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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. One of the most highly recommended ladies here on CERB at one time did not have a website (she does now) She used her CERB profile and posts only and is a lady you would have a great encounter with. I saw her when she had just her CERB profile to go by. She is also a lady who takes her profession seriously and professionally. And I had an encounter with a lady who has a website, but it was one of the worst unprofessional encounters I ever had. Websites are just tools. Being on a board like CERB may be all the lady needs for her business. How a lady runs her business is her business. For someone so new to this lifestyle you certainly come across as very judgemental about how ladies, who have been involved in this lifestyle just a bit longer than you run their business. And just as you can see the ladies' profiles here on CERB to decide who to see, remember, the ladies can also read your posts and decide if they want to see you. Your first impression is being made here on CERB A rambling RG
  2. D is for Desirable. Not only are the ladies of CERB desirable, they have a way of making us guys, irrespective of how old we are or how we look feel desired too RG
  3. Congratulations Areez on 500 posts. Looking forward to your next 500 contributions to the community RG
  4. Congratulations Jade on the 100 post milestone. Looking forward to your next 100 posts RG
  5. Congratulations my friend on 6000 informative and humorous contributions. Your posts, and presence here are one of the reasons CERB isn't a board, but a community RG
  6. Congratulations Cat on your valued 2000 contributions to CERB You are one of the pillars of this community Looking forward to your next 2000 contributions RG
  7. Congratulations Brad on your first 100 posts. Looking forward to your next 100 posts RG
  8. On a serious note, be able to eradicate all diseases, right now especially cancer. On a fun note, to be able to time travel, go ahead in time and find out the winning numbers of a lottery (649), go back in time, buy a lottery ticket picking winning numbers and then with the winnings, pay off debts, buy a new fully loaded truck and a bass boat, and have a few longer encounters with some of my favourite ladies RG
  9. Congratulations on your 1000 post milestone Someguy Looking forward to the next 1000 posts RG
  10. The reason it isn't an OTC is that there are people who have medical conditions for which this drug (and others) are contraindicated. Myself for example, I'm on a prescription (which if I didn't take is like a life and death decision) but can't take any ED drugs, and ironically my prescription is why I had an issue with ED. But a lady posted about l-arginine and after consulting with my physician, he said I could use it. As much as an inconvenience as it is to see a doctor, he/she knows your medical history the best and is best to advise you. And as for some OTC Cialis, Viagra etc being sold on the internet or in other countries, can you really be sure you are getting the real drug and not some cheap knock off that can do you more harm than good RG
  11. W is for wild oats, as in sowing wild oats RG
  12. U is for Unforgettable RG
  13. Congratulations Nicolette on achieving this awesome milestone Looking forward to your next 6000 contributions RG
  14. What about this guy. Is he eye candy for the ladies??? BTW for those that don't know, this is John Malkovich. Why did I select him. Well a few ladies have commented I look like him, so if he is considered eye candy for the ladies well maybe I have a chance to be eye candy for the ladies too LOL RG
  15. Sorry for coming back late Samantha, not a snub, been on the road since Thursday, unable to do long posts. Anyhow my question about the office phone number stems from trying to set up an encounter with a lady once. I was willing to provide full verification (name, phone, email, reference, confirm board handle via pm). She didn't seem interested in my phone, board handle or a reference, but was adamant that I provide my work number. I explained my situation, and said I was willing to provide two references, and if there was anything else I could provide (depending on what it was of course) I would do my best to give it. She was focused on my getting my work number, actually nothing else seemed to interest her. In fact she could care less if I had a reference at all That is why I have wondered about the need for giving a work number that's all. BTW I never booked an encounter with her RG
  16. To me cash is the way to go, using money you have. For this lifestyle everything, from donation to hotel to gas to the gift and tip...all cash. I don't touch my credit card...well except to use to reserve a hotel room Now one thing, I do use on occasion email money transfer for payment, but my chequing account has in it the disposable income I use for this lifestyle. As for a financial record of this lifestyle, well I'm single, and if found out, I really don't care...not to say I'm not discrete, but I don't worry about people knowing I see women, women who are beautiful inside and out. RG
  17. Just arrived home YAY!!!! after six days away and came back to this thread. My wallet, (plus smartphone) are A LOT safer in a hotel room/house/condo (whether incall or outcall) than sitting in my truck. As a side note, although not a wallet, at one encounter, a lady I know and trust very well, well she knew I just got my smartphone and she just bought a new phone, so I showed her mine and she showed me hers...phones that is, well other things too LOL Encounters and it's just my opinion, are so much more enjoyable when your with a woman you know, like and trust. But again, to both ladies and gentlemen alike, do what you feel comfortable doing...if hanging on to a wallet (or purse) makes you feel more comfortable, then that's what you should do and no offence is intended if you do hang on to your wallet or purse, as the case may be RG
  18. Would that lady leave her purse (and wallet) The ladies I see, well not only is leaving a wallet a non issue for me, I trust them enough that they could even hold on to it for me But no one lady or gentleman should feel offended...it is about a person's boundaries and comfort levels RG
  19. The only person's sexual health to worry about is your own JMHO but it is rude to ask a lady about her testing and whether she is D&D free just as it would be rude for a lady to ask a prospective client if he gets tested and is D&D free Funny do these issues get raised as much in the civilian dating world,or in marriage/CL relationships...likely no yet STIs/STDs exist in the civilian world and likely an equal risk there too RG
  20. Cheryl Tiegs was the first to scratch my itch RG
  21. Congratulations Dwayne on your 100 post milestone Keep 'em coming RG
  22. I don't doubt for dad a large part of his decision not to tell us was he didn't want anyone (but his wife) to know, so family wouldn't worry. And while family, not just me and my brother, but his brothers and so on, well we are right across Canada so it wouldn't be 24/7 people watching him. But we could have had more visits, even he could travel (hell he went down to Florida for the winter, twice by my reckoning) and visit, and now what does he want, everyone to come to visit, even though he can handle maybe 30 minutes maximum at a time before he tires out. Also, without delving too deep, he expressed regrets when I saw him in Florida in January but regrets he could do nothing about it except apologize. Which if a real concern he could have tried to change/amend during the year when he first was diagnosed with leukemia but still active Long story short, and again my opinion, your family & friends want to know, because they are family and friends, there for the good times and bad and you aren't burdening them by telling them RG
  23. First I understand and sympathize about the unknown. Back in 2007 I was told I had a mole on my back which looked malignant. I had to get it biopsied. The plastic surgeon doing the biopsy said the results would take three weeks. Well except for a sore, well really damn sore back, the first week I was fine. Second week, then it started playing on my mind, especially wondering why it was taking so long to get the results, even though I was told it would take three weeks. Finally when I got the results (no skin cancer btw) well first a relief, but well, why the hell did it take so long...and three weeks is long under those circumstances Second, just my opinion, from someone right now on the opposite side. Tell your family/friends. Really it's not a burden to them, they are people that care about you, and they care not just in the good times, but in the bad. And they'll ask "why didn't he say something to us sooner" I wish dad had said something sooner, when he was first diagnosed with leukemia, now over a year and half ago, instead of last December...and even then he minimized it, until just before Christmas and told us he also had lung and bone cancer and how serious and terminal the cancer was. RG
  24. Well if a guy saw a certain lady and thought he was a great client, and he was the best client he could be, but didn't make the lady's cut, well he may not vocalize it on CERB, but he may never repeat with that lady again. It's not that men don't care or don't feel insecure, it's just they can show how they feel or care in a different way. For some best of threads don't matter, for others it does matter, and personally I see and understand both sides of the argument, although I personally am not a fan of the threads RG
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