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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Saving Private Ryan RG
  2. Quantum of Solace (James Bond) only Q starting movie I could think of RG
  3. First, if acting out this fantasy makes you uncomfortable in the least, don't do it. If seeing him as a client thinking he might have a predilection towards underage kids, makes you uncomfortable don't see him. Stick to your boundaries and comfort zones Also, a pedophile will always be a pedophile, you cannot cure them (well except one way, but that will get you locked up in prison LOL) So acting out a underage fantasy with him will not curb him of wanting to see kids, nor will it make him more wired to want to see kids. Good luck whatever you decide RG
  4. Damn another "Y" Dwight Yoakam Fast As You Well better than anything from Yoko Ono LOL RG
  5. A is for Appreciation to the Ladies for the companionship you provide RG
  6. Inglourious Bastards A not so historically accurate account of the fall of Third Reich LOL RG
  7. I think people are getting worried and making way too much of this walking past the front desk. For all the front desk staff know, you checked in when they were off shift. I have gone by the front desks of hotels many a time, including one where the front desk is more situated in a hallway you have to walk through to get to the elevators. I just walked by like I belonged there never questioned. Staff are used to seeing people come and go, even for a romantic rendezvous ;-) hey that's life. Just walk into the hotel like you belong there. The only way you'll get questioned is if you draw attention to yourself. If hotels started questioning everyone, guests and guests of guests, they'd soon be out of business RG
  8. Just a post of thanks to the ladies of CERB. Maybe you don't hear it enough, but you provide a very unique and special service, one that does not compare to any other business or service or should be compared to any other business or service. You allow us men an escape, companionship, intimacy and in some cases friendship with no strings attached. You do require a donation, but the value of this escape has an intangible value far exceeding any donation you have asked for. Speaking for myself, you should know you are respected and appreciated And for the escapes and companionship you have provided, thank you RG
  9. Human intimate companionship is a normal natural need. One way to receive this intimate companionship is by seeing escorts. As long as it is mutually beneficial and you treat the lady, as you should treat all ladies, with respect, there is nothing to feel guilty about. If you are feeling guilty because it is sex for money, look at all intimate relationships (marriage etc) at their core too is sex for money, it's just dressed up nicely with words like love, commitment and so on. Seeing escorts is the most honest intimate relationship you can have with a lady, with no strings attached. And remember, the money you pay the lady allows her to pay her bills, pay the rent, car payment, raise her kids (some ladies are mothers) go to university (some ladies are students) and so on. There is no need to feel guilty seeing a escort. RG
  10. I like Shannon, I enjoy reading her posts which have something to say. Shannon is a positive contributor to the CERB community. RG
  11. Went out fishing this afternoon/evening with a friend of mine Caught a 30" pike, 4 lb smallmouth bass and an almost 5 lb largemouth bass, plus a few smaller bass Good afternoon out RG
  12. I swore I wasn't going to post on this thread anymore and held back but my last post on this thread RG
  13. G is for Goldeneye (James Bond) RG
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