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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. I'm using a Samsung Galaxy Note RG
  2. Is there a way to turn off the predictive text on my smartphone Doesn't speed up typing, you just spend more time editing and deleting words you never heard of before RG
  3. Just paid for my auto insurance renewal. RG
  4. 60 dollars worth of gas...and it didn't even give me a half tank full...sometimes trucks have their downside RG
  5. I need to give you a cooking class...I've made spaghetti carbonara and everyone that has had it says (not bragging) better than any they have had in a restaurant But for dinner tonight I had buffalo wings washed down with Becks no alcohol beer And enough wings left over for lunch tomorrow RG
  6. I like MF for his sense of humour and positive contributions to CERB. Definitely a positive member of this community RG
  7. Happy Birthday Berlin Enjoy your special day RG
  8. Negotiating, a nice word for it, more like haggling is the ultimate insult. A lady gives of herself in the most intimate interpersonal way providing a much needed escape for us gentlemen The value of the escape and companionship the ladies provide far exceeds any donation the lady would ask for. The ladies deserve respect and appreciation from us. Haggling isn't showing respect and is never called for, it's just an insult RG
  9. My opinion based on my experience and from what I have read on CERB is what ladies really want is a gentleman, someone who treats them with respect As for what the lady said to you, imho it was inappropriate, just as inappropriate if a man told a lady her breasts were not big enough or too big or well you get the idea We are all people with feelings and deserving of respect. It sounds to me from your post that she didn't respect your feelings. RG
  10. Sorry to hear about this Katherine Hope you are OK My thoughts and prayers with you RG
  11. Congratulations on your upcoming marriage RG
  12. I like OD for his contributions and sense of humour. His presence helps make the CERB community the positive place it is RG
  13. It's been awhile since this thread has had a post, so I'll take this opportunity to honour another CERB Goddess of the Day And that is CristyCurves She writes intelligent posts that contribute to this board and community. She is also passionate about causes, such as treating animals humanely....I enjoy reading what she writes And she is beautiful too. One lady who, should I ever make my way down east I would like to meet Unfortunately I'm on a smartphone or I'd post a link to her profile and post a photo too RG
  14. Yes Longer encounters (2 or more hours ) or shorter encounters (1 hour or less) RG
  15. Skinny dipping Jacuzzi or sauna RG
  16. Since mistert's post inadvertently missed I'll answer lower back daytime encounters or evening encounters RG
  17. I have a "wish list" of ladies I would like to see Some of those ladies are ladies I have had the pleasure of previous encounters with, and would like to re-connect with them And there are ladies I have yet to meet but would like to. But this "wish list" is private, only because I would hate to inadvertently offend a lady by forgetting to publicly list her. So my list is private, but the ladies I want to meet know who they are, and that's the important thing RG
  18. And the days get longer....reminder, turn your clocks ahead by one hour tomorrow RG
  19. Happy Birthday Mistress Sugar Enjoy your special day RG
  20. I know for myself, when reading a magazine or the newspaper, I find it easier to take my glasses off For work, when I'm inputting on the computer from a file, progressives are great, the file is close, the computer screen and keyboard a little further away, and I can see all clearly And distances, no problem seeing at all RG
  21. Happy Birthday Vanessa Enjoy your special day RG
  22. Your business slogan "Got an itch that needs scratching" RG :-) Additional Comments: You know there really is a Seinfeld episode for everything RG :-)
  23. Highlights of the day today Took the day off today to drive mom to the surgeon in Kingston for a post op exam. Highlight 1. Had a good lunch at the Golden Rooster restaurant in Kingston Highlight 2. Appointment was at 2pm, we arrived just before 1pm, in at 1:10pm, her appointment over at 1:20pm...OUT EARLY YAY!!!! Highlight 3. Last week right after the surgery she could only read the top line of the eye chart, this week, third line down. And no signs of the cornea being rejected. So good are the results she doesn't need to see the surgeon for another three weeks...outlook very good Highlight 4. Made a couple stops at Timmies today, three cups won the roll up the rim (ok, just 2 free coffees and a donut LOL) RG
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