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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Irrespective of the looks my cat gives me in an attempt to guilt me, I walk (don't sneak) out with my head held high, a smile on my face and a great night follows The next morning when I get home my cat forgets I even left and everything back to normal in his world RG :-)
  2. If your boundaries are no bbbj then no bbbj. Gentlemen pay for a lady's time, but that doesn't mean a man is free to do what he wants during that time. All activities must respect each other's boundaries No man (definitely not a gentleman) should make you feel bad in the least because of your restrictions. He should just see someone else if bbbj is important to him. No reason for him to compare you to other providers or make you feel bad. Offer the companionship you feel comfortable in providing, don't let anyone pressure you into doing anything you don't want to. And each and every lady is a unique special person, and should never be compared to another lady. Any guy that would do that to you is likely a guy you wouldn't want for a client anyway A rambling RG
  3. B is for BOLTOP stands for better on lips than on paper. A recent British usage replacing the traditional X or X's at the bottom of love letters Yup looked it up, yup, learned something new today RG
  4. It isn't being scared. In fact I have already posted (and will continue to post) on CERB in the recommendation sections for Ottawa, Kingston and Toronto (and any other cities I may see ladies in) the ladies I have had the best experiences with The point being made by the guys here, and apparently lost on some is that a lady one gentleman may have a great experience with someone else may not have a good encounter with at all. Chemistry between a lady and gentleman plays a big part in a good encounter. Just because I have had some of the best experiences with the ladies I recommended, doesn't mean the same holds true of another gentleman if he saw the same lady. Not bashing you or EmilyJ or anyone who does post the names of ladies they saw, but don't you bash us for not listing names in this thread by saying we are scared. A rambling RG
  5. R is for respect, all ladies need to be treated with respect for the companionship they provide us RG
  6. O is for Orleans, a town outside Ottawa where there are a couple of wonderful CERB ladies that I have met and one or two I want to meet ;-) RG
  7. As Phaedrus said, as much notice as possible. Once you know you can't make the encounter then cancel. If you have to cancel give the lady ample notice, the block of time she set aside for you she can set aside for another client If you cancel at the last minute, then you should pay the lady a cancellation fee. What may be lost on some guys is that because we are engaged in this lifestyle for companionship and pleasure, we somehow think the same holds true for the ladies. For the ladies this lifestyle is their occupation, their livelihood. And when they schedule a block of time for you it is on the belief they are going to make an income. So if you don't give ample notice, a lady is going to not make an income for that block of time A long winded rambling RG
  8. M is for ménage a trois When done with two friends a very special and memorable experience RG
  9. Not trying to sound smart, but to answer your question on which SP's I've had the best experience with, use the search feature, look for my recommendations (for Ottawa, Kingston and Toronto) Those are the ladies I have had the best experience with. I'm sure the same holds true for many other gentlemen here too. I'm not going to compare one lady to another, each and every lady is an individual and a unique person. What they each offer in an encounter is because they are unique and the client they see, he is unique too, which is why no two encounters are ever the same. And seeing as this is a recommendation site, not a review board, I'm not going to mention those very few ladies who I have had poor or bad encounters with Don't know if that answers your question or not, and if that makes any sense or not A rambling RG
  10. A couple fishing ads http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JDIBmTtT3Ro RG Additional Comments: Here's a funny one, no not fishing related but involves a rod LOL (ok I know a bad joke, stop groaning) RG
  11. coin toss but macaroni Cats or Dogs RG
  12. The horrible part the murder of a woman. And over money. Even if you believe that the ladies were "ripping off" these "men" (using the word very loosely here) a human life is priceless and irreplaceable. Money can be replaced, a life can't. But what is worse, in the case of Ezekiel Gilbert, a jury of twelve "decent" people felt murder was ok, and David Elms, the district attorney declined to charge. Isn't the DA supposed to speak for the victims. Does make you wonder about the make-up of American, well Texas society as a whole. And Gilbert and Elms aren't the victims, just violent criminals Knowing there are sites out there like TER (and some others) make me appreciate this board even more. And this story also highlights something else, why companions need to verify/screen potential clients before a date. The only ones fearing verification/screening are those men who would not be good clients. That's just my opinion A rambling RG
  13. I have a grey cat, adopted, well rescued him when he was a feral kitten. The humane society was going to try to adopt him, if he didn't get adopted they were going to fix him and return him to the feral colony he came from. Lucky for him I guess I came along. He prefers his warm apartment to the outdoors, in fact he hasn't even tried to go outdoors But I have to disagree with you Cristy, my cat is a little thief. He sees a pen or pencil, he'll grab it an run off with it hiding it, either in my bed, in the spare room or behind the couch. He also runs off with papers and at night he's been known to steal my glasses (now I put them in the drawer in my bedside table) But I do agree, they are worth more than their weight in gold. Non pet owners might not understand, but pets aren't animals, they are part of your family. And if I see any touring lady who has her dog or cat along, not a problem to bring to my hotel, I completely understand being a pet owner RG
  14. I forgot, when I was in the Army some guy threw (hard) a used pyrotechnic casing (it was metal) which caught me in the head. Required stiches. When I cut my hair right down you can see it. My war wound...well it happened on a three day exercise RG
  15. Congratulations on your 2000 contributions Royal Fun Looking forward to reading your next 2000 posts RG
  16. My personal preference is for longer dates. A short date for me is two hours. Usually I have three hour encounters. With some ladies I repeat with, or develop a connection with through pm/posts/email, I'd have a four hour encounter The reason for longer encounters. It allows time to get to know one another over drinks and conversation. I find sex more enjoyable with a lady you have spent time getting to know and vice versa than having an anonymous quick sexual encounter and nothing else. RG
  17. Congratulations Miquelon on hitting the 500 post milestone Looking forward to your next 500 RG
  18. D is for dinner date Because it's always nice to take a lady out for a dinner date (not to mention breakfast too) RG
  19. Looks very small now but when my brother and I were kids we got into a fight. He grabbed the dog lead and was going to hit me with it. Naturally I put my hands up to protect myself, the lead caught me in the hand and I'm left with what is now a minor scar. Scar number two. When I was working in Parry Sound when I was 17 we all went swimming one day. We jumped off the roof of a marina into the water. I jumped, went to the bottom, there was some rebar on the bottom of the water, my foot, well left small toe, hit it and it was split open. That stopped everyone from jumping off the roof of the marina. That's a couple RG
  20. If it's just a once happens occurrence, chalk it up and move on. If it is something regular, like bcguy says, see your doctor, he/she can help. There are some non prescription supplements you could try as well. For me, l-arginine works great (Thanks again Soleil :-) ) I take it along with Tribulus (the girl at GNC suggested it and my doctor OK'd it) both you can get at GNC stores Good Luck RG
  21. Well an encounter seems like the way to go :-) But life being what it is, normally I like sitting in my recliner with either a no alcohol beer or coffee depending on time of day, watching tv and surfing the web. Sometimes, if it isn't raining too hard, it's a good day to go fishing, just make sure I'm wearing my GoreTex RG
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