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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Otis Redding Sitting On The Dock Of The Bay RG
  2. Just a sidebar, hope it isn't a hijack but this is CERB It stands for Canadian Escort Recommendation Board It's not the Winnipeg Escort Recommendation Board Any CERB members can participate in any CERB forum If Winnipeggers want a closed forum create a social group just for Winnipeg members. Otherwise all forums are open to all CERBite's RG
  3. Aaron Neville Tell It Like It Is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPii1E1D6Ac RG
  4. Nickelback I Like Your Pants Around Your Feet http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5MutoNqJ-A If the sight of breasts shocks you, don't look RG
  5. Tulips My unfair question LOL Favourite Senator Mike Duffy or Pamela Wallin RG :-)
  6. Joe Nichols Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off RG
  7. Does this count??? Well it's a guy covered in chocolate and candies, doesn't that make him eye candy RG
  8. Barry White You Are The First, The Last, My Everything RG
  9. There may be consequences not thought of by going topless...just look at the problems a women only wearing a bra caused A Seinfeld episode for every occasion and situation RG
  10. Eagles Lyin' Eyes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S67CTVVv3KQ RG
  11. Me too, but that has more to do with the fact that if I were seen topless I'd be arrested for indecent exposure LOL RG
  12. Tomato and Cucumber salad pre made at the grocery store Going to add blu cheese to it, and Renee's Blu Cheese dressing Washed down with a bottle of water For desert, fresh pineapple RG
  13. Earth Wind And Fire After The Love Has Gone http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B0lpityVOiE RG
  14. Ozark Mountain Daredevils Jackie Blue http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ARKNTDuNmk8 RG
  15. Aerosmith RunDMZ Walk This Way http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2eu4x_aerosmith-run-dmc-walk-this-way_fun#.UcZgbyBzYhk RG
  16. Rupert Holmes Escape (The Pina Colada Song) RG
  17. In fairness, unless you know the facts, I wouldn't put the word out on him. It could very well be that he, for example, got in an accident and is hospitalized, unable to get a hold of you. Not saying that is the case, but unless you know for fact he deliberately stood you up without the courtesy of a call, don't do anything. But the ball is in his court to get a hold of you when he can, and even if he has a good reason for not showing up, he does IMHO owe you some form compensation for being a no show, even if he has a legitimate reason for not showing up RG
  18. Cat made a post in another thread awhile back which seems germane to this thread. Here it is, copied/pasted and reposted for discussion Thanks Cat for such good contributions And here is the link to the thread http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=59279&highlight=john RG I had a wonderful conversation with an SP and we were discussing the Ontario COA proceedings. She defined hobbyists in a clear, concise manner that I had never considered before. The term "John" implies someone who is intentionally anonymous to the SP. That's where the term John came from. The purchaser is never identified and if there is violence or issue, he is not held accountable because the SP cannot identify him. The term client is applicable to someone that initiates a business relationship with an SP, providing his name and information to verify who he is, thus allowing us to take precautionary steps to ensure our safety. I have always felt there is a huge difference between a client and a John, I simply never defined why. Her clarity was dead on. This article is offensive to me on every level. I don't know where they find these guys or what questions they asked to elicit such responses. cat
  19. She trusted you enough to tell you, and to keep it secret. Your loyalty should be to your friend, not to her family/friends. Keep her secret a secret. Trust once broken is hard to get back and you would be breaching her trust by telling her family/friends If your friend's behaviour is giving her away, tell her, and tell her it is making others suspicious. But keep the secret a secret And just to put the shoe on the other foot for a minute so to speak. What if you told a trusted friend that you see professional companions. You trust the friend well enough to share your secret, but don't want your family to know, be it wife, children or parents. You tell him never tell anyone. And he lets your family know your secret. How would you feel towards your friend after that RG
  20. Edward Bear Last Song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1EP0xhKUbHM RG
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