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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. If they want to do unsafe practices then it tells you just what they think of their wife. No matter how bad a marriage she shouldn't be subjected to his infection. And that line "I'm married and clean" I'm sure he uses on everyone so he doesn't care about the health of any woman he's with. He just devalues the health and safety of any woman, including his wife, for his immediate gratification. Wonder how keen he'd be for BBFS if he was the recipient of it and the guy requesting it paid him lots of money🙄 OK just thinking outloud LOL RG
  2. Demand...Who are they to demand. Guaranteed 99.9% of the time someone demands pics he just wants the pics for masturbation aids and has no intention of booking a date. Sure he'll wrap it up in lines like "wanting to know how you look before he books" etc but he has no intention of booking. Some ladies feel comfortable showing their faces, and some ladies don't, you need to do what is comfortable for you Oh one more thing, you really never lost a client because you refused to buckle. I'll guarantee he would never have booked a date with you to begin with, he just wanted a free pic (or two, or three). And for those clients who say "I want to know what the lady looks like before I book a date" just consider seeing a companion the ultimate blind date (translation a first date with a companion is like the first three civilian dates in one😉) I would recommend doing what you feel comfortable doing, not what some demanding guy passing himself off as a potential client tells you to do My Two Cents A Rambling RG
  3. Been away from this thread for quite awhile And seeing as I'm hitting the road going to Halifax Saturday this song seems appropriate https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=rolling+on+down+the+highway+BTO&&view=detail&mid=044954D5B028B3E3AC2C044954D5B028B3E3AC2C&&FORM=VRDGAR RG
  4. Gassed up the truck. Slowly getting ready for a road trip to Halifax (no not for fun, more family obligations...no time, and I've looked at my calendar) for a fun escape while there😭 Would have been far cheaper to fly, but I've been voluntold to pick up a china cabinet (brother's inheritance from dad) and at times like this everyone (but me) is glad I have a pickup truck LOL Saturday morning I hit the road RG🚚
  5. In September I'm seeing two ladies, ladies I've had dates with previously. I asked each lady if they'd like to do a ménage a trois with the other lady. I knew they "knew" each other online (through Twitter) and when I broached the subject both said yes. So come near the end of September I'm going to be something like this guy, except the two ladies I'm seeing are even more beautiful.....if I don't get a heart attack first My point is if you've seen a companion ask her, she may say yes, and even know a lady to see for a ménage. And one other quick thought, I don't know where you plan to have the ménage but some agencies (I'm thinking Cupids Escorts in Toronto, but others are likely too) may have some companions listed as doing duos and the names of other ladies they will do a duo with Just a couple quick thoughts A rambling and now my hearts pounding away in anticipation😃 RG
  6. https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/judge-greenlights-class-action-lawsuit-182623377.html
  7. Went to the pharmacy today to pick up my meds (a few...yes I'm sick LOL) Came out about $50.00 lighter but a BIG bag of drugs in hand. I'm glad my health insurance (no I don't mean OHIP) covers most of my drug costs My bedside table looks like a pharmacy RG
  8. I honestly wish I could...believe me I wish I could. The last time I was in Nova Scotia was for my dad's Celebration of Life in 2013...not a fun reason to go. Unfortunately I have some necessary doctor's appointments I have the following week (one takes six months to reschedule) and I have to go. I'm still getting four days getting a tour of Nova Scotia (been told Peggys Cove and Luneburg are on the tour itinerary) not to mention lobster and fish and chips. But no time for an escape...and I don't mean fishing LOL. But Thanks🙂 RG
  9. This is a trip I really don't want to do, but family obligations and all.... Worse still, instead of flying (faster and cheaper) there is a piece of furniture, an inheritance for someone else, and I'm the one who has a pickup truck, so guess who's driving to Nova Scotia. Worser though, and I looked at my calendar every which way, I can't get away at least for a day/night for an escape...I'm stuck with family 24/7 till I head home😭 But early packing done...two quilts (old quilts) a bunch of old blankets and a couple old pillows (to be used to wrap the furniture up in) are in the bed of my truck...so literally the bed of my truck looks like a bed LOL Next week this time I should be on the road in New Brunswick somewhere A Saturday afternoon rambling RG
  10. Began watching (on Netflix) Ozark, on Tuesday afternoon. Only Two Seasons, Ten Episodes/Season. Just finished watching Ozark on Netflix LOL Downside of Netflix is if a show is good you can just sit and watch till the series ends Fortunately Season Three is coming soon🤞 If you like shows like Better Call Saul and Breaking Bad then Ozark might interest you too A rambling while I have nothing to watch RG
  11. I'm obligated (family obligations) to go to Nova Scotia. I thought while there I could take a day (well night) for myself and have an escape. No matter how I tried to juggle the calendar up and down, back to front, there is no way for me to have a day away for an escape. So what sucks, not having the chance to meet a lady while away, not to mention if I didn't have to go I could have a couple escapes in August. 😭 The only highlight is once August ends September is here and I have two very special dates scheduled 😃 A rambling RG
  12. Posted on Twitter this morning, thought it was funny so for those not on Twitter here it is🙂 RG
  13. For dinner tonight it was steamed asparagus with garlic and lemon juice topped with feta cheese. Washed down with a Becks (no alcohol) beer For desert, a banana and peanut butter smoothie using organic peanut butter. The only peanut butter was crunchie....but my Vitamix blended it smooth RG
  14. Went to get some groceries today (I like my fruits and veggies fresh) Decided for a treat I'd get a jar of Strubs full sour pickles. When I put the groceries in the truck the bag holding the pickles toppled over, and the jar of pickles fell to the pavement...jar broke and pickles laying all over the place😭 I cleaned up the broken glass and most of the pickles too, and came home and had a cry...I was looking forward to a Strubs LOL😂 Tomorrow I'll try again (buying them that is, not breaking them)😂 A pickleless rambling LOL RG
  15. Took a little drive to the city to take my truck to Krown and get it rustproofed. RG
  16. With my hiatus over (family circumstances prevented me from seeing anyone) I booked a six hour date with Evelyn Underwood. And after what seemed like an eternity, we finally reconnected this past Friday (June 28, 2019). This was my third date with Evelyn. She arrived on time and after I tripped and stumbled on the way to answer her knock on the door we began our date. We caught up on respective things in our live over drinks. Besides being a beautiful lady, she is intelligent and has a good sense of humour too. After a little while we headed down for dinner. We went to Ruth's Chris Steak House and we both enjoyed a delicious steak dinner. Although the best part of dinner was the company After dinner we returned to my hotel room. The details of that time will remain private between us. All I will say is Evelyn is warm and affectionate. And that this date was my third date with her, and won't be my last. If you are looking for a wonderful companion to see in Toronto you can book Evelyn through Cupids Escorts (https://www.cupidsescorts.ca/escorts/evelyn/) Evelyn is definitely a upscale reputable lady and a joy to be with. I'm glad I've met her and got to know her And Thank You Again Evelyn (and posted with her permission, a very recent, and accurate photo) BTW this reco and all recos posted with her permission first
  17. Well I still live in smalltown, Ontario but we have grown🙄We now have a Timmies (closes at 10pm) and even a McDonalds😲(truth be told its off the 401 attached to the Shell gas station) Still no Canadian Tire though the population has grown to 11,844. Mind you that isn't just the town proper, but surrounding villages, hamlets and communities included in the population stats. OK I bored you enough, you can all go back to sleep LOL RG
  18. Actually if true (and I hope not) it flies right in the face of Lyla rules https://www.lyla.ch/faq/category/1-rules-welcome-letter/ (here is part of it copied/pasted) "Welcome to the site! PLEASE READ THESE RULES: - No Slander - Post only positive recommendations! This is not a review board! - No advertising prostitution related services or advertising sites offering such things - No posting nude photos or photos depicting sexual acts. Yes this site is adult but we do not allow porn - If you do not have anything nice to say don't say it!" If true and this character posts something slanderous, a negative review and/or something not nice to say report it to Moderator for action. It seems to me it flies in the face of Lyla (Cerb) policies and character and is more suited (unfortunately) to erb like boards Good Luck RG
  19. I just wanted to Thank Evelyn for a wonderful evening last night. My hearts still pounding and I'm still stumbling around weak in the knees...but the hurt...hurts oh so good. The stumbling and heart pounding were well worth it 🙂 Thank You Again Evelyn. I will be posting a recommendation of our date (after your review) on Lyla within a day or so, but wanted to say Thank You A Morning After Happy Rambling 🙂 RG
  20. Finished packing (well almost packing, couple things left to pack in the morning) Whole day I've been weak in the knees and my heart pounding in anticipation of my date with Evelyn Underwood. Just hope the heartbeat doesn't get so bad 911 has to be called for fear I'm having a heart attack LOL But it looks like my hiatus is over 🙂 Now just got to make it to Toronto 🙂 RG
  21. Me Again LOL And a Day Late...but my purchases required a bit of a road trip, so I was up early and once home I had a bit of my nap First was picking up my prescription. Then I went to the optician to pick up my prescription glasses...and as a bonus my Maui Jim prescription sunglasses were in (so I had to pay for them) They weren't expected for another week Then got my fishing licence...hopefully going out this week Gassed up the truck...that hurt LOL And last but not least...groceries, I like my fresh fruits and vegtables fresh A day late rambling RG
  22. Don't know the fine but the cost of paying the ticket could be less in real dollars than the cost of fighting it (travel costs to court or lawyers fees, time spent in court, could tie up better part of a day) not to mention irrespective of all myths about a "just" justice system, the outcome in court could very well decided against the alleged speeder, kind of a coin toss. And any factual errors on the ticket need to be dealt with in court too, for a Justice Of The Peace (or Judge) to see and decide on Pay the fine, it's dealt with and done...off the plate And don't forget about it hoping everyone else forgets about it too. It may come back to haunt the person (at time of D/L and plate renewal etc) And while no personal knowledge I believe different provinces Transportation ministries computers "talk" to one another (not to mention the ticket I believe, not sure would show up on the person's insurance company's computer system too) Long and short, if me I would deal with the ticket one way or another and personally I'd just pay the fine. JMO of course Just for reading interest though, this Globe and Mail article https://www.theglobeandmail.com/globe-drive/culture/commuting/will-a-speeding-ticket-be-dismissed-if-the-cop-wrote-my-address-incorrectly/article29313993/ Just a few thoughts RG
  23. Time for an oil change so this morning truck went in got the oil changed...good thing too since I got an upcoming trip to Toronto to see a lady Speaking of which I stopped at the LCBO to pick up a bottle of wine for the date too A rambling while my heart's pounding in excitement over seeing this lady again RG
  24. Wallet hit hard today LOL Bought a pair of hiking boots...the old ones starting to look a little rough around the edges now Couple tshirts A pair of lounge pants Couple pair of socks Big purchase...decided to buy a pair of prescription sunglasses. Ordered and bought a pair of Maui Jim sunglasses. Was thinking of Oakleys but in prescription they would be $$$$$ The MJ's while not cheap are about $$$ Should be in, in about two weeks. RG😎
  25. Well two weeks from today I have a date with Evelyn Underwood. Just sent semi semi semi final confirmation today, and my heart's pounding with excitement over seeing her again. Getting so weak in the knees I'll have bruises from tripping and falling LOL RG
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