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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. My wildest fantasies???...Having encounters with the beautiful ladies of CERB, ladies who turn men's heads. And they are seeing middle aged me. I love the intimacy of encounters with one lady And I love that some of those encounters with ladies have developed into friendships. Which is why I had one very special encounter, a ménage a trois (not a duo, not a threesome) with two ladies who I consider friends, very special friends. It wasn't about numbers, or a bucket list or anything like that. It was about three friends (2 Goddesses and me) getting together for one evening, one very special evening. A rambling RG
  2. First day back home from Nova Scotia after attending Celebration Of Dad's Life. Completely wiped...mind you drove back in one day, one long day (3am to 1130pm) LOL Real highlight of the trip though, dinner out at The Five Fisherman in Halifax. Glad to be home RG
  3. F is for friendship. It is very special when a SP/Client relationship becomes friendship RG
  4. I like Tracie because her avatar it looks like she is staring at me and she sent me nice thoughtful and caring pm's and comments RG
  5. Personally I view recommendations as having a threefold purpose. First and most important too me at least. It is my way of giving a public Thank You to a lady who provided a wonderful and special encounter Second, knowing this is the lady's livelihood maybe a recommendation from me might help her business just a little Third related to two, gentlemen want to see a wonderful companion in this lifestyle. So maybe a reco from me might help a gentleman select a wonderful lady to see BTW I say this with no swelled head for all I know my recommendations aren't even read I don't know LOL But I do like writing them because it means I had a good encounter As for the school of thought that writing recos takes away intimacy between two people because the guy realizes the lady sees other men, remember most companions don't mind providing a reference even though that means the gentleman she saw is seeing other women A rambling RG
  6. This is a business/lifestyle UNLIKE ANY OTHER Negotiating not cool, not cool at all Only the SP knows her value no one else. If she finds few clients because of her rate she can re-evaluate. Her rate is also how much her time is worth I've met a couple very special ladies, ones I call friends. I wouldn't ever consider negotiating. A friend wouldn't try to shortchange a friend and a client, well good client wouldnt try to shortchange a SP To me negotiating is trying to shortchange Finally in my experience 95% of my encounters have a value exceeding the donation required. These ladies, these Goddesses have allowed me to be with them intimately, not just provided a escape but treated me special like a boyfriend, well friend, not as a john. Negotiate with them, NO treat them with respect YES...and that means treat them like ladies deserving of respect because they are ladies and deserve respect A rambing RG
  7. Well on the eve of the Celebration of My Father's Life some ramblings My dad's second wife for the past seven to eight months played home nurse not knowing for how long. Harder than you'd think. Draining fluid off his lungs, putting up with his mood swings, having to feed him, driving him to all appointments staying with him 24/7 and much more. They were less husband and wife than dependant and caregiver When she said I do after the line for better or worse she did end up with the worse and stayed with him...not romantic but true Now dad, when he and mom were having problems in their marriage he didn't put any effort into trying to work out the problems...no counselling no nothing. He just left her I just find it kinda ironic that the true love shown him when he was dying he couldn't muster even a little to mom and try to work out their problems together Not a bash of dad BTW just a perspective of someone human A rambling RG
  8. I'm just curious if this sort of discussion ever comes up when a guy goes to a bar to pick up a woman or someone, man or woman, goes on a dating site to find a date, or relationship or if someone just dates. Not saying a discussion of STD/STI is wrong, but why the focus of STD/STI only when it comes to seeing professional companions, especially since, at least in my experience, the ladies are far more religious about safe sex practices than ladies seen in conventional "civilian" dating. Just a rambling RG
  9. Well I get tested once every two months (I have to get blood levels taken for a medical condition I have, unrelated to this) and while at the lab getting my blood levels done I get tested for STD's/STI's. Now I don't go announcing my sexual health to the companions I see, nor do the ladies announce their sexual health to me. But should I test positive for something god forbid, I would contact the ladies I've seen and let them know. Everyone's sexual health is their own responsibility, but, and just my opinion, if you did test positive for a STD/STI, let your past partner(s) know, and your current partner(s) know before an encounter. A rambling RG
  10. It depends on the lady and gentleman. For example because I live in smalltown Ontario and need to travel and get a hotel I plan far ahead. One lady for example who I see regularly and now consider a friend, our first encounter was planned seven months in advance. Right now I've just gone through verification/pre-screening with a couple ladies that I plan on seeing in 2014 I do this because I don't have the luxery of if I want to see a lady right now just going to see a lady. I need to plan ahead. But others can pick up the phone or text and drive across town for an encounter Long story short it depends on everyone's circumstances RG
  11. I like Lee. Your positive posts plus sense of humour helps make CERB the community it is. Enjoy reading what you write Lee. RG
  12. I know for me I can indulge in an escape once per month on disposable income (that includes not just the lady's donation, but hotel, gas to get to a city, gift, tip, etc) If I want a longer escape, like a sleepover or weekend, I'll plan ahead, maybe deny myself a few encounters for one, two or three months but then have the cash on hand for a longer escape All I use my credit card for is making a reservation, but I pay in cash And not only do I know when the encounter is over and I'm left with magical memories, I know there is no bill coming, it has been paid for in full, and my budget being what it is, I can schedule another encounter next month RG
  13. A read of the lady's profile will tell you if she is a SP or MA, and if not from her profile then her website (most ladies have them) will tell you if she is a SP or MA Really what's the concern if a lady has your phone number anyway? Everyone should have a cell phone devoted just to this lifestyle if they have a shared family phone. That way no wife will find out about phone calls. If single like me my phone for this lifestyle is also my home phone and cell phone. And I'm certainly not concerned if an SP or MA knows my phone number. And no gentleman really has reason to be concerned if a lady knows his phone number RG
  14. I'll second what Gabriella said. EMail money transfer is great. No need for a client to carry a large sum of money with him to the encounter. No need for the lady to carry a large sum of money with her after the encounter For ladies that I know and trust email money transfer is the way to go RG
  15. I had my cat run under my feet while I was carrying a drink and trip me into my desk where my laptop was sitting. My laptop died that day, my cat came close too LOL RG
  16. In terms of my personality, I'm happy with the man I am. I try to be the best person I can be. That said, I'm almost envious at times of people who don't have parental issues (best way to phrase it) Tomorrow, day before heading to the Maritimes for Celebration of Dad's Life, I have to take Mom to a Cognitive Testing Clinic for a memory test. She is showing some early signs of having dementia. Guess lately it seems it never rains it pours for me, and I've had very little me time, more focused on parents. But I couldn't just up turn my back and walk away. Just seems a little lately more than my fair share Really though, if anything, I wish I was a few pounds lighter. Tried diets but find it hard to stick with them. I am exercising (walking) but that in and of itself isn't working RG
  17. It isn't just weather, we have the train disaster in Lac-Mégantic, Quebec, and the Asiana Airlines 777 crash at San Francisco Airport, just recently. It just seems there have been weather disasters, well maybe a better term natural disasters, and man made disasters. Whether it is worse this year than other years, or about the same as other years, but a fluke that everything seems to be happening all around the same time making it seem worse than other years I don't know A rambling RG
  18. I don't know about Winnipeg hotels per se but you'd likely find hotels with day rates near the airport. In my experience, most hotels, even the major big chains, accept cash, usually you need a credit card just to make the reservation and pay and also leave a refundable cash deposit when you check into the room. As for the hotel not being too nice, well likely most professional companions would not like having an encounter in such a hotel, so you may not see ladies if hosting in a dump of a hotel, but that's my opinion RG
  19. Happy Birthday Jessica Enjoy your special day RG
  20. L is for Long lasting memories RG
  21. Happy Birthday Evelyne Enjoy your special day RG
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