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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Kill Bill Vol 1 and Vol 2 RG
  2. In The Heat Of The Night RG
  3. Windows 8 Why did they fix what wasn't broke RG
  4. yellow plum and mint cheesecake RG
  5. stir fry using venison, sliced portobello mushrooms, spanish onion and peppers washed down with...water RG
  6. Watched Django Unchained Saturday night Watched Skyfall last night I'm watching Jack Reacher right now Recommend the first two movies, very entertaining, as long as violence doesn't bother you. Skyfall a good James Bond movie, the best, well don't know about that Jack Reacher, well I'm posting on CERB as it plays, what does that say RG
  7. Goldfinger (James Bond) RG
  8. Well a sounds like a strange highlight but it is only because it made dad happy. Dad had his 84th birthday, and had a little party with his wife and friends. He was happy because he thought he wasn't going to make it to his 84th, and the highlight of the day, first time since he told us of his cancer, and cancer aside, dad seemed happy, so that is a highlight RG
  9. I like Pumpkin. His posts are a positive contribution to the CERB community RG
  10. I'll throw a different spin on it. All reputation points are a statistical quantifiable way showing how the CERB community thinks of you. Isn't how someone thinks of you and your contributions far more important than the statistical representation of how you are thought of (is that coming out right?) For example, and only because I know I have a few rep points LOL, really, if mine were reduced to zero (either because of a computer glitch or whatever) it wouldn't bother me, because I already know how members of the CERB community think of me (and I them), I don't need a number to indicate whether I am liked or disliked. Now if my rep point number went to zero because for whatever reason I lost respect of the community, then I would like to know, in case something in my actions/behaviour made me lose respect, and I could correct my behaviour (if that makes sense) Just a rambling RG
  11. Well I've been debating about including this in my other posts in this thread, but here goes, a post all on it's own. I think everyone agrees we all need companionship, intimate companionship. I know after my break up with my g/f in 2007, a real bad break up, I swore off dating and for three years I saw nobody. And yes, there was some, well a lot of emptiness in my life. And it was an emptiness that went away when I started seeing professional companions. Well fast forward to end of November 2012 when I found out dad had cancer, and depending on who I talked too, he could go anytime. I put this lifestyle on hold, haven't seen a lady since end of November 2012, and have been living with my phone with me 24/7 waiting for that inevitable call. Anyhow, while family is taking precedence, it has to, that emptiness that comes from lack of intimacy is also present. My point to all of this is intimacy is a need, a real need. Why should ladies be ashamed of providing this intimate companionship? They shouldn't Why should men be ashamed of seeking intimate companionship out? They shouldn't, it is IMHO a real need. And as has been said, the SP/Client relationship is probably the most honest intimate relationship that exists, it can amongst other things fill an emptiness in someone's life. It is mutually beneficial with no strings or drama A rambling RG
  12. If you want to know if a Senator can be turfed or face any sanctions http://news.ca.msn.com/canada/can-the-senate-fire-a-senator-1 Do you think it is rare because if the Senators started turfing their own, they might find themselves next on the chopping block. Some outside oversight needed, jmho RG
  13. Congratulations on your 100 post milestone Al Looking forward to your next 100 contributions RG
  14. I like Nicolette for her insightful posts, and read what she has to write. She is definitely one of the pillars of the CERB community RG
  15. You Only Live Twice (James Bond) RG
  16. April Wine You Won't Dance With Me http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9DTQUhhnMec RG
  17. I said observed, not told. And a pregnant woman is quite noticeable. And where I work people seem to know other people's relationship status. Beyond that nuff said RG
  18. A couple more thoughts popped in my head First, there is an underlying societal belief that it is OK for men to have sex, and like sex, and have sex with as many women as possible. As Cristy points out, a man is a stud having multiple partners But a woman having multiple partners, well she's labelled a slut, heathen outcast. Somewhere in society's make up is this belief that men can enjoy sex but women should hate sex. It's fun for men, dirty for women. Even in marriage, for men it's their entitlement as a husband, but a chore, obligation for the wife Second point, this profession allows ladies to pay their bills, be it groceries, rent, car payment, raising a child, university, not to mention taxes etc. What is to be ashamed of about that? Not to mention besides providing an income for a lady, it provides companionship, even for a few hours for a man, it is mutually beneficial Third to me it is about companionship. It isn't sex for money, it is paid companionship. I enjoy being with a lady, whether it is sitting down having a conversation, getting to know one another over drinks, or dinner (or breakfast) out, and yes, the sexual side, all the more enjoyable with a lady you spent time getting to know. And I like spending time getting to know a lady, that's why I like multi hour encounters Anyhow, a couple more ramblings for whatever they are worth RG
  19. It amazes me, at no time is the issue of bbbj (or for that matter bbfs) ever come up in a discussion on dating (I'm talking conventional dating here) In conventional dating the women and men may be seeing multiple partners but somehow because dating is deemed a "normal" social/sexual activity with no stigma, no discussion, or at least not as much as on CERB, about bbbj takes place. And btw, I have observed at work more than a few female co-workers who have gotten "accidently" pregnant from a one night stand, so obviously they didn't practice safe sex Likewise, in marriage, unless the marriage is truly monogamous, is there a discussion on safe sex. No judgements here, but there are many gentlemen here who are married who also have affairs, and there are ladies who also may have affairs...are there discussions about safe sex in marriage? But in this community, in this lifestyle, the subject of bbbj seems to be a subject hashed and rehashed. And it seems to feed into the stereotype of this lifestyle being a high risk activity. Yes there is a risk of STD/STI's with bbbj, but IMHO it's no greater a risk in this lifestyle than in marriage or conventional dating. If someone wants absolutely safe sex, then the only safe sex is masturbation. The minute two (or more) people get together intimately, there is a risk. Both the lady and gentleman should do what they are both comfortable doing A early morning rambling RG
  20. I'm not ashamed of this lifestyle, but I do keep it discrete, no one, family, friends (well civilian friends) knows about this. And why, because it isn't just my privacy that matters, the companions I see value their privacy/discretion too. I was late in age coming to this lifestyle, my late 40's. Why, because just as "little girls don't say they want to be prostitutes when they grow up." I as a little boy was raised to date, find that special woman and get married...that was the "normal" way to seek female companionship if you will. No where was I told what to do when that special woman never comes along, or when she comes, well she isn't as special as I thought. Now I throw in here for discussion, and maybe everyone here wants to dismiss this, but I don't seek out prostitutes. To me, prostitutes offer sexual services, nothing more (btw not a put down). I see escorts/courtesans, ladies who offer companionship. Yes, there is a sexual dimension to the encounters, but what is provided is so much more, in some cases even friendship, than just sex. Anyhow I digress. Being single with no kids, no sister, can't honestly answer the question if I would advise them to be a companion. My concern would be less the stigma with the lifestyle than it would their safety. I wouldn't want to see any lady in this lifestyle putting her safety/security at risk. If she followed good practices, screening/verification, etc I am guessing I'd be OK, hypothetically speaking, but again, for fact I don't know. I wouldn't suggest or encourage this as a job choice, but if freely chosen by the lady as a occupation, I wouldn't condemn the choice, I would try to offer any support/advice I can assuming my advice is sought. Would I suggest this for brother, son etc well I don't see anything wrong with this lifestyle so yes. I would also tell him proper etiquette and to treat the lady like a gentleman should All this coming from a guy who appreciates the companionship ladies provide me, and knows that the value of that companionship far exceeds any donation requested Well some early morning convoluted I guess ramblings RG
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