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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Randy Newman I Love LA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0b5LzCOc98E RG
  2. Perhaps, since she is as you say a reputable lady, email her and ask her why three times she stood you up? My experience has been that ladies are professional and reputable. Being stood up, in my experience (three years this July) hasn't happened, and poor or no encounters are very few and far between. I would contact her to find out why she stood you up if a concern to you. Or just move on to see another provider. There are many wonderful professional ladies out there RG
  3. What I have learned. CERB is a community of like minded people, sharing a common lifestyle. But this community isn't just about this wonderful lifestyle, although some of the subject matters do involve this lifestyle. We are supportive of one another and there are topics beyond this lifestyle. The members here may all share a common interest, but that isn't only what we are all about RG
  4. I wanted to say thank you all for your words of condolence. It is very much appreciated. Knowing dad's condition, I find comfort knowing he is no longer suffering, although especially yesterday I found it somewhat tough But thank you to everyone who posted, pm'd or emailed me. The support made these past couple days a bit easier RG
  5. I wonder what your post has to do with a thread on being safe. It does just seem like your griping YMMV is a industry standard, and not a problem area, at least it I've never had a problem with YMMV. Do you really think all clients should be treated the same? A gentleman who treats a lady with respect, is clean, fresh breath, pays his donation in full, and is not intoxicated, for example, will likely receive a wonderful memorable encounter compared to a man who instead being respectful, is rude, ill mannered, poor hygiene, bad breath, maybe arrives intoxicated and so forth. Just because a man pays a lady for her time doesn't mean he owns her. And whatever happens during that time together is between two consenting adults, not just what the man wants to do. When you read a lady's website and she has a menu, that is a list of services she may offer, not what she definitely will offer. A lot of YMMV is very much dependant on the client, not the lady As for emails not replied to, I've very rarely encountered it, less than five times in three years, and once it turned out the lady was retired. I can't see that being a issue of concern unless it happens regularly. If it does, maybe look at how you write your email. Are you respectful, a gentleman, or rude and vulgar in language. A lady makes determinations based on the impression you leave. If she feels the email is being sent by a crude ignorant man versus a gentleman, she won't want to see him. Number one she has to think of her safety. At an encounter she is allowing a man to be alone with her intimately. She doesn't want to risk her safety, not to mention self respect for any amount of money If you aren't getting replies to your emails, maybe think of the impression you are giving to the lady from the emails you send Now lets get back to the topic at hand RG
  6. ZZ Top Sharp Dressed Man http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZxJIG77xPs RG
  7. Nothing to do really, time is the best healer, for me at least. Sometimes, well feeling blue is the wrong word, but I'm having mixed feelings, like now, especially hitting me on Father's Day. Grieving (blues) for the loss of my father. But knowing he is no longer suffering and is at peace, I take comfort in that. What also helps is the support received. Friday and yesterday not only receiving phone calls and emails of support from family and friends, civilian friends, the numerous posts, plus PM's and emails from members of this community, it helps, and is more appreciated than you know RG
  8. Well from James Bond a few Honey Ryder Jenny Flex Pussy Galore Xenia Onatopp Octopussy RG
  9. I like Tracie, a definite supporter of this community letting us all know of member's milestones on CERB. Oh, and she likes me too RG
  10. I would think it depends on the type of encounter you seek. For example, JMHO, but if you go for a 30 minute encounter, well that to me is not an encounter described as involving lovemaking. Likewise, a PSE would also not be described as making love. A lady offering a GFE on the other hand, and a gentleman seeking a GFE, well it would seem obvious, at least to me, that the guy wants the encounter, well the sexual aspect, to be more like lovemaking than just sex. After all, a man makes love to his girlfriend, so it shouldn't come as a surprise that a gentleman seeking a GFE wants the sexual aspect to be like lovemaking And with ladies you see, and like, and they like you, and who's encounter they provide are a GFE, well the sexual side is lovemaking, only because I have never heard the term likemaking or making like. And I do believe that a lady and gentleman in this lifestyle can make love, without being in love, but only liking one another. Just in case anyone feels uncomfortable with the term and thinking it implies something more But to answer your question, and just my opinion of course, if you see a companion offering a GFE, to me the sexual aspect being more like lovemaking is implied, and no need to ask. Just a convoluted rambling RG
  11. A cooler filled with drinks and food to last a week A large blanket for two Toilet paper (better than using leaves ;-) ) and since it would be on a desert island with a favourite lady, turn off the gps feature on my smartphone...well turn the phone off completely, and have a week long escape, not just an overnight. Make it just a little difficult for the rescuers to find us RG
  12. With these "facts" Chuck Norris must be a super hero and a real badass 1. When Chuck Norris looks in the mirror, the mirror breaks, not because he's ugly, but because there can only be one Chuck Norris. 2. When Chuck Norris goes swimming in a pool, he doesn't get wet, the pool gets Chuck Norris. 3. Chuck Norris doesn't microwave popcorn, it's popped as soon as he touches the bag. 4. God prays to Chuck Norris, not the other way around. 5. Chuck Norris doesn't solve a Rubik's cube, the Rubik's cube solves itself for Chuck Norris. 6. When Chuck Norris walks into a sorority, the girls all know what to do next. 7. When Chuck Norris asks for a drink, he gets a keg. 8. Chuck Norris went to the Virgin Islands and when he came back, they were just the Islands. 9. Chuck Norris is Walker and Texas Ranger. 10. Chuck Norris doesn't need anyone, everyone needs Chuck Norris.
  13. I like Gabriella because she is a kind caring lady RG
  14. NJ lost his father recently too. Sending you my thoughts, prayers and condolences NJ for your loss Take Care RG And thank you to Conquistador for bringing this to our attention
  15. I like Miquelon because he is right...OD gave too much, wayyy too much information RG
  16. Just got the news I've been expecting. Dad passed away last night after battling cancer. Very mixed feelings. Grieving for the loss of my father. But glad he is no longer suffering. And somewhat of a relief too, this call has been expected since December. I'm not a person who needs a phone with me all the time but 24-7 I've had it since December. They are cremating him, and instead of a funeral, next month it will be a Celebration Of His Life. Guess his wife wants to make sure everyone is on summer holidays and will be able to come to Nova Scotia Father's Day will really be strange this Sunday RG
  17. Actually CERB is a community of ladies and gentlemen who share a common interest and lifestyle. This isn't a boys club, not in the least and thank god for that. And not all the threads are for the guys, actually they are for everyone. So as PhantomKnight said, don't look at it. RG
  18. Damn I hate "Y's" but that's no secret LOL Dwight Yoakam Crazy Little Thing Called Love RG
  19. XTC Senses Working Overtime http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SyX75NpibdU monkeywrench unmonkeywrenched LOL RG :-)
  20. M is for Memorable Memories RG
  21. No gentleman will ever want to make a lady feel used and degraded...or worse. A gentleman wants encounters to be mutually beneficial, and part of that means a man will respect all of the lady's boundaries. Any man who wants to make a lady feel used and degraded, and has no respect for her boundaries is a man you don't want to have for a client. Another rambling RG
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