
  8. I have to agree with Meghan. I have sent emails to ladies and as it turned out they never received them. So I do resend Sometimes the lady is on a couple days break and doesn't answer her emails during that time (ladies need a rest too you know, remember for the men an escape, the ladies, their livelihood)...so they give themselves a "weekend" on occasion, That "weekend" means nothing related to their livelihood...they need a break Ladies may also do this part time, and have another job as well Some ladies tour, and not all parts of the country have good internet or cell phone service, so that may explain a delay And not all emails sent are polite, respectful...some are rude and vulgar, don't ever expect a reply to those So my advice is if you send a email and have no reply, me, since I plan far ahead, I give it one week approx. and then re-send, if I haven't heard a reply. Something else, after you send your email, also send a PM (this amongst other things confirms your board handle) saying you sent her an email A rambling RG
  9. R is for Respect...always respect the ladies RG
  10. P is for planning, because to book an appointment to have an encounter with a lady requires for me at least, planning RG
  11. I like Old Dog because he is the person his dog thinks he is ;-) RG
  12. N is for Needed for that is how the ladies of CERB make me feel leading up to, during and even after an encounter RG
  13. L is for lucky because during and after an encounter with the ladies of CERB I feel like the luckiest guy alive RG
  14. Me too...pasta, eggs, butter, cream, cheese and bacon ingredients in the recipe I use...can make it with my eyes closed Really good, and not a bit of fat or carbs LOL But with fall around the corner (right now at nights it feels like it's here already) the slow cooker comes out, and I'll whip up some chilli and maybe do a minestrone too RG
  15. I guess I just believe the a$$hole celebrities just stand out more, making one to believe every or most celebrities are a$$holes I believe in the celebrity world, as in the world at large, it has it share of good people, and a$$holes. Keep in mind too, celebrities (including politicians and the media) have on them almost always, the media/paparazzi , no one else is subjected to that sort of scrutiny. How would one view mainstream society if all people were subjected to that same sort of scrutiny RG
  16. Zack And Miri Make A Porno RG
  17. Ponch You either need legs for this, or eyes for this, or you wear it RG hint: the thing you wear is a item of jewelery
  18. Y is for Young, for that is one thing the ladies of CERB have done for this 52 year old man, made him feel young, well younger again ;-) RG
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