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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Don't know if this counts as tv characters you can't stand, but am I the only one who wishes the roller coaster would just derail (said tongue in cheek) so we wouldn't have to keep watching these damned obnoxious juicy fruit ads and the annoying characters on the roller coaster http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7Js8FXOiKo and I'm beginning to think this submarine captain should have learned from German U-Boat captains about not taking survivors, these three idiots are also obnoxious tv characters I can't stand...nothing that a deck gun from a submarine wouldn't fix (again, said tongue in cheek) RG
  2. I love the single life. A lot of people wrongly assume that living alone equals being lonely. Not so. At home, master of the remote control I do share apartment space with adopted rescued feral cat, but does that count? I have family (we've grown closer since dad diagnosed with cancer), friends, including some ladies I have met and gotten to know through this lifestyle, and some co-workers, all I know without the strings or drama of living under the same roof permanently under a committed relationship. Some of the loneliest people I know are married...nothing worse than being with someone that you have grown out of love with. The worst times in my life were during or after a breakup, could only imagine what would have happened if I ever got married. Some ramblings from a happy single guy RG
  3. Wishing you a Happy Birthday Meaghan!!! Enjoy your special day RG
  4. Something else to consider, the presence of sprinklers in the hotel room (I'm a outcall type of guy) One encounter involved a birthday cake for a special lady given from another special lady and myself. There are sprinklers throughout the suite. Had we lit candles it would have been a very wet birthday celebration. I'm sure the same would hold true if candles for a romantic ambiance are lit. Mind you this is dependant on the hotel room RG
  5. Often, as a put down when someone does something stupid, he/she gets referred to as a nimrod Well nimrod in fact means mighty hunter...so it's more a compliment, especially if said to outdoorsmen, especially hunters RG
  6. Next election campaign there will be a lot of bull running LOL Sorry, couldn't resist RG
  7. Well the closest I came to getting tattooed was back in my Army days, and also back when I drank. One night a bunch of us went off base and got drunk in a gasthaus (I was posted in West Germany) Well my comrades in arms thought it would be a good idea to get a totally drunk RG tattooed. Cheap bastards though, didn't have enough money...THANK GOD!!! Why thank god, well any tattoo they would get me would be, I'm sure, embarrassing as hell. And why do I say that, well another soldier had a nice handlebar moustache which he took care for and loved...it was his pride and joy. What did his comrades, same as mine BTW, do???...he got drunk one night, and he lost half his moustache...yup they shaved half it off while he was passed out drunk. Next morning on parade he was so hung over and didn't notice half his moustache gone. When the CSM did his morning inspection just split his sides laughing Anyhow, back to the topic at hand. While I am personally glad I never got a tattoo...just not me. And I have a military and law enforcement background, jobs which seem to either attract or have their fair share of people with tattoos. I also grew up in an era where men could have tattoos, but it was unheard of on women. But since partaking in this lifestyle, I have met ladies who both have no tattoos, or one or two discrete tattoos to some covering major parts of their bodies...and a lady is beautiful whether she has or doesn't have tattoos A long winded rambling from a guy who's canvas is bare LOL but finds a lady whether with or without tattoos beautiful RG
  8. north face Seeing a SP or MA/MP RG
  9. A new computer Hewlett Packard HP2000 notebook with Windows 8 $454.59 Not so sure about Windows 8 yet RG
  10. Although I normally have outcalls to my hotels, I see reputable ladies. Ladies I have no issue being seen in public with (whether they want to be seen with me, well that's another story ;-) LOL) Long story short, except for logistics of it...I live in smalltown Ontario, I would have no issues trust and discretion wise having a lady to my place My trust level with the ladies I see now so high should, hypothetically speaking I need someone to hold my wallet (cw credit card & cash) I trust the ladies implicitly A evening rambling RG
  11. I think the key here is you as a client are only paying the lady for her time...whatever happens during that time is between two consenting adults If client has a heart attack is the lady liable If client's marriage breaks up is the lady liable If the client drives a way to see a lady and gets in an accident is the lady liable and we could go on Bottom line, and just my opinion, a lady and gentleman are merely partners for a set time. The lady unless offering her time as a paid exercise instructor, shouldn't be liable. And professional companions aren't sought out as exercise instructors for example, they are merely offering their companionship. But what happens during a date is private and not contracted for I won't address bungee jumping though since I've been given skydiving instructions by a very special lady already...bungee jumping just seems boring in comparisson Read my reco in Kingston recommendations...but I digress :-) RG
  12. Agree with you Eric. And further to that JMHO but it is somewhat objectifying to do a hierarchy of beauty. Great for those ladies who make a top ten list but for those who don't "make the cut" (sorry for the use of the phrase) it could be demeaning and possibly humiliating. All the ladies of CERB are beautiful and they don't need to be subjected to some arbitrary top 10 list My two cents RG
  13. Congratulations Meg!!!! on your 6000 contributions to the CERB community You are filled with positivity and are a pillar of this community Looking forward to your next 6000 contributions RG
  14. Well seeing as I'm from smalltown Ontario, I'll throw in my two cents worth, and it probably isn't even worth that LOL Question 1. No opinion as I don't live or know that neck of the woods. But if you should ever think of coming to Ontario I can recommend a couple hotels in Toronto, Kingston and Hamilton Question 2. Definitely prefer a hotel to a motel. Only once when I didn't know any better did I use a motel (my first time with a SP) If a lady had an incall at a motel I would avoid the encounter...motels seem much too unsafe and unsecure. Question 3. My personal preference for encounters is weekends usually Saturday night for a couple hours at least A quick rambling RG Additional Comments: Additional Comments: Samantha and Emily are both right. I find motels the least secure of any place be it incall or outcall. My first encounter was at my motel (I was a newbie and didn't know any better) I kept wondering if someone might try to come in not to mention some loud patrons walking outside...right outside my room As for hotels with seperate unlocked enterences who knows who could get in. Don't worry about walking by the front desk of a hotel. Hotel staff see people coming and going every day...just blend in RG
  15. Jennifer Aniston...comes across as j ust too in love with herself JMHO And from Ice Pilots NWT Joe. He treats people in a terrible manner RG
  16. Canada...there are places I haven't seen (Newfoundland, Yukon, NWT for example) Places I've seen a long time ago (BC, N.S.,PEI N.B) and would like to see again And perhaps in my travels connect with some ladies I have only met on the board, and reconnect with a few ladies I've met before and would like to see again RG
  17. Congratulations Ann.....er Meg on your 6000 upbeat positive contributions to this community. Looking forward to reading your next 6000 contributions RG
  18. If I were you Karina, let him know. He may have the same feelings for you. The risk, he may not have the same feelings. If he is a client who sees you for repeat encounters there is something about you he does like. My guess, if you tell him your feelings, he won't think you are doing it for the money, in fact if you tell him your feelings and things progress, a monetary transaction wouldn't even form part of your relationship, should you develop a relationship. Things to keep in mind. Is he receptive to a relationship (is he single, will you stop being a professional companion, if that is an issue for him, does he need to stop seeing professional companions if that is an issue for you, will both your families accept each other, is there an age difference etc) And if he says he isn't interested, could you continue to see him as a client and would he feel comfortable continuing to see you. All that said, I would, if you really have fallen for him, let him know. There is an underlying risk in letting your feelings show, but there could also be great rewards...maybe he is "the one" Good luck RG
  19. I like Meaghan for her contributions to the boards. I'm glad she is a member of this community RG
  20. When I'm hosting, which is the case in most of my encounters, I contact the lady ahead of time and ask her what she would like to drink. Me, I can't drink, but ladies might like a social glass of wine while we are sitting together conversing, getting to know one another or re-connecting if a repeat encounter. A couple notes. First, always, always open the bottle in front of the lady. Even with ladies I have seen on repeat encounters, I open the bottle in front of them. Second, I don't use wine to loosen up the lady. Wine may be a drink to offer, maybe it's just water. In my hotel room I make sure there is also water and juice on hand too. A morning rambling RG
  21. And here is another story about the origins of the word f------ The famous four-lettered word for sex has some intriguing tales of its origin, which are not necessarily true but all the same interesting. Apparently in ancient England a person could only have babies with permission of the king. When they had sex a placard hung on their door which said - F.--.--.--. - Fornication Under Consent of the King on it. But did you know Marilyn Monroe possibly the most sexy icon of the twentieth century, despite all the lovers she had and the three husbands she was married too, never experienced an orgasm RG
  22. Nachos washed down with a Beck's no alcohol beer RG
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