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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Atlanta Rhythm Section Imaginary Lovers http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAOUUx53wwQ RG
  2. I am a gentleman who sees ladies The fact that it is a paid date doesn't make the ladies any less ladies or me any less of a gentleman It just means our relationship if you will is the most upfront and honest male/female relationship RG
  3. One I've heard for penis and balls...frank and beans Of course the classic terms for penis, John Thomas or Tallywhacker And a lady I knew referred to her breasts as the girls RG
  4. Stealers Wheel Stuck In The Middle With You RG
  5. Danielle My heart goes out to you. You are hurting now because you are grieving. But the pain will go away with time and you will be left with memories. And don't worry about venting. This is a very supportive community that cares about one another. Here's a supportive hug for you Take care RG
  6. Sitting in my Lazy Boy, waiting for the coffee to brew, watching Ice Pilots NWT and browsing CERB on my laptap RG
  7. Guess it irks me because the writer imposes her values on the readers without, by her own admission even knowing what she is talking about. And in her world her values are right and those values that differs with hers are wrong. And Phaedrus you are right, it was the most pointless pile of drivel from a person who is ignorant about the subject matter she is writing about RG
  8. Sara Evans Suds In The Bucket but that happy story has a unhappy end LOL Cheatin RG
  9. Sounds like the start of parking by-law officers losing their jobs (and joining the ranks of the unemployed)...why need them if John or Jane public will do it for them Mind you, I've noticed a few police who park in no parking zones hmmmmm RG
  10. Also in law enforcement, not just police but other law enforcement professions...mind you they may have been surveyed, but knew they had the right to remain silent LOL RG
  11. Three Dog Night Old Fashioned Love Song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c2WyBTGm8J4 RG
  12. When does a man not pay a woman for sex. Relationships come with strings attached. You think conventional relationships like marriage are free???...ask how free if you get divorced. And marriage has a poor success rate, something like 54% failure rate I believe. The proverbial bar pick up/one night stand. How often do you get phone calls the next day or days. For that matter, even a blind date. You don't want to see her again (not clicking) and she calls asking when you are going out again And how safe is that woman in the bar, who has sex with a stranger after a few drinks. For that matter the same holds true for the guy too. What does the lady know about the man she just met in the bar. A professional companion, well many of them employ verification/screening. The ladies I see know my real name, phone number, email etc. Some even have my home address. As for multiple partners, well a lady can have multiple partners whether as a civilian lady or paid companion. The cause of STD's/STI's is sex, not paid sex and can happen to anyone except the celibate. Professional companions however are well versed on safe sex and for me at least, three years this July seeing companions and I have always tested negative. The way the media portrays it by now you'd think something would have fallen off LOL Seeing a escort. It is paid companionship, and yes, sex is part (but not all) of the companionship. Friendships, while not sought out can happen. And we can, yes scary LOL, care for one another without it leading to a strings attached relationship. Just recent posts, pm's and emails, some over the past few months, is proof of that. In short, seeing a professional companion is just the most honest male/female intimate relationship that exists, and has the benefit of no strings attached. And my experience, all I have met in this lifestyle are ladies and I try to be and am treated like a gentleman A rambling RG
  13. There is a difference. The issue of trust, well obviously your SO does have reason to be mistrustful once she finds out if she finds out. The issue of respect, another matter. Not flaunting your encounters shows some respect for your SO by trying to spare her feelings, even though trust between you two may be gone. Discretely seeing a companion, so your SO doesn't find out is one thing. But seeing a companion where the encounter can be flaunted in the face of your SO, well that is just humiliating and is likely to be devastating your wife/gf. And shows no respect. To further complicate it, you are also dragging the SP into matters that should be only between your SO and you. She agreed to see you, not to face the wrath of your wife. So it also shows lack of respect for the SP you are seeing Hope that rambling makes sense RG
  14. Stompin' Tom Connors Sudbury Saturday Night RG
  15. Nancy Sinatra These Boots Are Made For Walkin' RG
  16. Welcome to CERB Alisha Couple things to read over at your leisure http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/faq.php and http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=207 Don't worry, no exams LOL Pretty good community here, and if you have a question, ask RG
  17. Hank Snow I've Been Everywhere http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W47c6w46Cgc RG
  18. The lawyers and engineering/IT guys all lied on the form. Lawyers didn't want to look bad and the engineers/IT guys wanted to get away from their bookish "computer geek" image and answer like they have a fun life LOL RG
  19. Remember one other thing. A lady going to see a client at his hotel room is an outcall and outcalls are completely legal. Men and women meet at hotels all the time, for a romantic escape, an affair, etc. And hotels know escorts use their rooms. I'm sure a major hit in the hotel's profits would take place if escorts and clients were scared away from staying there, and the hotel chain is more concerned about it's profits than anything else RG
  20. Shania Twain Who's Bed Have Your Boots Been Under RG
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