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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Rattlesnake Wild Boar Venison Moose Bear Elk Walleye Cheeks (not to mention the fillets) and yes, I've eaten other fish too RG
  2. When a person tries to embaress another (btw this is just my opinion) for being overweight, underweight, short, tall, bald, their skin colour, ethnicity etc they are likely hiding their own insecurities about themselves. Really, shouldn't we just worry about being the best man or woman (as the case may be) we can be and stop focusing on others. Isn't it the person we are inside that counts My two cent, from a guy who is at an ideal weight if I were 7 1/2 feet tall RG
  3. Also, there are some screening services, such as Preferred411 that may be accepted by a lady Tell the lady you wish to see that this is your first time, she will have other screening methods in place. As long as you are open and honest with her, you shouldn't have any issues RG
  4. Inglorious Basterds BTW if you haven't seen it yet, it's not historically accurate, by any stretch of the imagination...but a good movie RG
  5. No lawyer here again :-) but if a copyrighted image could it be so freely obtained on the internet. If it was watermarked, or the estate somehow made the image unable to copy as a thumbnail avatar image then they might have a case But then again, I would think the estate would set it's sights higher, like whoever ran his photos on the internet to begin with...not with someone who anonymously uses the avatar image only linked with his handle, on an escort board that the estate likely never heard of RG
  6. Welcome to CERB Maria...you will find it a community with like minded people who have mutual respect for one another RG
  7. Not a lawyer by any stretch of the imagination, but it's an anonymous board handle, your real name isn't likely linked to it Unless your filthy rich, I doubt it would be worth their while to sue Plus your in Canada, Steve McQueen's NOK and estate are in the United States...I doubt they go on-line browsing all the escort boards around the world looking for someone using his name as a board handle Coming from a guy who's avatar is John Malkovich, and I'm not worried about him coming after me But if your truly concerned, best advice, consult a lawyer RG
  8. Well just a quick observation, made it before. Don't worry about walking by the reception/front desk. Hotels are in the business of providing rooms to men and women, and those working at the front desk probably see hundreds of people a day, maybe even thousands in prime holiday season. It probably seems like they are staring only because you are somewhat self conscious about why you are there Just don't go up to the front desk and ask what room the lady you are seeing is in. First, you know her by her alter ego name, not her real name, which is the name she checked in under. Second, the lady doesn't want it known to the hotel that men are coming to see her. Be discrete, blend in like you belong there RG
  9. Replaced broken front right tire studs and nuts Replaced a universal joint New rotor and brake pad And that only cost me $801.76 ouch!!!! Thinking of buying a new truck...then priced one out, my monthly payment would be over $500.00, so really this is cheaper...at least that's what I keep telling myself RG
  10. I'm sure there are very many manipulative people that would do that...but those aren't in any way shape or form friends. They have no respect for the lady, and frankly, under the circumstances you describe, could never have had any respect for the lady. Part of friendship is mutual respect, and that means, on the part of the gentleman, is respecting that the encounters are still paid companionship, because this is the lady's livelihood...trying to get unpaid dates with a lady is the same as depriving the lady of some of her income, income she needs to live on. And while this lifestyle at it's root is a business, by the same token it is a business, well a lifestyle unlike any other. In what other business do you share time with a women intimately, as some ladies have phrased it, their body and soul. If a friendship develops within the confines of this lifestyle, and the boundaries of this lifestyle are still respected, then I see no problems Another rambling RG
  11. I could never envision asking for a discount, not on a first meeting, nor a repeat encounter, especially repeat encounters...those ladies I see again it's because we have a chemistry, a connection, in some cases a special connection. I would never damage that connection for the sake of a few dollars. And for anyone asking for a discount or maybe a freebie, well to me that shows how they really feel about the lady, they have no respect for her. "Finally, a question re: tips. As you suggest, I usually count the donation out ahead of time in an envelope. If I think the experience was especially enjoyable, I usually tip on the next meeting, by counting out the tip with that session's donation. That seems more discreet/polite than throwing extra money on top (especially if I paid at the start); but maybe it is better to tip directly after the experience? Opinions, ladies?" To answer your question, what I do is this. The donation is in an envelope in a gift bag, along with a gift. At the end of the encounter, as the lady is leaving (most of my encounters are outcalls to my hotel) I give her a tip. On our next meeting, again, at the end of the encounter I will give the tip. I believe the tip is something to be given during each encounter, sort of a tangible way of saying "thank you". I also believe the tip should be separate from the donation, that way the lady knows you appreciated the time you spent with her. A rambling RG
  12. Echoing what has already been said, if texting, state a good time to reply. One bonus of a text however, if your phone rings with an incoming text, and someone is there when you receive it, you can always say it was the phone company sending a promo text, or say it was the wrong number. I've had both. But personally I prefer email to set up encounters, and only like texting when providing the lady with my hotel room number the day of an encounter RG
  13. Happy Valentine's Day To All The Special Ladies Of CERB, both those who I have had the pleasure meeting and have enriched my life, and to those who make this community the great place it is by their daily contributions RG :-)
  14. To me, there are a couple of ladies I have met who are in the category of friend. But that means "friends within the confines of this lifestyle" I certainly don't expect, nor would I ask for free time...I always understand at it's root, this is still the lady's livelihood. What man would try to have free time with a lady because he says they are friends, well that is shortchanging the lady, and is not friendship, not to mention disrespectful. Just as I have bills to pay, so does the lady, and a friend doesn't make it difficult for the lady to make an income. By friends, at least for me, it means during your encounters, you are both comfortable enough to talk about subjects which under a normal SP/Client relationship would be considered off limits. You look forward to your encounters because you are seeing a friend again. And those encounters have a special intimacy to them. Also, understanding the nature of this lifestyle, friendship doesn't equal possessiveness and exclusivity. And it doesn't mean Capital "F" feelings, the only four letter word beginning with "L" that applies here for me is "Like" I like the lady. It just means the times you are together are special. And those times I as a friend and gentleman, I still happily pay the donation in full (plus tip and gift ;-) ) A rambling which I hope comes out right RG
  15. Homemade macaroni and cheese made with 5 year old cheddar Made enough so I have some for lunch tomorrow RG
  16. Portebello Mushrooms stuffed with feta cheese, diced tomatoes, and red onion RG
  17. Although I don't use tanning beds, in the summertime (when I'm down to shorts and tshirt) I'm out fishing. I always apply a healthy coating of sunblock, at least 70 spf and reapply regularly throughout the day. I also wear a hat and sunglasses while out And it may just be me, but I avoid sandals while outside for an extended period of time, wore them once and even after apply sunblock ould feel the start of my feet cooking...switched to runners (it was on my boat, had a second set of footwear on board) RG
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