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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Well he is Conservative after all Sorry, couldn't resist RG
  2. High Plains Drifter RG
  3. G is for gratifying The wonderful encounters with the ladies from CERB are gratifying RG
  4. From Russia With Love Just my opinion, but the best James Bond movie RG
  5. E is for enjoyment The companionship you ladies provide provides an intangible enjoyment in my life RG
  6. Well lets discuss the definition 1 The customer wanted to negotiate over the price The ladies set their rate. What is to negotiate. Their rate is their rate, end of story 2 We negotiated a fair price Fair in who's eyes. This lifestyle is a luxury, not a necessity, and stating you are negotiating a fair price presumes the ladies' rates are unfair. Whatever the lady charges is a fair price, it isn't for you, me or any other man to question You ask a lady to drop everything to see you. If you ask her what her rate is for the inconvenience of running to Kingston to see you, that is not negotiating, you are asking her what her rate is. Once she tells you her rate, that is it, it is her rate. You don't negotiate over her price, and whatever price she sets is a fair price. Plus don't be surprised if travel costs are added to. I know with some ladies that I see in Toronto if I stay by the airport there are travel fees just from downtown Toronto added to the donation As a sidebar, assuming the lady is in Ontario, you could always travel to the city she is in to see her, hell all my encounters I travel to see the lady, be it in Toronto, Kingston, London, Hamilton, Ottawa. Not only do I have travel (gas) expenses, but hotel as well so I have a very good idea and appreciation of travel expenses . So if you want her to travel to see you, don't be surprised if her rate is actually higher than posted on her website. And that isn't negotiation, that is finding out what her rate is RG
  7. B is for Bullitt One of the best if not the best car chase scenes ever RG
  8. Well irrespective of whether you agree or disagree about prostitution being legal, in the United States where he was, it is illegal and criminal. We expect people from other countries, especially politicians when they come to Canada to respect our laws, it isn't unreasonable for the United States to expect citizens, especially politicians from other countries, including Canada to respect their laws. Sorry, no sympathy. What this guy should have done is have an encounter with a lady from CERB in Canada where it is legal to do so Not to mention it is pretty common knowledge that prostitution is for the most part illegal in the United States. Whether you agree with the police's methods or not, my guess their tactics are within the law And do you really want a politician representing you and Canada (and Alberta) who is dumb enough to get caught trying to illegally have sex with an escort My morning rambling RG
  9. B is for Bébé d'amour RG
  10. First my quote in entirety "And on a side note, to all those advocates of negotiation. Would you as a client be as strong a proponent of negotiation if the ladies also negotiated too? For example a lady charging a certain rate for one hour, but when you contact her, she tries to negotiate by charging her hourly rate but only wants to see you for 45 minutes, or she has her rate but if you aren't an attractive man then she will negotiate a higher rate or so on and so forth. Negotiation is a two way street, and for those guys who think it's fair to negotiate a lady's rate down, it's then just as fair by the same token for the lady to negotiate her rate up to those negotiators" I for one second am not advocating negotiation. I was making a point just that if a man truly advocates negotiation then those same men should be supportive of ladies also negotiating. But I'll bet you they don't support ladies negotiating, because as much as they wrap it up as accepted business practice, in reality they are just cheap trying to nickel and dime a lady when she is offering herself cliché as it sounds, body mind and soul. What seems lost on these negotiators is this lifestyle is a business unlike any other, so comparisons can't be drawn. To even attempt to devalue a lady, and yes, your not devaluing her business, or her labour, you devalue her by negotiating I personally find very offensive. Especially since a lady who would be receptive to negotiation is likely a lady in financial need and will accept a lower rate because she needs the money. Just a gut feeling but negotiators succeed when a lady is likely at a financially desperate time, it isn't negotiating, it's preying on the weak. It's more a case of men bullying women for sex than an accepted business practice Seeing ladies, you are right, is a treat, an escape, and I appreciate the companionship they have provided. And that companionship, that escape has a intangible value far exceeding the donation they ask for. And I am happy to pay them the donation they ask for, plus a tip and gift RG
  11. O is for obsolagnium Something I hope I don't get RG
  12. Getting a storm hitting us, while the rain is cooling things down, the damn cable has been knocked out, and internet has been hit and miss RG
  13. In the case of ballet, or maybe opera or something along those lines. If I was back dating and or in a relationship, well ballet opera etc I would hate. But if the lady I am seeing is important to me, I would be happy to go, not because going to the ballet makes me happy, but if going with my date/gf/cl makes her happy, that would make me happy. Sometimes our enjoyment comes from making others happy. Of course those days are gone for me, I no longer date, and am in this lifestyle instead A quick rambling RG
  14. Damn the dreaded "Y" again So some more crap, er music, no it's crap from Yoko Ono No No No RG
  15. A is for amore and a song RG
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