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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Indian (although I have it very rarely) Wings or Ribs RG
  2. Sorry to disagree here, but first up in Canada, prostitution is legal so how can one say hobbiests are more likely to have a criminal history? To further add, legalistically speaking unless you have been at least charged and at the most convicted of a criminal offence, you have no criminal history. In other words, unless brought before the criminal justice system you have no criminal history, for it is the criminal justice system that in part keeps a record of someone's criminal history, if indeed you have one. Just my opinion, coming from a hobbiest (I cringe using that term, how can intimate interpersonal relations be construed as a hobby, stamp collecting is a hobby...but I digress) who not only has no criminal record, but who's career is in a law enforcement field RG
  3. The same can be said of you ladies Angela and Annessa. I get treated so much better by the ladies I see now compared to when I dated and was in relationships. No drama, just mutually beneficial encounters, and encounters are a special occasion with a special lady. In some cases even friendships formed. It's just as much an ego boost to me to know that being a gentleman, respectful, and yes, a nice guy...in other words being myself is what ladies find attractive in a man in this lifestyle. BTW only late to this thread because I wasn't even around CERB, or this lifestyle when it was started RG
  4. I only know from reading profiles and ladies' websites, seeing as I'm not married LOL, but often a companion wishes to meet the couple first before agreeing to see them behind bedroom doors. And as was mentioned, considering this is your wife's intimate experience more so than yours, she should be the person deciding on who to see. Finally, is your wife really comfortable with the idea. I only ask because you mentioned she wants to be tipsy. Just my opinion, but whether man or woman, wanting to be tipsy before an intimate encounter would be a sign that a person really isn't comfortable with the idea of being intimate with a person. Not to mention a professional companion may cancel the encounter if someone shows up under the influence Good luck to you and your wife RG
  5. I know I have met some wonderful ladies, some of whom I consider friends, through this lifestyle. The companionship they provided has enriched my life. As cliche as it sounds, I feel truly honoured that they were willing not just to share their bodies, but their minds and souls with me. Not only did I enjoy the moment of our encounter, I have been left with wonderful memories about memorable times together. The companionship given, yes given, has a value you can't put a price on. But the value of the gift of your companionship to me far exceeds the donation asked. I only hope that for you ladies I am respectful and a gentleman enough so during our time together you enjoy my company too. A Heartfelt Thank You From A Grateful Gentleman RG
  6. I love KCC (kissing, cuddling, conversation) Meg And it is a pleasurable intimate activity in it's own right, as enjoyable as sexual intercourse IMHO RG
  7. I like women. They can be from mid twenties to fifty They can be (I hate using the term but is considered ok in this lifestyle) spinners to bbw They can have tattoos or not They can have piercings or not The most important quality a lady has is her personality. A sense of humour, intelligence, approachable, friendly. A woman's true beauty comes from within Don't know if that is an answer or not RG
  8. Not disputing that there are troubled country celebs...but it isn't just country music that has it's share of troubled celebs. Heard of Kurt Cobain, Jim Morrisson, Janis Joplin, Keith Moon, Jimi Hendrix, Amy Winehouse, Steven Tyler and I could go on...and that's just music. Haven't even mentioned actors and actresses. Question to be asked is why do talented and gifted individuals who seemingly have it all squander their lives on self destructive behaviour. And why does it seem celebrity status brings out the worst behaviour in people. A rambling RG
  9. I posted in the other thread on this similiar topic but I'll post words to the same effect here. For a gentleman who gets a public recommendation/review written by a lady it can possibly be flattering...an ego boost What about a client who did nothing wrong, the encounter was textbook ok just no chemistry, or maybe he liked her and did everything right but she felt no chemistry, to her he was just a passable client but nothing special. He gets no reco. And he might then feel slighted if none is written A lady's way of acknowleging and thanking a gentleman for a good encounter comes from post encounter emails, pm's etc. And she most likely will give a reference if asked. And she will see the gentleman for future encounters But, with the exception of giving a reference if asked, the lady's way of acknowledging a good and special client is private between her and the gentleman, it isn't in my opinion really something for public disclosure on an escort recommendation board. It serves no purpose that I can see. RG
  10. Thanks Nicolette. And your in my thoughts too RG
  11. Most of my encounters have been on weekends. But I do plan my encounters far ahead of time...including the day/date Maybe some ladies already have encounters scheduled when you contact them Or some may take a weekend off RG
  12. It would on first glance seem like something fun. But what if you were a client not recommended. You aren't a bad client just not reco worthy in the lady's opinion She possibly could lose a client The feedback from the lady to me comes in the form of post encounter emails and she wants to see me for future encounters if asked. Also if she is willing she will, if asked by me, give me a reference if needed to see another lady. In short and it's just my opinion, but the feedback a lady gives is private to the gentleman and not for a public recommendation Just my two cents worth RG
  13. Her font size looks the same to me in her other posts as in her reply to to you. And I read nothing rude in her reply just her explaining why she gives thanks after your post about her giving out thanks RG
  14. I like MF. A respected member of the CERB community I enjoy reading his posts and his jokes RG
  15. Each member here will have their own reasons to give thanks, rep points/comments and or nominate a post. It is a personal decision to give out and unless there are hard and fast rules about giving them which I didn't read they should be taken as positive feedback on a post you made Just my opinion RG
  16. I think, and don't quote me but if you want to leave a thanks or a nomination plus comments first submit your comments then the thanks/nomination. If you put the thanks/nomination in first you can't then leave comments/rep points but you can the other way around But don't quote me on this LOL RG
  17. Dad was feeling dizzy and his heartrate elevated. 911 called and he was taken to the hospital. Testing showed his hemoglobin count down. They gave him two units of blood. He is stabalized and under observation at the hospital, but the hospital has no rooms, so he has to rest in emergency. RG
  18. As a gentleman who's encounters are usually outcalls to my hotel room I contact the lady to find out what she would like to drink. Most often it is wine of their choice I have for an encounter. I also make sure I keep juices and water on hand. And always I open the sealed bottle in front of the lady. RG
  19. I would. When I see a lady it's because there is something about her that interests and attracts me to her. Braces wouldn't even be an issue on whether to see her or not RG
  20. My opinion. First every lady should provide only those services she feels comfortable providing and not feel pressured to do something she is uncomfortable doing Most of the ladies I see don't have a menu and details of what happens in an encounter are private and will remain so That said if a lady I see and repeat with decides she no longer wishes to offer a certain service and change them I would still see her. But that is because I see ladies not so much for the (I hate the term) menu of services, but for the companionship they provide. And that companionship is more about the interpersonal connection/chemistry we have I don't know if that is an answer to your question or not RG
  21. Vitto is quite right. As a newbie it may seem intimidating to post. But as long as your posts are positive and respectful your opinion is welcome. And CERB is a judgement free zone. So to you lurkers, join the community and share your opinions...they are welcome here :-) RG
  22. Any show you did would send ratings sky high As for dinner tonight eggs over easy with hash brown potatoes You know...breakfast for dinner LOL RG
  23. It's not like your being asked to write a P.hD thesis here. I'm sure many of you read recommendations from guys who contribute to help in chosing a lady to see. So when you have a good encounter with a lady contribute by writing a recommendation to help another guy decide on who to see. Or post a joke, or a song, or your opinion on a topic on one of the forums Remember this isn't a website which you just read. This is a forum which needs the positive participation of all it's members RG
  24. I like Meaghan for her positive and informative contributions to the CERB Community RG
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