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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Although not from down east, is this what is being talked about http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=131440 RG
  2. Happy Birthday Emerald Enjoy your special day RG
  3. Annie Wilkes played by Kathy Bates in Misery She was one scary ...er villain LOL And why a scary ...er villain, well this scene not for the squeamish LOL http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Zzg3UP-x8k RG
  4. Tuco in "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly" He was the Ugly RG
  5. Happy Birthday Mikey Enjoy your special day RG
  6. Coffee Black and decaf (occasionally w double cream) Very rarely (like once every two years) tea of some sort black RG
  7. Congratulations Spud on seven years of CERB membership Looking forward to seeing you around for seven more RG
  8. Just something to add, just my opinion of course. When I give a tip and gift it's because I want to give a tip and gift. I don't do it because I think it's expected, or I think I'm obliged to do so. For me, giving a tip and gift, it's a way to show in some tangible way my appreciation to the lady for the companionship she has provided me. And that companionship, for me, has a value far exceeding the donation the lady requests A rambling for what it's worth RG
  9. Alonzo Harris Training Day played by Denzel Washington RG
  10. Congratulations paquet55 on your 100 post milestone Looking forward to your next 100 posts RG
  11. There is no perfect answer to this question, but I will throw a couple questions out there for discussion Isn't it going to be a better encounter with a lady who will like you than with someone who appears to have prejudices If you see this lady knowing ahead of time that she has a prejudice, aren't you in fact creating a situation where the sex is coerced, and not consensual. This lifestyle has to be mutually beneficial. Even if her prejudice isn't right, don't compound a bad situation by showing up knowing she wouldn't have seen you had she known (I know, badly worded) and knowing she may be going through with the encounter more because she feels forced...doesn't it comes dangerously close to being a sexual assault, not a mutually beneficial encounter. If you are at all a gentleman, you will ask her if race is an issue for her, if it is, see someone else, if not then see her Above all else, this lifestyle should be open, honest and consensual RG After reading Soleil's post, which paints this much clearer, disregard what I posted above. Joe, verification and references are normal practices in this lifestyle of meeting ladies. If you consider it a hassle, this may not be the lifestyle for you. Second, bashing a lady who is well established on this board, while you are new here is not getting off on the right foot. And dragging this community into what is really a nothing complaint (changing your method of contact to a lady to more than two words would have done you a world of good) by spinning it into an issue of race, well JMHO, despicable. Guys aren't the only ones who look at a lady (check recommendations etc) prior to contacting her There are ladies who check out guys before an encounter through verification and you aren't on your way to having a good reputation amongst the ladies A rambling RG
  12. Although not from down east, is this the lady being referred to? http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=130766 RG
  13. Congratulations webothscore on your first 100 post Looking forward to reading your next 100 posts RG
  14. Hi Kylie If you want to leave a comment on someone else's post in the upper right hand side of the post there is an icon "Leave Comment+ Rep Points" Looks like this Click on that icon. Up will pop another icon where you can type in a short comment. Type in your comment and submit and voila So go to Gabriella's post, click on the Leave Comment icon there, and you will be able to leave your comment RG
  15. Happy Birthday Courtney Enjoy your special day RG
  16. Actually of late I have seen a rise in these posts too and I think it's going to continue. It is a way to reinforce participation in this site and community. We have had many members (lurkers) on CERB who use the site but didn't contribute, give back (in the way of writing posts, recommendations etc) CERB is trying to change direction so all members of this community contribute to it. Some people may be shy about writing (I was when I first started) but threads like this are a positive reinforcement that the posts you are writing are accepted. Oh, but you are right about one thing, we do like Tracie here ;-) RG
  17. leftover lasagna last night with some sliced mozzarella, monterey jack and cheddar cheese melted on top and a side salad Tonight it's macaroni and cheese made with five year old cheddar (makes extra old seem like mild) Already been to the grocery store to buy the ingredients. RG
  18. Is this an example of men saying the dumbest things LOL or this LOL RG :-)
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