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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Instead of an out of the blue text you can always contact the lady by signing her Guestbook on CERB or PM her...something a little less anonymous Texting, unless you identify yourself, is anonymous, and who wants to be anonymously contacted for no apparent reason RG
  2. I don't know what the Timmins scene is like but as TMS mentions, Emily Rushton tours and includes Timmins on her tours. The next time Emily schedules a tour to Timmins, contact her and book an encounter. She is a very special lady and wonderful companion, you will be glad you had an encounter with her. RG
  3. Oh disco, because when disco died there was no post apocalyptic world...life went on and was good...is that a good reason Hagen Das or Ben & Jerry's RG
  4. First I am not implying you are a tire kicker, or that sort of person. But I was trying to point out that if you send a lot of PM's, and never schedule an encounter, then you would get a reputation as a "tire kicker" I did see that you just joined CERB and I assumed (I know, a dangerous thing to do LOL) you are a newbie to this lifestyle, and maybe not aware of all of the etiquette in meeting a professional companion. I certainly didn't mean to make you feel poorly that wasn't my intent in the least. One more thing, about CERB in general. Unlike the other boards, which may be more of a boys club if you will, CERB is a community where both the ladies and gentlemen safely share opinions on threads. Yes you may have wanted just the ladies opinion. But you'll find in this thread, and all other threads, the community, yes community as a whole will offer their insight. That is the nature of this community, and why it is the better IMHO board out there. And congratulations on scheduling your encounter, have a great time!!! Anyhow, while no offence, in the least was intended on my part, my apologies if you took it that way RG
  5. Bacon Burger Potato Chips or Pretzels RG
  6. I certainly don't disagree with you. But "mainstream" society does unfortunately frown on this lifestyle. My doctor orders my STD/STI testing when I get my blood levels done for the prescription I take (for a medical condition I have) which is once every two months. He asked me who I'm seeing, all I say is I see a couple ladies, casually, on a friends with benefits relationship nothing exclusive. How he'd react if I told him I actively saw professional companions I don't know. I know he is cool with including STD/STI testing with my blood levels, knowing I see more than one woman, and those women don't just see me. But if he knew I was active in this lifestyle, he might be somewhat moralistic. RG
  7. Well today started off good. Dropped mom at church this morning, then got the vehicle gassed up, a Timmies run and a few minor errands. Back to church, picked up mom, then down to my brothers where he and his wife took us all out for Easter brunch. After we were done brunch, we all were walking out when mom took a bad spill. Went to emergency, she has a sore shoulder, but worse, a broken thumb. Spent over three hours in emergency and six different waiting rooms. She's patched up now, but a plastic surgeon will be seeing her sometime this week to properly splint the thumb. And to boot, end of this week I have to take mom to Kingston for another post op exam on her eye after her cornea transplant. Going to be seeing a lot of waiting rooms this week RG
  8. Right about regular STD/STI testing. Right about your doctor being the expert to consult. And I'm sure any health professional would say preventative measure number one, only have one intimate partner...they would all frown on this lifestyle with it's polyamorous nature. Just a quick two cents RG
  9. DATY Ice Road Truckers or Ice Pilots NWT RG
  10. Pie Best Cowboy...John Wayne or Clint Eastwood RG
  11. Because even in a supposed monogamous relationship, how do you know for fact, that your partner is faithful (yuk hate using morally laden terms here, and no, not passing judgement) He/she can say he/she is faithful when in fact is having an affair. And even knowing your sexual health, you only take your partners' word that he/she is STD/STI free, your partner takes his/her partners' word and so on and so on. The only absolute safe sex is celibacy, and that breeds loneliness which has IMHO and experience negative health consequences too Bottom line, you are responsible for your own sexual health. If I, god forbid, should ever test positive for an STD/STI I would let my partners, the wonderful ladies of CERB know, so they can get tested and treated. BTW I can trace back all my partners for three years (since I embarked on this wonderful lifestyle) and I have fond memories of most of my encounters And no one is to blame here,if one gets an STD/STI so no passing the blame game, we are all equal players in this lifestyle A rambling RG
  12. I think it is a good idea when contacting a lady to tell her a little about yourself including if you are a newbie. It will help you if you make minor faux pas etiquette wise. Things an experienced gentleman should know, but a newbie might not know. Also, ladies are very understanding, if you don't have a reference due to being a newbie, they do have other screening methods Finally, be open with the lady you wish to see. You are seeing her for an intimate encounter, where she gives her body mind and soul to you for a period of time. It is a special lady that can be that open with you or any man. The least you can do as a gentleman is be equally open, so she knows who you are A quick rambling RG
  13. If your weird, so am I, and so are many other CERBite's. But if you feel weird about it, contact a lady for a few hours, and cuddle with her while talking about feeling weird, guaranteed you won't feel weird at the end of the encounter, just good BTW I love kissing, cuddling and conversation (KCC) too Here's a thread http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=127246&highlight=cuddling RG
  14. Congrats on your first five...keep 'em coming RG
  15. Pickup Best Bond Sean Connery, Roger Lazenby, Roger Moore, Timothy Dalton, Pierce Brossnan or Daniel Craig (did I forget anyone LOL) RG
  16. Bora Bora Raw oysters on the half shell or steamed mussels RG
  17. Congratulations Cristy on your first 1000 contributions. Enjoy reading what you have to say. Looking forward to your next 1000 contributions RG
  18. I've noticed some new names of late making posts, taking the leap from lurker to contributers. I just wanted to thank you former lurkers for contributing to this board, and making the first steps to being a part of this community. Keep up the posting and again, thanks for contributing to this community Thanks Again RG
  19. Congratulations on post 5000 Old Dog, and even more so, congratulations on your recovery. You are very much a central part of the CERB community and I feel very honoured that you count me as one of your friends. And on a side note, CERB is much more than a board. It is a collection of people who care for one another. I know I feel very lucky to have met, even if only through cyberspace, some members of our CERB community Again OD, thank you for your 5000 contributions. We're looking forward to your next 5000 contributions And I think a thank you is due to the CERB as a whole, members who make this much more than a board, collectively they make it a community RG
  20. Well again maybe it's the naive gentleman in me but if ladies collectively refused bbfs and treated those men who pressure ladies to provide bbfs as bad dates maybe soon the demand would stop. But no matter what, irrespective of what a man would like, a ladies' boundaries must always be respected and no lady should be pressured to do something she doesn't want to do Coming from a boy from smalltown Ontario who not only couldn't and wouldn't ask for bbfs but couldn't envision pressuring a lady to do anything she doesn't want to do RG
  21. Just a dumb question, consider it part of the education of a naive boy from smalltown OntarioLOL. How prevalent in the escort world is it having SP's offerring bbfs. I'm not looking for bbfs but since Feb 2010 when I first forayed into this lifestyle by joining CERB and July 2010 when I had my first encounter I have never seen a lady that advertises bbfs. So I'm wondering is it just an aberration in this lifestyle or a real risk something to be concerned about. Maybe I'm looking in all the wrong, oops change that, I'm looking in all the right spots when seeking companionship, because none of the ladies I see or plan to see advertise bbfs Just a question of curiousity, because I've never seen it advertised, nor has a lady ever offerred bbfs in an encounter, and I'd run like hell if it was offerred RG
  22. Good post ODL. But as long as you are the best client you can be, in other words a gentleman who completely respects a lady's boundaries you have nothing to be sorry for. And if a lady you see chooses to put restrictions on what she offerred in an encounter, you will still continue to see her, so she won't feel economically pressured to perform services she no longer wants to do then you have nothing to apologize for Be the best client and gentleman you can be. From your post I'm guessing you are. If you are a gentleman, you have nothing to be sorry for. RG
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