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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Ago I joined Lyla (well back then CERB) Just realized that now OK, sorry to wake everyone up with such boring trivial well drack LOL (well really doesn't even qualify as trivia) RG
  2. Another option if the answer to a member's query about a provider is going to be negative, use the PM system. That keeps the answer off the board. But what always seems to be missed whether the answer will be review (negative) or recommendation (positive) (BTW JMO on the difference between review vs recommendation) it is just one client's opinion about a lady, not something that is laid down in stone. Accurate (well as accurate as can be) feedback on a lady would come only if a number of clients answered, otherwise all you're getting is one client's opinion. And considering the policy of this board "If you do not have anything nice to say don't say it" Greenteal is right, a "non-response to an inquiry is more than self-explanatory" The rules here on Lyla are different than on review boards. But that doesn't mean you can't get or give the answers you seek or are sought. A rambling RG
  3. Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life RG
  4. And I'm not even sure there was anyone on the other end of the line...but that's getting into the unabridged version and I think I'll stay to the shorter version as is...not for her sake, but for Lyla rules sake. RG
  5. Sorry for the laughing icon but if I posted who you'd laugh (or cry, or be in shock, or....I don't know) But interesting point Thanks RG
  6. Some cases beyond BS on it, outright IMO fraud...a sleepover🙄in which she makes a business call lasting close too an hour fifteen minutes, then stays fully dressed for the "intimacy"🙄 part of the sleepover. BTW cuddling/snuggling would have been great, didn't even do that. She changed...in the bathroom behind closed (and I assumed locked) bathroom doors. This BTW a very abridged with no details of what happened to me It was the last time I saw her, to me now she's not a companion, she's a grifter. RG
  7. Maybe, maybe not. I don't know which members would be categorized both as best members and banned members at the same time, although some come to mind. But with that said that might be worth a look at, separately. Formers members that are now banned, maybe a current Lyla member who thinks he/she would be an asset to this community could submit that person's name to cerbmod for reconsideration. Between cerbmod and council they could review and see if that person could come back to Lyla if he/she chooses too. Just a thought and a rambling RG
  8. Couple suggestions/ideas Leolist https://www.leolist.cc/ Their ad banner is to the right of the Lyla page VIP Favours https://www.vipfavours.ch/ Their banner also is to the right of the Lyla page If you don't have a Twitter account you may wish to consider Twitter as well. Many involved in this lifestyle both client and companion alike are on there as well. Those are a couple quick options off the top of my head Good luck RG
  9. One thing, directed more to any "Guests" who are lurking and reading this thread understand, this isn't us not wanting you...we want you...as Lyla members. So please join Lyla as a member, you will be welcome here, and joining is not that hard🙂 RG
  10. First my prescription. Then bought gas...86.9 litre Finally stopped at the grocery store, two important things needed....6 pack no alcohol beer and K Cups of Starbucks Sumatra coffee for my Keurig RG
  11. First I tried looking up rules and couldn't find any regarding "Guests" But in searching I noticed a lot of threads where "Guests" are sending welcoming posts to members who just joined CERB/Lyla 🤔 Sorry that seems odd to me Just a couple quick thoughts maybe limit access "Guest" access to Lyla (meaning if you read it as a guest you're only allowed to read a couple pages and thats it. Next time the guest tries to access Lyla a message something like "you've exceeded your limit of time on Lyla, please join as a full member and join our community" or words to that effect) Two "Guests" don't post at all, not untill they become members. Three not all of this is "Guests". Maybe there are a lot of Lyla members who've taken to lurking, don't know what to do to bring them back, just a I guess more observation than anything Four For those on Twitter promote this site, maybe it'll help don't know. I know in my future recommendations I'll make mention of the lady and her reco is on Lyla and then add the @LylaForums Twitter address. In the meantime on Twitter I every couple of weeks do a "Shout Out Saturday (or Sunday) Tweet and include Lyla in that. Don't know if it even does any good but I am giving it a shot Anyhow a few thoughts, maybe worth something, maybe not don't know A 2 cent rambling RG
  12. Dire Straits Money For Nothing RG
  13. We're so small a small town we have to go to the closest but very small city to go to a Canadian Tire or Walmart. But I digress LOL I forgot to add, when I go to see a companion I have a ready made story in case the hotel asks (not investigatively, just making conversation) why I'm visiting. My story is my trip is an overnight getaway, going to get a nice steak dinner (whatever) out, and next morning go to Bass Pro Shops. If in Kingston similar story, except I'm going to visit friends etc (used to live in Kingston) and if in Ottawa going to museums (LOL) Funny only time I've been asked and only on occasion is Toronto. When asked why hotels by the airport I said my experience every bit as nice as the ones downtown, not as expensive and I can park my truck...always. But key IMO for checking in is have a quick ready made excuse for being in the city...if you look evasive that becomes suspicious. But that's JMO RG
  14. Well I live in Smalltown Ontario Canada, nearest city (Kingston) about hour and half away and the city I usually go to is Toronto, about two, two and half hours away (depending on traffic) and the other city I have on occasion gone to Ottawa about three to four hours away (depending where in the city Kanata is close but such a long drive to Orleans tongue in cheek here) and OMG it becomes OH SO FAR almost insurmountable to go to Gatineau especially factoring in a bridge crossing (BTW tongue firmly in cheek here, said in complete fun) To me seeing a companion is about an escape, time together so I tend to book longer periods of time with a lady. There are no ladies locally so I do have to travel...guess I'm a touring client LOL. As for hobbying, there are no stamp collecting clubs in town, so much for a hobby. As for seeing companions, this to me is a lifestyle, not a hobby. 'Nuff said there A Rambling RG
  15. Thanks Wild Tiger and Emma. My brother and I know it's the right thing, and it will be good when she passes away and can rest in peace. But there is still something "sobering" if you will, that it took my brother and myself to have to approve the change in treatment (well lack of treatment) the sole purpose is to speed up her end of life. Thank you for sharing Boomer and sorry for the loss of your mother. It's cruel to let a person stay alive but suffer for his/her life. I'm glad they agreed to palliative care and her passing was quick and she no longer had to suffer. At least when mom made out her Will she was competent enough to specify a DNR order and no heroic measures take place Just now it's waiting by the phone, everytime it rings and my heart skips a beat wondering if it's the call "your mom went to sleep and didn't wake up" (thats how the staff at LTC phrase it) Again, thanks everyone RG
  16. Breakfast out...my bacon and eggs is now fruit bowl and dry brown toast plus black coffee. Haven't had bacon and eggs since Oct 17 2017, small price to pay in post Stroke recovery and health though Then stopped at the cheese factory, got a bag of curd and some 5 year old (makes extra old seem mild) cheddar. The ten year old won't be out for a couple years Stopped and filled up the truck....96 cents Bought groceries Bought a cheapie DVD player, my old one finally bit the dust RG
  17. Thank You Phaedrus. It's time for her to have a dignified ending. It's now six years since she was diagnosed with it, and a bit over two years she's be confined to a long term care facility. Doesn't know anyone, even tried hitting her grandson (my nephew) just no reason. She's had a long life (89 years old) and things will just get worse, not better. This is a horrible disease with no cure. I wouldn't wish it on my worse enemy Thanks Again RG
  18. https://www.cnn.com/videos/us/2019/01/25/family-kicked-off-flight-odor-vpx.hln/video/playlists/atv-trending-videos/ He's outraged!!! like WTF. He should be ashamed and embarrassed and not even shown his face. The real reason bud, YOU STINK. And so bad that people don't want to be trapped in an enclosed flying tube with you for hours on end. Do you think of others around you at all??? Tip, include soap and water in your wash routine, and anti perspirant too And for clients if a lady can cancel a booking because of stink remember, an airline kicked some passengers off a flight because of it RG
  19. First don't panic over the background check...I worked for the federal government for 29 years, in an LE department, it was routinely done on all staff Two how in depth is the screening...does your sister work in a government department that has high security standards (example CSIS or CSE) or something less security intensive (Post Office...just assuming they are) Three, are they including a criminal records check (require her to be fingerprinted) and credit check? Both BTW require the person being screened to consent. And for all the updated checks done on me in 29 years, only three times fingerprinted, when I got hired and two more times over 29 years employment. Never required a credit check done on me??? Four, the focus of the screening is on your sister and any security/criminal concerns she has, not on you. And for you this lifestyle isn't illegal. They aren't looking to find out about you. With that said you need to get rid of your real name for this lifestyle, and get an anonymous phone and email account. The only true red flag is non payment of taxes, get an accountant and get them paid My 2 Cents RG
  20. Sarah McLaughlan Angel I Will Remember You RG
  21. Gordon Lightfoot If You Could Read My Mind Sundown Wreck Of The Edmund Fitzgerald For Loving Me Carefree Highway RG
  22. Guess Who American Woman These Eyes Follow Your Daughter Home Bachman Turner Overdrive Taking Care Of Business Hey You Roll On Down The Highway RG
  23. The sort of, but not really bad news first. Got a call from my brother, he saw my mother's health care team (including doctor) about her condition (she has Stage 7 Alzheimers) Gist of it is the doctor wants the family's OK (my brother and me) to stop all medication (except any pain meds) My brother asked me, we both are in agreement, stop meds. The person died a long time ago, just the body is still weakly alive. So they are weaning her off her meds and we are actually hopeful she passes away soon to finally rest in peace. They thought she'd pass away two years ago. I thought cancer was the worst disease, I was wrong, Alzheimers is by far worse than cancer. I actually hope she passes away soon, to RIP, just no quality of life anymore. But still hard to be one of the two people who has to give approval to the doctor to cease medication. On a brighter note in the mail got a envelope from the Pension Centre, my pension goes up because of indexing 2.2% and I'm going to get a (slightly) larger (and noticeable) pension cheque every month, and first cheque comes in next Tuesday That's been my Friday RG
  24. James Bond Theme Tune Goldfinger Theme View To A Kill Skyfall From Russia With Love The World Is Not Enough That's It For JB Theme Songs RG
  25. Elton John Bennie And The Jets I'm Still Standing Crocodile Rock RG
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