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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. All these songs about Mondays and Tuesdays...when we know it's Saturday we like....especially Saturday Night Saturday Night Bay City Rollers http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBn2ux5vRHk My apologies LOL RG
  2. I agree with you Cristy. These "men" wanted to engage in sexual activities with underage girls. They aren't the victims here, and in fact, if this wasn't a sting but a real BP/CL ad, they would have ended up arranging to have sex with underage girls. The only ones needing to be careful of BP/CL are those "men" who reply to ads for underage girls...and they deserve whatever punishment the law has for them. No sympathy whatsoever for them RG
  3. Congratulactions to Gabriella, Phaedrus and NJ 3 valued members and contributors to this community RG
  4. Thru a pharmacy with a doctor's prescription Selling pharmaceuticals without a prescription is illegal On another note have you given l-argentine a try. It is not RX, helps circulation and for some people like me does the trick...and much cheaper than viagara Can buy it at GNC RG Additional Comments: Remember doctor has to also look at patient's family health history My family has a history of stroke, so viagara is contra indicated even though I have'nt had a stroke RG
  5. Bought the James Bond DVD Skyfall at WalMart. Got home, looking forward to seeing it. The DVD went in, would only play in slow motion, then stop, then the DVD player kicked it out with my tv flashing "Problem Reading Disc" Yes it is a DVD, double checked the box. Back to WalMart tomorrow get another DVD RG
  6. Our last group/song was Genesis Mama So now how about something from the Mama's and Popas And since tomorrow is Monday our next song Monday Monday RG
  7. Not starting an argument but what is best is what works best for you. For me, neither viagra or cialis are best, in fact for me because of a family history of strokes could cause major health problems for me And using something for ed is needed because I take a prescription for another medical condition and that prescription affects things So I use l-argenine,which helps circulation (after consultation with my doctor) It may not be the best for everyone, or for everyone, but it is the best for me RG
  8. Think I used this one before V is for Victoria's Secret Often a store I stop at prior to an encounter to buy a gift :-) RG
  9. Getting an email out of the blue today (very distinctive email address only reason I remember it) sent from the first SP I saw (and don't want to see again)...no message, just smiley faces. Haven't contacted her in two years seven months (the first and last time I saw her), you'd think that would be a hint WTF why would she even email me with a nothing email after so long Put her address on my blocked senders list RG
  10. Mom got a call from her surgeon today...next Thursday she has surgery on her eye She's been waiting for awhile for this surgery (vision getting progressively worse) She's happy. And even though it's two days for me driving and stuck in waiting rooms I'm looking forward to mom's eye getting fixed RG
  11. Something else I've eaten, and made, still have the recipe for is Caesar salad What you may be wondering is strange about Caesar salad? Well the original recipe doesn't call for some creamy bottled salad dressing...the dressing is a combination of the following ingredients over the the lettuce...garlic olive oil, lemon juice, red wine vinegar, oil from a tin of anchovies (plus the anchovies of course) Worcestershire sauce and a raw egg. Yummmmm!!!!! And alot of the foods mentioned are pretty mainstream, and some others, (game for example) really aren't so much strange as it's more like not many people have had the pleasure of trying them. I'm fortunate that I have a couple friends who hunt, and give me care packages :-) so game is something I can include in my meals And closing off with a bad groaner joke of the day, one I heard years ago. You know why eating raw oysters are considered an aphrodisiac? Because if a man will eat something that looks like that raw, a woman knows what else he'll eat raw RG
  12. I won't say it's the best, haven't comparison shopped, but for this lifestyle I use mail.com You can not only choose your user name but also they have a selection of domain names to choose from Very rarely get spam Here's the link mail.com and the link for creating a account http://service.mail.com/registration.html?edition=int&lang=en&device=desktop#.1258-header-getaccount1-1 Windows Live (hotmail) sucks, use it for my civilian life LOL get tons of spam email...it does get filtered to my junk email folder but I wish I wouldn't get as much as I do And then there is the famous gc.ca email...yup, work email Sucks because it's all work related LOL RG
  13. Does it really matter whether you are comfortable with her name or not (and I'm not really sure how one can be uncomfortable with someone else's name) It's the lady's name (albeit her alter ego name), she chose it, so the only one who should be comfortable/uncomfortable with the lady's name is the lady. If you respect the ladies, respect the name they chose for themselves This is much ado about nothing. Just my opinion RG
  14. The theme from National Lampoon's Family Vacation "Holiday Road" http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=Holiday+Road+Vacation+Soundtrack&view=detail&mid=D7AD5A2547215950BB02D7AD5A2547215950BB02&first=0&FORM=NVPFVR And what does that have to do with Billy Joel The Entertainer 1. Family Vacation was entertaining 2. Billy Joel was married to Christie Brinkly 3. Christie Brinkly had a part in Family Vacation OK a stretch RG
  15. This is an example of guys not going to get a response BTW just submitted in fun, but Meg's point is bang on!!! http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=bud+ad+whatsup&view=detail&mid=4E91D31842498CCBE5BB4E91D31842498CCBE5BB&first=0&FORM=NVPFVR RG
  16. Some days I just shake my head. And no, not at you ladies. But threads like this keep re-emerging time to time. When clear plain instructions are written, why waste a lady's time asking questions for which there are already answers too. Some of the guys probably aren't serious potential clients, just guys who just like emailing escorts. Maybe there are a few newbies, who might be making newbie mistakes. But for a gentleman serious in meeting a lady, one way to make a good first impression is to not waste her time asking questions which are already covered in her website Just a quick rambling RG
  17. Even though he closed his account, I like mrnice2. He brought an air of positivity to this community and was an asset to this board. While we all wish him the very best, he will be missed here RG
  18. Saturday started coming down with a head cold and cough...got worse (coughing so hard my ribs hurt) Highlight, it's clearing up, I feel 95% now RG
  19. Congratulations Nicolette on your 5000 post milestone Always enjoy reading your posts, looking forward to reading your next 5000 posts RG
  20. Happy Belated Birthday Gina Hope your day was special RG
  21. I've mentioned some, but seeing some of the others mentioned, while I've never considered them strange, maybe they are and I am LOL raw oysters on the half shell squid octopus escargot (which for those of you who don't know...is snails) mussels clams RG
  22. Never Say Never Again (James Bond) RG
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