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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Eddie Rabbit I Love A Rainy Night http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3APwp2QaNsk RG
  2. Here's one you don't hear everyday S/Sgt Barry Sadler Ballad Of The Green Berets http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34CXcgJURbg RG
  3. Maybe another aspect is giving your real exact age is also to some revealing a personal aspect of yourself that some ladies may not wish to reveal To me it's no big deal, as long as the lady isn't underage, which is one reason why I stay with ladies who are at a minimum in their mid twenties Remember the ladies are not giving you their real names either, so accept a certain illusion in this lifestyle, if that makes sense. I'm sure by the same token there are some gentlemen here who aren't 100 percent candid with personal details of their life to the ladies they see Just a rambling from someone who has had encounters with companions who have been from 25 (or is that 27) to 50 (or is that 52) years old, and one thing that really never mattered, was their age RG
  4. X almost as bad as a Y LOL XTC Senses Working Overtime http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SyX75NpibdU RG
  5. Off the top of my head three museums come to mind Marine Museum of the Great Lakes Pump House Steam Museum Penitentiary Museum Also, there is Old Fort Henry to see. If timing is right see the sunset retreat. And I think, don't quote me, that now there is an outdoor café located there As for restaurants, well I like Greek food, so there is Minos in the west end. Deli type food, the Golden Rooster downtown Kingston on Princess Street...that's about all I can come up with, drawing a blank, but haven't lived there in years RG
  6. Stealers Wheel Stuck In The Middle With You RG
  7. Oh Saturday Multiple Choice which Bond the best Bond Sean Connery Roger Moore Timothy Dalton Pierce Brosnan Daniel Craig RG
  8. Well just came back from the grocery store, only to have a nice email from a wonderful and special CERB lady to read and reply to :-) Did a couple posts on CERB while watching the end of Tomorrow Never Dies and now watching Diamonds Are Forever (Sean Connery hands down the best Bond)...and now, time for lunch RG
  9. Gordon Lightfoot If You Could Read My Mind RG
  10. Sort of echoing Nicolette's point but from another vantage point. I've read complaints about certain providers being for lack of a better phrase, less than professional. But if clients or prospective clients are going to treat ladies as less than professional by doing things such as negotiate then expect to attract a certain type of provider. But treat the ladies like the professional companions they are, and you will attract professional companions. So to anyone who wants to negotiate rates. Well any lady willing to let a man negotiate her rate, don't turn around at the end of the encounter and complain about her if the date was unsatisfactory. You get what you pay for and if you want to devalue her time and services, also expect devalued time and services in return Hope that rambling makes sense. From a guy who values the encounters and escapes you ladies provide. RG
  11. Lack of sleep and sleep cycle screwed up from a long one day drive from Halifax to home (3am to 1130pm) catching up with me. Napped all afternoon and early evening yesterday, got up before my alarm wayyy too early this morning (before 4am) only to start napping about 8am RG
  12. Doobie Brothers What A Fool Believes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDWGKQcQ8zw RG
  13. Congratulations Miquelon on your 1000 posts Looking forward to your next 1000 contributions RG
  14. Edward Bear Last Song http://www.jukebo.com/edward-bear/music-clip,last-song,8qs0k.html RG
  15. I'd avoid BP or CL or any other such sites. CERB has many wonderful companions, this link should help in your search for a lady to have an encounter with http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=260 RG
  16. Juice Newton Queen Of Hearts http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhBkFsdSwtk RG
  17. Well there are two I have had the pleasure of meeting, and having repeat encounters with Meg For Fun Angela of Ottawa RG
  18. Eagles Life In The Fast Lane http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fx6qPIC6izM RG
  19. Congratulation Emily J on 1000 posts Looking forward to your next 1000 contributions RG
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