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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes!!! :-) Spent yesterday and today in a hospital waiting room while mom had a post op exam ...ahhh that pesky cycle of life :-), but family comes first But the birthday wishes, not to mention a couple pm's and an email really brightened my day Again, thanks everyone RG
  2. Well I'm going to add a bit more to this thread. It really hit home for me yesterday how much of a community this really is. Yesterday was my birthday, but family matters took precedence. I had to take my mother down to Kingston for a post op check up so yesterday and today I was in a hospital waiting room...almost as much fun as sitting in the departure lounge at Pearson LOL. I'm not complaining btw. But while in the waiting room I was able to (discretely on my smartphone) check CERB and see the birthday greetings, along with a couple pm's and an email, brightened my day. This board really is more than a board, it is a community and even in a few cases, we are friends. We do more than just look for or advertise encounters here. We acknowledge each other's milestones, be they birthdays, or post counts etc, and offer support to one another. It's just that we all got to know one another because of a common interest and lifestyle. But that isn't all we are about. A quick rambling RG
  3. I like to give a gift (and tip ;-) ). It is for me a way to show my appreciation to a lady for the escape and companionship she provides. I look at a lady's website to get an idea of what she would like as a gift. Usually it is along the lines of a gift card for Victoria's Secret, or La Senza, or La Vie En Rose or Sephora (do I lose my man card knowing about all these stores LOL). Sometimes it's a gift card for Chapters or Lululemon. Once I read a lady's posts on CERB prior to an encounter, and she needed something replaced. Although I prefer giving a gift and tip, I gave her a tip equal in value to what I would normally give as gift and tip so she could put it towards what needed replacing. Etiquette wise, a lady gets the gift along with the donation at the beginning of the encounter, the tip given at the end of the encounter I won't say what the value is of the tips and gifts I give, I will say with repeat encounters the value of the gift increases RG
  4. Happy Birthday Katrine Enjoy your special day RG
  5. Happy Birthday Serena Enjoy your special day RG
  6. Congratulations Lee on 2500 positive humorous contributions to CERB Looking forward to your next 2500 contributions RG
  7. Welcome to CERB, and congratulations on your first post!!!...hope to read more from you Well I'll offer some advice like you requested, and I'm sure other CERBite's will offer their opinion too. First is to find a lady that interests you. To this end go to the recommendation section on CERB for the city you are having your encounter in, and see which lady you would like to meet. Then contact her, using her preferred method of contact (whether email, pm, text, phone call) and enquire about setting up an encounter. Be a gentleman when corresponding with her, in fact be a gentleman always. Let the lady know when you correspond that you are a newbie, that way any faux pas can be forgiven. She may ask to screen/verify you. That includes your name (real name) phone number, email, board handle confirmed through pm and a reference. Now seeing as this is your first time, you won't have a reference. Be open with the other information, the lady will have other ways to screen you. And verification is a perfectly accepted practice by professional companions, it isn't something to be worried about Once you schedule an encounter, short of unforeseen circumstances keep your date. Yes life happens, but should it happen, paying the lady a cancellation feel is appropriate. When you meet for the encounter, be it incall or outcall don't rush anything. First and foremost, her donation should be in plain sight, in an envelope/gift bag and given to her. She may wish to go to the washroom to count it out, perfectly acceptable. She may also wish to contact her driver to let the driver know she is ok. Again this is perfectly acceptable for the lady to do The lady is meeting you alone for an intimate time together, that doesn't mean immediately when you show up at her place or she shows up at your place you can grab her and tear her clothes off...that's an unforgiveable faux pas. Let the lady take the lead and control the pace. But let the encounter unfold naturally. In short, as you phrased it, play it by ear. And don't worry, you will have a good encounter In terms of relaxing, first, don't use drugs or alcohol, a lady will cancel if the client appears under the influence. But frankly, at least for me, I don't want to be relaxed, the building anticipation and excitement of the upcoming encounter is half the fun. And even with ladies I have seen before, I still have that anticipation and excitement...but relaxed??? To me relaxed would mean I'm taking the ladies and this lifestyle for granted, and what's the point in that? Something else to consider with your date. Give the lady a gift and a tip. It is a nice way to show your appreciation for the intimate escape she provided you. Now one thing, if dealing with a lady from an agency forgo a gift. A agency lady gives a cut of her donation to the agency. But give her a tip equal in value to the cost of a tip and gift for an independent lady. If you are hosting (an outcall to your hotel) make sure your room has all the lights on, bathroom and closet doors open. Yes dimmed lights are all romantic. But a lady may feel unsafe going into a stranger's darkened room. And if you are serving any refreshments, first ask her what she would like when you confirm a encounter. But keep all containers sealed and only opened in her presence. All your actions should make her feel safe. Just some quick ramblings off the top of my head Good luck And have fun RG
  8. I like kissing (and hugging) when seeing a lady. A genuine display of affection. A encounter would seem empty without it RG
  9. Meaghan I only hope you had a bad day. And that you do love yourself. You are a lady, who provides the gift of human companionship to men. It's unfortunate you met a jerk, that treated you so bad, but what happened only speaks to his character, or lack of it than it says about you. And his actions are his shame to carry. Don't let him bring you down. And whether you know it or not, there are likely more people who like, love and cherish you than you know...we have only met through CERB and I like and cherish you. Here is a long distance hug for you Take care RG
  10. This subject has hit me recently with events in my family. My dad has cancer (Stage III CLL leukemia, bone cancer and lung cancer) When he was first diagnosed, my reaction was normal, wanting him to beat cancer. When I saw him in January, he was skin and bones, if he looked any worse he would look like he came out of a concentration camp. He is alive, but not living. I've come to accept what the outcome of his cancer will be. I'm certainly not looking forward to that day, but I have accepted that it will come. When that day comes definitely I will be grieving. But even though I know that day will come, I can't yet grieve, till the day come. And grieving is part of the healing process. Now it is like being in limbo, not just for me, but for everyone, especially dad. Every time my phone rings my stomach churns, if it rings while I'm driving, I pull off the road to answer, just in case it is the call. The one positive is my brother, his wife, my mother and myself are closer now. Now my mother, not a case of grieving, but she had a cornea transplant. The surgery is over but requires post op follow up exams. So today I was in Hotel Dieu Hospital in Kingston, and again tomorrow, back down to Hotel Dieu. On the plus side, her eyesight is improving. On the down side, I'm beginning to really hate hospital waiting rooms LOL...ahhh it's the cycle of life A rambling RG
  11. I like Mistert. Not only is he a valued member of this community and makes positive contributions to the board, I have heard, (although not personally sampled) he is one good cook RG
  12. Additional Comments: I dress pretty casually, slacks or jeans and a button front shirt. OK maybe I'm not going to be on the cover of GQ, but I don't look like I've just changed the oil in my truck either LOL And I have learned from my newbie days not to have a clothing request for a lady. In my naïve newbie days I thought it was acceptable to ask a lady for a clothing request. But even clothing, such as a evening dress and high heels, can draw unwanted attention for a lady going through a hotel lobby to your hotel room (most of my dates are outcalls), something which could make her feel uncomfortable And definitely don't greet a lady at the door wearing underwear, gstring or some other god awful nightmare outfit that not only will make her feel uncomfortable, but maybe scare her too. She has agreed to meet you alone intimately. Make her feel completely comfortable, from no special clothing requests, to when you greet her at your door, you look, dress and act normally. And when she comes into your room, just let the encounter unfold naturally. Just me, but I prefer longer encounters (at least two hours), one side benefit of which is that the lady has a lot of time to get her bearings, not to mention time for the lady and myself to get to know one another over drinks and conversation. There is definitely a social aspect to encounters, at least there is for me A rambling RG
  13. I like Chuck, he's a new member of CERB, who is actively making positive contributions and being a part of this community RG
  14. Leftover frankfurters paprika and a store bought lemon meringue pie for desert RG
  15. Happy Belated Birthday Lilly Hope your day was special RG
  16. Just saw this posted on CERB today, Emily is coming to Timmins http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=127777 If you want to meet a wonderful companion and a great lady, contact Emily. RG
  17. I like Phaedrus. His posts provide a positive voice of reason to this community RG
  18. Hi Jenni First, welcome to CERB and joining our community :-) To build your reputation, contribute to the various threads. Make posts, participate. It is a way for people to get to know you. And remember,not everyone agrees on everything, but as long as your posts are respectful, and positive contributions you'll do fine. Also, don't sweat the reputation points, you'll find as long as your making positive contributions, you'll get points, either from getting a post nominated, or receiving a comment/reputation point or getting thanks Good luck And again, welcome to the CERB community RG
  19. Plain old soap and water, (ivory soap) for washing No shampoo...you need a head of hair to warrant using shampoo Noxzema shaving cream for shaving, both whiskers, my head, and down there RG
  20. Well new series that came out this season, Vegas. Some other shows I watch are Law & Order SVU, NCIS, NCIS Los Angeles, Pawn Stars, American Restoration, Ice Pilots NWT, Ice Road Truckers. RG
  21. (The) Quick And The Dead RG
  22. Octopussy (James Bond) RG
  23. Monty Python And The Holy Grail RG
  24. I like OD because he shows his true feelings about the ladies of CERB...and there is nothing wrong with that RG
  25. Frankfurters Paprika take 4 tomatoes, cut each one into wedges, 1 green pepper chopped, 1 spanish onion chopped up, and a pack of hotdogs chopped into pieces. sauté them in butter. add two tablespoons paprika, mix in. then add a 1 cup beef bouillon. reduce heat to low. cook wide noodles. when noodles done, serve up, spoon the frankfurter mixture over the noodles RG
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