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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Firefox something to put in your computer or put dip on or a type of police officer RG
  2. Skyfall...not the best Bond movie as everyone seems to think, but not a bad one either, JMHO RG
  3. I'll venture a guess lingam ;-) Something a person might steal from someone else but both are happy RG
  4. Not a joke or a punch line...but a good line I promise you, we'll all teach him something about the price of corn. RG
  5. Sonny And Cher I Got You Babe http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_TFtvAGL5E RG
  6. Well I don't know what scent they use but the scent in Victoria's Secret at Yorkdale Mall I like, but it has more to do with association...that scent (plus the trip to VS) is part of the building anticipation of a night to come with a special lady RG
  7. Meat Loaf Paradise By The Dashboard Lights http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xodq9_meatloaf-paradise-by-the-dashboard_music#.UfCIwCBzZ2E RG
  8. Bob Newhart aka Dr Hartley Who goes really fast, but in what, but not as fast as a projectile out of a gun, but has the same name. Need the name and the in what RG
  9. I'll give this game a try, this may be my first and last post in this thread though LOL Hannibal He's like James Bond, has the same initials as James Bond, but isn't James Bond RG
  10. It looks like finally, we have a tentative deal on our contract at work...only took 38 months since our last collective agreement expired RG
  11. Diamonds Are Forever (James Bond) RG
  12. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid RG
  13. Zombie and nope, haven't watched it RG
  14. Hey, who you calling bald non descript, bland (tongue in cheek here btw) LOL...My avatar was picked only after more than a few ladies said I look like John Malkovich, or he looks like me. I don't actually see it myself I think in the tally sheet of life for everyone you pick who is an a$$hole I could find someone who is a great man or woman. Professions have no bearing, my guess, Johnny Carson who you cite, would have been an a$$hole whether as a celebrity or if he just was the owner of a hardware store A rambling from a sleeper cerbite LOL RG
  15. I personally think it depends on each individual person/celebrity etc. Just look recently at John Malkovich saving a man's life in Toronto http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/story/2013/06/08/toronto-malkovich-emergency.html Here is a link about celebrities helping children http://www.parade.com/celebrity/slideshows/news/celebs-helping-kids.html#?slideindex=11 This was a quickie two minute post, but there are likely just as many celebrities, be they musicians, actors athletes or whatever doing good as there are those doing bad People are all for like of a better phrase, human, and humans can be good, bad or ugly or somewhere in between And remember, ambition can exist in all professions, not just the entertainment world, and if there was no one ambitious no one would try to achieve and better him/herself. If no one tried to better him/herself this world would stagnate so to speak pretty fast. You also don't necessarily need to trample on anyone else to be ambitious RG
  16. Gordon Lightfoot Did She Mention My Name RG
  17. U is for undressing one another RG
  18. Frank Sinatra My Way http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egY8rUpxqcE RG
  19. Xanadu yuck one I have heard of but could never bring myself to watch RG
  20. Ooopppps N was inadvertently missed so N is for Nice...because nice ladies and nice gentlemen do... and P is for pleasure RG
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