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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. I'll chime in with my two cents worth. I think it's fair to say in this lifestyle there something for everyone. Me, for example, just a sexual encounter I would find empty, but for some other guys, that is all they want from an encounter. I much prefer a longer encounter, but one where you spend time getting to know one another. And if there is a connection/chemistry, then the lady and I will repeat, and likely we will open up even more with one another. And there is nothing more special, JMHO than being intimate with a lady you have allowed to get to know you and she has allowed you to get to know her. And to establish that connection, well you both have to be somewhat open and honest with one another, and also be discrete, and respect each other's privacy A rambling RG
  2. Honesty is always good. But everyone, SP's and clients alike, are entitled to have part of their life to keep to themselves. Not being 100% open isn't dishonest, but as long as what you share and who you chose to share it with is truthful and honest, and you are comfortable sharing it, that is good. For example, on this board I'm comfortable being known by my board handle. But ladies that I see I'm more comfortable revealing personal information such as real name (for screening/verification) And as the lady and I get to know one another through encounters, well in our conversations we both open up even more as our comfort levels allow. And in all cases I'm honest. And if a lady finds a gentleman who opens up with her, and a gentleman finds a lady who opens up with him, that means you have developed a special and trusting relationship (OMG the "R" word LOL). Respect the trust given to you, trust for most people isn't easily given, so be discrete, share with no one, and know that you have something more than a simple SP/Client relationship A late morning rambling RG
  3. Happy Birthday Conquistador Have a great day RG
  4. Z is for zoophallist-a male who has sex with female animals Yup I looked it up, I learned something new, and now I'm sorry I did RG
  5. I wouldn't think the ladies (I'm generalizing here) consider themselves in competition with one another. Each lady when she advertises, has a website etc is posting about herself and her uniqueness. I haven't read one advertisement from a lady saying how she is like another lady, or better than other ladies. I know when I contact a lady for an encounter it is because there is something special and unique about her that interests me and makes me want to meet her Also, if ladies were really in competition, then they wouldn't provide references, or give out bad ones, that way they could keep a gentleman all to herself by limiting who he sees. But the ladies I see are happy to provide a reference, not only to keep other ladies safe, but they want a gentleman they have seen to have a good and happy experience seeing other ladies in this lifestyle. A rambling RG
  6. There are a couple ladies I see because now I consider them first and foremost friends and I do cherish our time together. But I don't remain exclusive to them, and they aren't exclusive to me, nor is there any expectation of exclusiveness on anyone's part. This lifestyle is by nature poly amorous, not monogamous. The ladies, even those who are friends, are still professional companions, and they understand that you will see other women, just as you understand (or should understand) that they will have other clients and that this is their livelihood. Jealousy really IMHO has no place in this lifestyle. If a lady expects exclusiveness on your part, is she going to reciprocate and be exclusive to you too? Likewise if you expect a lady to be exclusive to you, are you going to reciprocate and only see her Long story short, if you want exclusiveness get a girlfriend, C/L or a wife. And this lifestyle is not about exclusive relationships, it is about a poly amorous lifestyle A morning rambling RG
  7. We got a new super at my apartment. The bathroom tap that was supposed to be replaced but the useless hump of a super never did replace it is now going to be replaced. Funny thing the tap was ordered and has been sitting in a box just waiting to be installed RG
  8. S is for sploshing Something I found out about with two ladies last November RG
  9. Cheese omelet made with five year old cheddar washed down with a bottle of water Followed with a bowl of oreo cookie ice cream...my cat just perked up when he heard that, that means a spoonful for him. RG
  10. K is for karezza...and yes, I looked it up, and yes, learned another thing new today RG
  11. F is for Felching Confessed, looked it up, learn something new every day RG
  12. Well we'll spell forty one making the last letter "E" Sheena Easton-Strut http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcAJ9siMseA RG
  13. A is for Appreciation. Something I have for the escape and companionship that the ladies provide RG
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