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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Gordon Lightfoot If You Could Read My Mind RG
  2. Well cold cuts for lunch (salami, cheese, olives) washed down with a bottle of water For dinner a garden salad with bleu cheese dressing, washed down with a bottle of water RG
  3. Just thrown in for discussion, and my opinion only. If a touring lady is willing to commit to you to see you, (and that commitment requires an investment/expense on her part (airfare, hotel, meals, incidentals etc) ) show her the same commitment on your part. For example I cancelled last minute on a lady a few years back due to illness, but I paid her donation in full. Why, well why should she be out the expenses of touring, expenses she paid on the belief she would make a profit on the money spent on her expenses because a client who committed to seeing her cancelled at the last minute. Answer, she shouldn't be out any money Show the ladies you really want to see them. Maybe that means paying a deposit, maybe, as I have done, pay their donation in full if you cancel at the last minute. A rambling RG
  4. Well my cat has taken to walking under my feet, almost constantly now And you'd think, in a queen size bed, there would be enough room for me and my cat (he insists on sleeping with me at night)...no, he has to be on the same pillow as my head. He's a hoarder. He steals pens, pencils, pull tabs from containers of cream (his toy), my razors, and has a cache of these items. At night I have to put my glasses in a drawer and close it, he stole them once before And this morning, while on CERB, he decided to jump up on my lap, then walk on my keyboard and lay down on it, in the process nominating a post (yes really) RG
  5. E is for exhibitionism RG
  6. My cat doesn't, I just renamed him to Braveheart after he jumped off the back of the couch and went hiding behind my entertainment unit when the thunder cracked, and there he stayed till the storm passed RG
  7. Well for lunch I had steamed asparagus with butter and lemon juice Desert fresh pineapple (only because it tastes good, no ulterior motive) Washed down with a bottle of water Dinner, tomato, cucumber, and bleu cheese salad with Renees bleu cheese dressing. To follow, fresh fruit salad Washed down with a bottle of water RG
  8. Called into work last night, decided to play hooky for the week May as well use my earned leave (I have almost a year in leave) before the government takes it away RG
  9. I like Emiafish. His positive contributions are one of the reasons CERB is the board it is RG
  10. U is for unrushed encounter RG
  11. I never got to this either, and won't (not that there is anything wrong with it) Could it be because of a fear it might move LOL...a Seinfeld episode for just about any topic that comes up Posted in fun RG :-)
  12. ZZ Top Legs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5nZniMYCZp4 But on the chance that it was a typo and should be Styx ;-) (it happens to all of us) XTC Making Plans For Nigel RG
  13. Well remember a half hour or even an hour really isn't a lot of time. It's just enough time to get what you really want done, whether it's a social time, conversation, sex well you get the idea. I only had one shorter encounter early when I began this lifestyle, and it was so structured an encounter it was terrible. X number of minutes for a conversation which was more like a structured interview, y number of minutes for a shower, z number of minutes for sex, then a few minutes to have a shower before leaving. If you want quality time with a companion, which I assume is seeing her for more than just sex, well that type of encounter takes more than an hour. In fact as I have seen more ladies, even two hours seems not enough. You have to be willing on your part to invest in an encounter, allowing enough time for the date to unfold naturally and hopefully the lady and you can develop some chemistry Just my opinion RG
  14. Congratulations Mikeyboy on 500 contributions Enjoy your posts, looking forward to 500 more RG
  15. I do notice the ladies' hair, nails, makeup clothes etc. And the effort the ladies take to get their hair, nails and makeup done, it is appreciated But they compliment the ladies' beauty, they don't make up the ladies' beauty (if that makes sense) On first glance, it's the ladies' smile I notice most of all. And as I have got to know a lady, it is her inner beauty (for lack of a better term) that makes me want to continue to see her. It's that inner beauty, which you don't get to see right away, that is the most important One of the ladies I met in this lifestyle wore sweats to an encounter, and yes, I noticed her beauty, mostly because of her smile when she came through the door And then as we got to know one another, it was her inner beauty that shone through. And fortunately I have met a couple of ladies with a smile and most of all, a inner beauty A morning rambling for whatever it's worth RG
  16. Happy Birthday Royal Fun Enjoy your special day RG
  17. So sorry to hear that MF. My thoughts and prayers with you and your family (I would have commented/rep point but I've given out too much in the last 24 hours) RG Additional Comments: Sounds like our union, three years as of May31st without a contract. Union dragging it's heels on some things that are, one way or another, going to be a done deal whether the union likes it or not. Could use a pay bump and the back pay RG
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