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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. If it was me, I'd retire and use my severance pay and pension to enjoy life to the fullest. Now if diagnosed, tell your family and friends. Don't keep the diagnosis a secret till too late. My dad kept his leukemia, as we just recently found out, a secret to everyone but his wife, for over a year. We just found out in December, but he had it for over twelve months at that point. Your family and friends want to know because they care. And you can have some quality visits with family/friends Tomorrow morning heading to Nova Scotia, seeing dad one last time, official prognosis, weeks to months, but doctor's guess, days to weeks Prayers are with you RG
  2. I think putting Best Of puts one lady ahead of another. First it's subjective, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Second, at least for me, looks are just two dimensional if you will, but seem to be the only thing that matters. Things that don't seem to count in Best Of threads are where true beauty comes from...a lady's inner beauty, her personality, sense of humour, intelligence and so on. Those intangibles that make each one of us, ladies and gentlemen alike, unique. Best of threads are one of those zero sum games, one lady's victory if you will comes at another's loss, if that makes sense Now as a comparison, we have Goddess Of The Day thread, which can celebrate a lady without creating a hierarchy of who's best. It is a thread honouring all women equally. Just rhetorically, how would guys like a best of client list. You try to be the very best client you can, be a respectful poster on CERB and so on, yet you don't make the cut. What may seem like something intended in fun could be something offensive to you BTW not a bash at the best of threads. I know they are intended in fun. But I can understand why some don't like them. And this is one either you like them or don't, it's not a case of one person right and another wrong RG
  3. NEVER!!! Those questions should raise warning flags...trust your gut instinct So called test questions can in fact be real questions but the prospective client could just back peddle and say he was asking to make sure you don't do those things It doesn't bode well for a first encounter, if there is that much mistrust on the client's part if he truly is testing the lady, or if he wants her to do unsafe/illegal activities or he disrespects her by attempting to barter/negotiate her donation This guy IMHO completely out of line Questions a gentleman would never ask RG
  4. I'm coming back to this thread not as a newbie, who btw never went through full verification/screening yet when I originally posted, to see a companion, but as someone more experienced in the etiquette of this lifestyle. Now personally I am still uncomfortable with giving my office number, only because now the office is share not just with three staff, but two more...yes five in an office. Would hate to get a personal call with other people around That said, I am very supportive of verification, and with the exception of the office phone I am very open. Ladies that I see get my real name, board handle confirmed by pm, phone number & name of cell phone provider, and email, not to mention a reference. Couple times in addition I gave hotel reservation confirmation number (just so they knew they were going to a real call), and two times ladies got my civilian email too (that was to pay via email money transfer and I trust the ladies with my civilian email than the bank with my lifestyle email) Although other information hasn't been requested, I'm pretty open with a lady when screening With all that said, and it really is the privacy factor, I haven't provided my office number. That said, I believe I am open and honest enough in being screened that there isn't, at least from my perspective, a need to give my office number Any opinions from the ladies out there RG
  5. Although Dr. No was the movie that started the whole James Bond series, the best movie IMHO, From Russia With Love. The worst, On Her Majesty's Secret Service...James Bond isn't supposed to cry And then the Roger Moore years, or a dry depressed era of James Bond movies RG
  6. If a lady travelled and took her pet(s) with her I have no problems. Even if brought to my hotel room, me being an outcall type of guy. Just let me know ahead of time, just so it isn't a surprise. It's hard leaving a pet (and non pet owners may not understand, but pets are part of the family, not just an animal if that makes sense) something I had to do this morning :-( leaving my cat at a pet hotel. Hard to leave them, but on occasion it is the best option available. But any lady I am going to see and has a pet, but would like to bring it along, let me know, I'm good...well unless a boa constrictor LOL RG
  7. Happy Birthday Porthos Enjoy your special day RG
  8. Long and short of it, with the caveat only if the lady freely chooses to give one, a BBBJ feels good. CBJ, I'd prefer no BJ to CBJ And I'll add one more thing. To me, next to a hug and kiss, oral, both giving and receiving, is the most intimate activity, one partner giving pleasure so the other partner can receive pleasure, it is IMHO one of the most unselfish acts on the giver's part. As for the risk, again just my opinion, but unless one is in a truly monogamous relationship, meaning no affairs etc (no judgements here but how many married guys are here but their wives think they don't see other women) if oral is part of any relationship, be it dating, CL or marriage, there is a risk and my guess whether dating, CL or this lifestyle, the risk is the same RG
  9. The best movie title describing my sex life, well with issues that have affected my family, best movie title describing this year thus far is Well lets hope 2013 picks up somewhat, I have some escapes planned, and boy I need them RG
  10. Goldeneye (James Bond) RG
  11. Congratulations on your first 100 posts Looking forward to your next 100 posts RG
  12. Remember all the police need to arrest you is reasonable grounds What if the guy is in his fifties and the lady in her twenties, would that look like husband/wife, bf/gf etc to a reasonable person, or more like a SP/Client having a car date to a policeman Also, any lady doing car dates may already be known to police as a prostitute Police are well trained in how to question suspects/persons of interest. My guess they are more skilled in questioning than the average SP/Client is in successful evasive answering. And remember, even if you get arrested, but it never goes to trial, an arrest is part of the record, and the public, your neighbours included, could find out you are either a SP or a guy seeing companions So no to car dates Nuff said RG
  13. Hi Christy Don't worry about not divulging everything about yourself. Reveal to a person only what you are comfortable revealing. But there are parts of YOUR life that belong to you and you alone. If you let others know a bit more about you they should feel flattered that you like and trust them enough to share that with them. That doesn't mean they are entitled to know everything about you So keeping parts of your life to yourself, that isn't an untruth, it is normal human nature RG
  14. Seeing as you are a newbie, I would advise against an outcall to your home But as you gain some more experience in this lifestyle, and start knowing which ladies are reputable, and maybe become a regular with a lady, a trusted lady, an outcall to your home is something you may wish to consider. While my location rules out seeing a lady at my place, there are some ladies I trust so much they could be trusted to hold my wallet, or use my computer etc with no cause for concern on my part But for now, stick to outcalls to your hotel or incalls to the lady's place RG
  15. I tip the pizza delivery guy, usually $5-$6 (pizza is about $20) And when I go to the Italian/Greek restaurant to get take out I leave a five dollar bill in the tip jar, no matter what I order (most of the time $15 and under)...the tips are split between those working in the kitchen and the ladies taking order. I got asked why so much, I said you work in here where it's hotter than hell (those pizza ovens throw a lot of heat, especially bad in the summer), the waitresses next door don't. Now when I show up, extra feta and olives on my greek salad, and extra tzatziki for my souvlaki. Depending on how the hotel room is left (any dishes to do) I'll leave from $5 to $30 tip Oh, and a tip when I get my hair cut, and it's a quick and easy haircut to do As for the ladies I see, they can answer whether I give a tip or not ;-) RG
  16. Just as a sidebar, those ladies who think being youngest is best may in fact be doing themselves a disservice. For some of us guys, well speaking for me only, find myself attracted to women in their thirties and up, right up to their fifties. And seeing a girl who is twenty, twenty one, actually for me it's too young. My age limits are mid twenties and up Not putting down those that are younger, but if you are older saying you are younger, you may have unintentionally closed the door on a potential client Some early morning half asleep ramblings RG
  17. Zack and Miri Make A Porno RG
  18. Y is for Yorkdale Mall Why Yorkdale Mall...well when I have encounters in Toronto I stop there to go to the Victoria's Secret store to pick up a gift for the lady I'm going to be seeing RG
  19. Vatican roulette-a term used for the rhythm method of birth control RG
  20. R is for respect, something we should all have for each other RG
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