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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Downside of living in an old apartment building (built in the 1950s) is maintainance sucks...today the plumbing went and there was flooding in the basement (aka the first floor) Right now water is turned off and plumber is en route to fix the problem. Fortunately I don't live in any of the basement apartments and learned a long time ago don't ever get a basement apartment. But in the meantime there's no water available but I'm told it'll be on shortly RG
  2. Highlight today had to fill up the truck Why a highlight you may ask???...I use Air Miles and accrued $30 on my Air Miles card so my $41 fill up only cost $11 RG
  3. Spending today.... Went to pick out my new prescription eyeglass frames...paid in full, two weeks I got new glasses Then to Canadian Tire to get a adjustable wrench and screwdriver set to carry in the truck...got one in the apartment, instead of moving them back and forth got a set for the truck too Gassed Up And thats it...for now RG
  4. True but Tuesdays are my breakfast out with a few friends and fellow retirees so it was after breakfast or wait another day to get my laptop up and running RG
  5. Don't know if this should be in the "Things That Suck" forum or "Last Thing Purchased" forum but here goes. My computer charger gave up the ghost overnight (it's been going) This morning my laptop battery dead. So after breakfast out (weekly routine) went to Walmart (another thing that sucks...there was a crowd LOL) and bought a aftermarket charger which seems to be charging the computer up fine now I need a coffee after Walmart though RG
  6. Truth be told the spell check corrected my spelling of ophthalmologist (yes really) As for the slang word I agree lets not think about it And the prize my eyes wide open🤪 RG
  7. Made the last payment on my box spring today...next Thursday it gets delivered. Would have it this week but I've got to go out of town for a post op exam by the ophthalmologist RG
  8. Made my hotel booking for my upcoming date with Evelyn Underwood...just a few weeks away now. Half the fun of a date is the planning and building anticipation and Evelyn is a lady that creates that sense of anticipation. A Great Lady To See Now That My Hiatus Is Over A Rambling RG
  9. In fairness I've seen the term used spelled three different ways in regards to this lifestyle 😉, Hobbyist, Hobbiest, and Hobbyiest. It's really a moot point though considering JIMHO this is a lifestyle with clients and companions, a lifestyle that is very intimate and unique I grant you. But hobby...stamp collecting is a hobby Again JMO A Rambling RG
  10. Today was a couple of highlights. Did my grocery shopping and going through the check out earned enough Air Miles Points to get a $10.00 gift card at the grocery store. And when I got home sitting waiting for me was my Vitamix blender that I ordered last week. It's already had it's first blend (ok it was the washing blend but a blend is a blend LOL)… Right now its in the dishrack drying (may even be dry by now). Tonight I'm going to be bad and have a milkshake...no not a smoothie, but an ice cream milkshake...tomorrow the Vitamix will be used for goodness, not evil LOL A Rambling RG
  11. The hiatus is over...booked my date in June with the beautiful Evelyn Underwood. Restaurant reservations and hotel reservations made. Counting the weeks down now RG
  12. Bought a Keurig K-Elite coffee maker. My last (good) Keurig bit the dust a few years back and I was too lazy to make the drive to the city to replace it so I bought the only one for sale in smalltown Ontario, a K Mini. Decided to upgrade and got a K-Elite today...enjoying my first coffee out of it right now RG
  13. My follow up ophthalmologists-surgeon appointment just got bumped up earlier in the day on May 16th and I have to be in the same city on May 15th for an internment. Time frames being what they are now I'm booking a hotel in that city instead of going home and sleeping in my own bed. I only like booking hotels when I'm going to see a companion. RG
  14. Got on the Vitamix site and ordered a Vitamix blender. Get it next week Better stock up on fruit for a smoothie RG
  15. With all this rain coming down just waiting when I can say Here Comes The Sun Apologies to the Beatles RG
  16. Seeing as my internal alarm clock woke me up at 4am...damn!!!! and it's raining out, pouring actually So over the early morning rain in smalltown Ontario Canada Gordon Lightfoot Keep in mind this was posted without even a full cup of coffee yet RG
  17. Alan Parsons Project Eye In The Sky Daryl Hall and John Oates Private Eyes Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons Can't Take My Eyes Off Of You Eagles Lyin Eyes Motivation for "eye" themed songs...had and survived laser surgery today on my right eye...so eye, sorry I posted a few RG 👁️
  18. Gabriella is charming and beautiful and a joy to be with. I saw her a few years ago and I am certainly looking forward to seeing her again. Evelyn is fun to be with. An intelligent, warm and affectionate lady, I'm looking forward to June when I see her again. I should add that Cupids Escorts was easy to deal with in making the booking And Cassandra also fun to be with. An intelligent lady with a sense of humour. Fun to be with. Just thinking again about all three ladies has me weak in the knees, I just stumbled and fell, but what a way to go LOL RG🙂
  19. Of course there are a couple of names Protestants give Old Fella and John Thomas RG
  20. Had breakfast out this morning and since it's close to the cheese factory I just had to stop. Dinner is a fresh bag of curd washed down with a Becks (no alcohol) beer. For desert, an apple RG
  21. Well now that my hiatus is almost over (once May is done hiatus finally over...yay!!!) there are three ladies (sorry not just one) that I want to see next. All three I've seen before and had a great time with so I want to see them again The first is Evelyn Underwood from Cupids Escorts https://www.cupidsescorts.ca/escorts/evelyn/ All things being equal my date with her will be sometime in June Then I will be seeing Cassandra Cox https://www.cassandracox.ca/ And if all things are still equal then sometime in July will be my escape with her. And then I want to see my dear(virtual)Wifey, Gabriella Laurence https://www.gabriellalaurence.com/ Scheduling goes well I hope to reconnect with my (virtual) Wifey in August 🙂 Wow just got a little flush thinking about this upcoming summer and seeing these ladies. My heart is pounding hard actually LOL. All three ladies are gems and very special. Now… gasp... I need to catch my breath, but oh what a way to go 😃 RG
  22. I'm getting $1500.00 for being loyal 😆 OK GMC is offering me a $1500.00 loyalty bonus BUT I've got to buy a new truck Wasn't it good enough I bought a truck not even 14 months ago LOL Maybe this should be in the things that suck thread...getting promised $1500.00 when you really didn't get a red cent😆 But I still like my Sierra 4X4😃… going to keep it RG
  23. A few things today..... Filled up the truck...being on the road so much lately tank waaayyyy below 1/2 full Treated myself to a Timmies dark roast coffee and fruit explosion muffin Then grocery shopping...needed a few things especially the most important item, a six pack Becks no alcohol beer And with the past few weeks being what they were, decided for a treat. So a drive to the cheese factory got some fresh curd, and got some salsa cheese, mozzarella with jalapenos and red chillies (not for children 😈) (I see nachos in my future LOL) , mozzarella with onions (for a nibbler) and cheddar (pleasant surprise, they have 7 year old cheddar back on the shelf) And thats it RG
  24. Although not an issue for me being single, I can't envision a rational reason for a client wanting an outcall to his place if his wife/SO and/or kids...especially kids!!!...could be there. This is far worse than clients leaving contact info/texts from companions etc on their cell phones that their wives can find. This lifestyle is based on trust and discretion, such a scenario lacks both IMO. Frankly it strikes me as something dumb for a client to ask a companion to do. If you want to do an outcall get a hotel. If you can't afford a hotel either save your pennies...'er nickels LOL to afford a hotel or see a lady offering incalls. A rambling RG
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