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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Well although not a widower I came to this lifestyle after years of dating, yet no special relationship ever materialized...came close twice, but that was it. I chose to no longer date, too many complications, work and drama. And at my age I now have to consider other implications of a relationship, such as my pension, some of the women out there have kids at university age and are looking for help and so on. Definitely the financial aspects of a relationship at my age I can't minimize. So I thought I'd tried this lifestyle. What surprised me was I thought, when I first embarked on this lifestyle, it was about anonymous sexual encounters. I found out it was much more than that. Seeing ladies is about companionship, in some cases friendship, and part of it was the sexual side. And there was nothing anonymous about an encounter. And although mainstream society would have us believe otherwise, there is nothing shameful about seeing paid companions...it is just the most honest money for companionship relationship that exists Would I ever go back to dating, I just can't see me doing it A rambling for what it's worth RG
  2. I must confess I hate getting behind a slow driver (be it senior or not LOL) but I don't lean on the horn, just pass when I get the chance. But seniors get treated with respect, as do all people, by me. And not just holding the door. There is a senior who uses a walker living below me in my apartment building. Taking out the garbage for her is difficult so I do it for her. But the biggest time I spend with a senior is my mother, who at 84 years old has problems with her eyes (for which she has had surgery) and I have taken her to her doctor's appointments. Also, and thank god she wasn't mad LOL, but I had to contact her doctor because she is starting to have memory problems. I don't just occasionally visit my mother, I (and my brother too) stay in touch regularly. I'd hate for her to slip and fall in her condo (a possibility) and no one knowing. She's already been told not to change the light bulbs in her ceiling lights just so she won't fall It's one of those cycle of life things I guess. Anyhow, a convoluted rambling RG
  3. D is for dungeon, something used in BDSM or so I've heard ;-) RG
  4. Well a little less now, now that I've sold my boat :-( But back in the day, and that's not all that long ago, I had the boat in the water as soon as ice out and wasn't done fishing till mid November (good time for smallmouth bass and muskie fishing) And I spent quite a bit of time in the summer fishing bass tournaments Anyhow... RG :-)
  5. Congratulations Royalfun on 2000 contributions to this community Looking forward to your next 2000 contributions RG
  6. For me now, I generally look at the profiles, posts (and yes pictures) of ladies on CERB to see who I'd click with. Yes I read the recommendations, but I also find feedback from ladies I trust about other ladies far more valuable. That said, I never forget the ladies who I really click with, and I do have repeat encounters with them, usually longer encounters, because I enjoy my time with them A rambling RG
  7. I see professional companions because I've given up on dating (had a fiancé who got pregnant by another man but wanted me to still marry her, and another who stalked me, not to mention the numerous women I dated but it never materialized into something serious) Dating by the time I gave up on it just took too much effort and seeing escorts seemed a preferred way for companionship. Three years this July of seeing companions, and it is much better than dating Seeing companions allows for intimate companionship without the drama of a relationship, the bonus sometimes you meet ladies you click with and can be friends with. RG
  8. Well activities, not sounding smart, but details wise what happened behind closed doors stays behind closed doors My ménage, my one and only thus far, was very special. Each lady I have repeated with, because they are both very special ladies and I consider them friends. Neither one of them were duo partners with each other, but they did know one another. And both ladies wanted to do a ménage as much as I wanted to do one. As much as I was nervous, it being my first ménage it was special in that it was three friends getting together, not two SP's and a client. What worked was I let the ladies take the lead. And both ladies knew what they were doing, and in spite of the fact it was their first time as duo partners, their interactions with me and each other was natural, like they had done this before with each other. The only advice I would give is if there is something you would like to do or try, ask, but in a respectful gentlemanly manner What didn't work, well nothing didn't work it was a perfect evening all the way around. Don't know if that answers your question or not Here is the recommendation I wrote on a special evening with two very special ladies http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=111874 RG
  9. I knew my mother had an appointment with her doctor yesterday, and she has been having some minor lapses in memory lately. So I called the doctor on Thursday to mention the memory lapses. He gave her a quick memory test, but has her scheduled for a full test next week. The highlight, mom called me today. I thought she would be pi$$ed at me for calling the doctor, but she called to say thanks, she appreciated the concern. The second highlight, if she has a problem, according to her, there is medication she can take because it looks like her memory issue has been caught soon enough RG
  10. Asking how it works is like asking how an encounter works. Each encounter with a client, even the same client on a repeat encounter is unique. Really your ménage is dependant on the ladies, their chemistry with you, each other, and your chemistry with them. If you have a ménage a trois, let the encounter unfold naturally but let the ladies take the lead. RG
  11. Dan Seals-Bop http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lKpn-GYsKSc RG
  12. I truly don't understand the fear mongering going on. There is always, even in so called monogamous relationships (lets face it, affairs do happen) a risk of contracting a disease. Maybe celibacy is the solution to avoid all risks in being intimate with another person. But here are some other risks in day to day life, should they all be avoided? http://www.riskcomm.com/visualaids/riskscale/datasources.php RG
  13. I would feel honoured and flattered that a SP trusted me and valued my opinion enough to provide her with feedback. That said, to be perfectly honest, I don't think I would feel comfortable enough to offer feedback to a lady that I saw only once, as a non returning or non regular client. Now with a lady that I do see on a regular/returning basis, if she asked I think I could offer constructive feedback, if in fact her business even needs room for improvement. Maybe I'm repeating because the lady's business is run very well and she treats her clients good. All that said, any feedback given, if asked for, would not be criticism. It would be suggestions and that is all. And it would only be done in private, either in conversation, or via email. But as Samantha said, and I'm paraphrasing, no two clients' experience is the same. Really, and I have to agree, a lady looking to improve her business should really discuss with other trusted ladies she knows who have a successful business model A morning rambling RG
  14. S is for seductive...and the ladies of CERB certainly are seductive RG
  15. N is for "not tonight dear, I have a headache" A phrase many a married man has likely heard (or so I'm told) and why men come to see professional companions RG
  16. L is for the "L" word....LIKE :-) Nothing is better than an encounter with a lady you LIKE RG
  17. Your posts show a lack of knowledge of basic etiquette and discretion involved in this lifestyle. Not only do you come off as arrogant, your post shows your ignorance, and yes, I'm using the word with your definition. We have CERB members here with much more experience in this lifestyle and are much more knowledgeable yet they don't make arrogant posts. They chose to share their experiences and knowledge with others in a respectful manner. You would do yourself a world of good to use CERB to learn about this lifestyle instead of coming across as some know it all. Just publically posting about Facebook and finding a lady's real identity must have all the ladies on CERB wondering how safe and discrete you really are, and how safe their privacy is with you RG
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