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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. A gentleman understands that despite the interpersonal and pleasurable nature of this lifestyle, and also realizes that it takes a very special woman to be a professional companion, for the man this is an escape, whereas for the lady this is her livelihood. When a lady agrees to schedule an encounter with a prospective client after that prospective client has contacted her for a date, she is setting aside a block of time based on the belief that the prospective client will honour his commitment to see the lady. When you cancel at the last minute, the lady is out not just money, but income...income used to pay bills, rent, car payments etc. And it is time the lady could have used to see a paying client instead of having a no show. Paying a cancellation fee shouldn't be a problem for a gentleman. He should have the money for the encounter already set aside, so he should be able to pay the lady a cancellation fee. If he doesn't have the money then he shouldn't be making appointments with a lady And no one is faulting a gentleman when he cancels. Life throws everyone a curve at times. But if a gentleman does cancel at the last minute, he needs to do the right thing. The lady shouldn't have to pay for a curve thrown at the man My quick morning rambling RG
  2. Seriously, you have issues that need to be addressed before you even consider seeing a professional companion. And in all seriousness I can't imagine any professional companion seeing you, when you want to do cocaine and say you don't like or value your life. Statements and behaviours like that are red flags You should close your CERB account, you really don't belong here Instead, you need to get professional assistance and get your life sorted out Here is a link that offers information for you to get you professional assistance http://www.mentalhealthhelpline.ca/Home/FAQ But you need to ask for the help RG
  3. You need to look at CERB rules http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/faq.php?faq=vb_faq#faq_rules No discussion of illegal activities and drugs are illegal RG
  4. F-The French Connection RG
  5. ooops a couple missed for Y YKINOK (stands for your kink is not ok, and yes, I had to look it up) for Z zelophilia and for B beautiful RG
  6. D is for Dr. No (James Bond) RG
  7. What I do is before the encounter contact the lady and ask her what she would like to drink. Most of the time ladies seem to like wine, but I have had occasion where a lady preferred cider, another beer and one wanted red bull. Most important is to always keep the bottle or cans sealed, don't open except in the presence of the lady. I don't even open a bottle ahead of time when I'm seeing a lady for a repeat encounter RG
  8. B is for Blackhawk Down RG
  9. X is for XOXO (hugs and kisses) I know, a stretch, but all I could think of RG
  10. Congratulations on your 2000 post milestone Castle Looking forward to your next 2000 posts RG
  11. XXX State Of The Union RG
  12. I find being myself, a gentleman who treats ladies with respect works best. Trying to be something your not never worked out for me. And if being myself wouldn't work, then the lady and I wouldn't click anyways RG
  13. The Poseidon Adventure RG
  14. North By Northwest RG
  15. R is for respect, because great encounters start with respect RG
  16. Santana Black Magic Woman http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=10gH-bC3iXo RG
  17. I like Tracie because she certainly keeps track of members' milestones here on CERB contributing to making this a positive community, not to mention her hypnotic avatar and oh, she likes me too :-) RG
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