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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Not ignoring this thread, just I have very little to contribute to it LOL😂 RG
  2. No issues here since I began this lifestyle back in 2010. Me, I get tested now around 4 times a year at least. Always, always, no exceptions, use a condom. And absolutely no BBFS ever. Dumb question in your civilian dating did you have concerns then? BTW not being smart. STD's/STI's don't just affect client/companions, they can affect anyone irrespective of whether it's a monetary transaction or not. And ladies aren't going to risk their health and livelihood by partaking in high risk behaviour. In short and JMO seeing companions is much less risky health wise than picking up the proverbial woman at a bar This forum with all it's threads may interest you https://www.lyla.ch/forum/281-heath-wellness/ Good Luck RG
  3. And a couple more King Of The Road and Winchester Cathedral and Little Green Bag RG
  4. Been away from this thread for awhile so song seems appropriate...even if I have to post it for myself LOL😂 RG
  5. Yes a PM to cerbmod would work. I know of another city that now has a forum because of a PM to Mod from a board member to create it Good suggestion Phaedrus RG
  6. Hotel could be an incall or outcall...depending on who is coming to the hotel room. When I am staying at a hotel it's an outcall for example 😉 RG
  7. https://www.thespec.com/news-story/9272246-rosedale-couple-s-bogus-program-to-rescue-prostitutes-1-5-million-of-your-tax-dollars-at-work/
  8. Thanks I'm hoping for a positive outcome and am aware of how far eye care has come. But the guy posting just is nervous at the thought of surgery, no matter how simple they all make it seem, and it came after an exam which included that puff of air which no matter how much I brace myself, I jump. Probably more worry than necessary, but then again I had to give my consent and next of kin too LOL RG 😂
  9. Went to see the ophthalmologist today and after two+ hours going through testing, exams and of course waiting diagnosis...I need surgery to fix a tear on my retina (many many many years ago a optometrist saw it and just said use a jel that I could get OTC from any pharmacy if my eye bothered me. This ophthalmologist (and surgeon) very unimpressed by that optometrist...I'd give him his name but I don't remember who he was. Anyhow on May 2nd I go under the knife...'er laser. Not looking forward to it, last time I saw someone about to be lasered it was James Bond in Goldfinger. GF failed and JB got Pussy Galore but I don't think he'd repeat the laser experience LOL RG
  10. No I just checked, if I did it for two years it would cost $240.00 No savings https://www.ontario.ca/page/renew-licence-plate-sticker RG
  11. Filled up the truck before the damned carbon tax comes into effect tomorrow. Province got rid of e testing vehicles, now the feds stick it to us with a carbon tax. Wonder if the environment has really been helped by all these additional costs put on drivers or it's just some round about way of gouging us Grumble over RG
  12. On Netflix The Highwayman (starring Kevin Costner and Woody Harrelson) About the hunt for Bonnie and Clyde. This movie not glamorizing Bonnie and Clyde, showing them for the killers they really were. And for history buffs who like comedy, The Death Of Stalin. Also playing on Netflix, a classic...Reservoir Dogs. If you've never seen it you'll never hear this song the same way again RG
  13. Costly day today...got my stickers for my plates. Have they gone up in price???...$120!!!!! Yikes RG
  14. Marriott has publically announced it has such a policy in place. https://news.marriott.com/2019/01/marriott-international-has-trained-500000-hotel-workers-to-recognize-the-signs-of-human-trafficking/ RG
  15. Picked up my prescription from the pharmacy Fill up the truck with gas Bought some groceries...most importantly six pack Becks no alcohol beer RG
  16. But so waterat doesn't get the last word in 😂 if you really want to put your mind at ease, go to a clinic and get STD/STI tested. Something that is good practice to do regardless of this lifestyle A last word rambling till the next last word comes in RG
  17. You're Easy On The Eyes Terri Clark RG
  18. My two cents but it really isn't a "wave of change" being looked for so much as it is wanting Lyla to turn into just like the rest of the other boards. If you want reviews, go to the other boards, there are a lot of them already out there If you want a recommendation board, Lyla seems to fill a unique niche in the world of escort boards. And I wonder how many on Lyla would leave if it turned into a review board, just like all the rest. Many members prefer the positivity of this site and recommendations versus review policy of other sites. If this offers nothing different or unique why stay? Anyhow that was just a quick thought that popped into my head A rambling for what it's worth RG
  19. I agree with you...when I reserve a hotel by Pearson I always request a room facing the airport. I'm disappointed in those (rare mind you) times I can't get a room facing Pearson If you don't like airplanes don't book a hotel by the airport. And BTW given the choice I book by the airport vs downtown. A morning rambling RG
  20. What the others have said...Lyla is a Recommendation board not a review board. It's in the Rules and FAQ's. Here's the link https://www.lyla.ch/faq/ But the two rules near the top of the page are - Post only positive recommendations! This is not a review board! and - If you do not have anything nice to say don't say it! There are a lot of review boards out there, but Lyla is a recommendation board. Here a bad experience doesn't warrant a review. The only exception as Greenteal said is using the Warnings Section for Bait &Switch and Dangerous Encounters. Best advice suck it up and don't see her again Good Luck RG
  21. WTF!!!...Review Mentality exists in other review forums too. Reading reviews of some hotels by Pearson Airport (once the personal constraints that have prevented me from seeing companions end then there are a couple Toronto ladies I'm going to book with🙂) and looking ahead at hotels to stay at. Anyhow there are reviewers who write reviews of hotels. Couple reviews complained...get this, of the sound of airplanes flying/landing/taking off. WTF!!!...you are staying beside a major international airport, did you think planes fly with no noise??? BTW I've stayed at seven different hotels by the airport, guess what, you can hear air traffic from all of them, likely all the hotels by Pearson I know a minor WTF but WTF I posted it RG
  22. I thought you might be in a situation like Greenteal pointed out in his answer, but I see from looking at your profile you have 28 posts. Unless there is something I'm not seeing you shouldn't be a New Account (Moderated Member). What I would suggest is send a PM to cerbmod and ask him to fix your status...it could just be a glitch in the system, nothing to take personally. I know when I came back to Lyla (and again posting...much to Lyla's chagrin LOL) it showed me "account not active". It was quickly fixed after a PM to cerbmod Good Luck RG
  23. The Big Red Flag for me...car dates, they are illegal for client and companion alike. A search on Lyla will bring up numerous threads on the subject, but the bottom line posted by Mod is don't advertise or discuss this. Posting the leolist ad seems to flies in the face of that. Here's the link to what Mod said Not to mention in the FAQ-Lyla Welcome Letter. In there it states don't discuss illegal activities. https://www.lyla.ch/faq/category/1-rules-welcome-letter/ RG
  24. One other thing to keep in mind. You are not taking the ladies on a vacation. As nice as something like that sounds it still is for the ladies their job, it isn't a vacation as such for them. Depending on the lady, you'll find someone who would like to do that. But for her she would be doing it for income, this lifestyle after all is for her is her livelihood. For clients it is an escape Not saying you don't know this. But some (I've noticed this a bit on Twitter) guys seem to think such a holiday is a substitute for paying the lady. Ladies go on such "vacations" (actually bookings) so they can earn money that might be used to go on a holiday after the "vacation" A rambling RG
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