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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Also, and this is JMO, you should see different SP's until you meet one you click with. Then just continue seeing her as her regular. In this lifestyle there are many ladies available. To my way of thinking putting a post out asking to be a regular seems impersonal when you can look at ladies' websites and profiles, and then book an encounter with ladies who interest you until you meet the one you would like to be a regular with A rambling RG
  2. There is a thread on this subject, don't know if it can answer your question http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=33294 Hope that helps RG
  3. C is for companionship RG
  4. Old Dog was good enough to provide Katherine's profile. I would respectfully suggest if you are truly serious about compensating her, you should contact her and let her know you would like to pay her Just my two cents RG
  5. Something really exciting....groceries. Well that included a six pack of Becks no alcohol beer :-) And my spoiled cat all excited, he saw a small container of Hagen Das, knows he's in for a little treat tonight RG
  6. Happy Birthday Eva Enjoy Your special day RG
  7. Well speaking from personal experience this is what I have done. In one case due to illness I had cancelled at the last minute (well a day early) I paid the donation in full to the lady via email money transfer. Consideration wasn't just that the cancellation was last minute, but the lady tours and was already out some expenses (plane tickets, hotel etc) done in part because of my commitment. In another case, I postponed (not cancelled) an encounter due to my truck breaking down and my funds for the encounter were used to fix the truck. The encounter was postponed a couple weeks, and in consideration I increased the time we had together (our original encounter was 3 hours, I increased it to 4 hours) not to mention consideration in my tip to her too ;-) You ladies provide an escape of companionship and intimacy, in some cases friendships. And as real as this escape seems to be, I never forget at it's very core, for the ladies, this is their livelihood. It pays their bills, pays the rent, puts food on the table etc. When you cancel out at the last minute of a committed encounter, you have also deprived the lady of getting another client to replace you in your time period A rambling RG
  8. Why is it that there is a tv show which you may have only watched two or three times, and it comes on again a few months or a year or two later, and it is the episode you watched already...damned repeats RG
  9. Well I played with variants of my name, both real and handle My top three picks are Master Muffmuncher Captain Lottatang Bartholomew Fuzzynuts RG
  10. Octopussy James Bond movie, well bad James Bond movie starring Roger Moore RG
  11. I personally have never been a fan of the best of threads...be it who gives the best (fill in the blank)______, who is the most beautiful etc etc etc Companionship, even paid companionship is about two people getting together for a private intimate encounter. And no two encounters, even with the same two people can be exactly replicated, each encounter is unique. Companionship and encounters are definitely YMMV. Making it about who's the best makes it a competition between ladies. Best of threads demeans, IMHO encounters which can be very special and intimate A professional companion should be focused on providing the best companionship she can provide. She shouldn't have to worry if she is as good or better than another lady. Put another way, I know when I see a lady I try, and hope I am, the best gentleman and client I can be, I don't worry about what some other guys do. And I wonder how many guys would be fans of the ladies putting out best of threads such as "who's the best client" and so on. A rambling RG
  12. Might I suggest looking through the recommendations for Halifax...it may, and I say may, be mentioned in some ladies' recommendations although many do prefer to leave intimate details of an encounter private But discussing intimate details of an encounter publicly on a board, seems IMHO somewhat inappropriate. And reiterating Emily's point, isn't who's the best really subjective A rambling RG
  13. Well back in my high school days it was Wonder Woman, well this Wonder Woman I Wonder why RG
  14. Congratulations on your first 100 contributions OttawaBoogieman Enjoy reading your posts, looking forward to your next 100 posts RG
  15. Well I wouldn't categorize this as a secret or double life. I'm single, no g/f, and not dating. This lifestyle has replaced conventional dating for me. I don't have to keep this lifestyle discrete for me. But for discretion purposes, more so for the lady I keep this part of my life private. I don't go around broadcasting that I see professional companions. It's fair to say I compartmentalize my life, and this lifestyle is a part, a major part of my life Is that an answer A rambling RG
  16. A confession, yes I do look at the ladies' photos. But what is it that attracts me to a lady, and makes me want to meet her? It is her personality, and it is personality more than anything that makes a lady beautiful. I get an idea of her personality through her posts on CERB, and our subsequent emails/pm's back and forth. And for the most part it has worked. It is fair to say that I have been fortunate to meet many beautiful ladies in this lifestyle. That they also look beautiful is just for lack of a better word, a bonus. A rambling from a middle aged, bald, eyeglass wearing overweight, average looking guy RG
  17. The Borg are kind of a bunch of scary villains Remember...Resistance Is Futile RG
  18. Dire Straits-Money For Nothing http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDJPiUPZxdc&list=PL8942B5CE9D25096C RG
  19. Rod Stewart-Some Guys Have All The Luck RG
  20. Professional companions are just as deserving of being loved and in a relationship as anyone else. And there are men who could and would be in love with a SP, just as there are SP's who if they met the right man (not necessarily a client) could fall in love with him. Just my opinion, but if you met a man that you have feelings for, and wanted to pursue a relationship, you should make him aware of your profession. If it came as a surprise to him, he could confuse it with infidelity, but if explained openly he could be made to understand it is your livelihood, and doesn't threaten your relationship. As for the question if your bf is just sponging off of you, first, that is a possibility that can happen in any relationship, irrespective of the lady's livelihood. In fact sometimes bf's sponge off their gf's, sometimes gf's sponge off their bf's, and it can happen irrespective of anyone's livelihood. It's not just unique to SP's with bf's. I would only suggest choose very carefully the man you want to be involved with. And if it turns out he does want to sponge off of you, that's a sign he doesn't love you so much as wants to make money off of you...and a reason to dump him. But that's just my opinion Good luck RG
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