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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. When I get sick I feel so awful that first, I don't have the energy to even go out. But even if I could muster the strength to go out, why would I want to have a lady catch what I have. If I feel awful, I'll keep it to myself, and not pass that along to a lady, or anyone for that matter. Not to mention if the lady gets sick from catching some flu bug or whatever from a sick client, then she is unable to work (and earn money) until she no longer is sick (I don't think the ladies have paid sick days ;-)) Better if your sick to cancel and if a last minute cancellation pay the lady a cancellation fee From a guy who was sick last year, had to cancel at the last minute, but paid the lady her donation in full RG
  2. Well in no rank order, but I have had wonderful encounters with the following Ottawa ladies (I'm only mentioning those ladies who I have had the pleasure of their company. There are some other Ottawa ladies I have yet to meet, but they are on my "to meet list") Meg For Fun http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/member.php?u=27470 Angela of Ottawa http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/member.php?u=24465 Isabella Gia http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/member.php?u=30000 Alexandra Sky http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/member.php?u=39777 Mia Bella (she hasn't been active on CERB for awhile, and I'm not sure if she is retired, or just taking a break) http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/member.php?u=29035 And I know you know how to use this site, but just for a quick link here is the Ottawa Forum http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=95 RG
  3. And another welcome to CERB PL RG
  4. Although not familiar with the hiring of photographers, I think you would be looking for photographers that do boudoir photos. Probably check the internet for photographers in Halifax that do boudoir photos, that would be a good start. And this is just my opinion, don't offer to trade professional services. You are looking for a professional photographer, not some guy with a camera looking for a few hours with a lady in exchange for snapping a few pictures Just my opinion that's all RG
  5. I'm not a religious man at all. I reject the notion that I need a man made religion to speak to God or whatever supreme being one believes in. Personally I guess you would say I'm Agnostic. I'm not so dogmatic that I can say for sure there is no supreme being, yet how can one profess for sure that the supreme being for sure is God, not Allah, or Buddha or well you get the idea. A person's religion often is because it was the religion their parent's practiced, and their parent's practiced etc etc etc...in short you are born into it As for this lifestyle, well life in general, I try to treat others the same way I'd like to be treated. I find nothing wrong with this lifestyle. We all need human companionship and this lifestyle allows it to take place. A rambling RG
  6. Although I was originally leaning towards letting her back on EC after reading through this thread even more, I'm inclined to say she needs to prove herself on CERB before being allowed back on EC I have seen ladies who advertise on EC and feel comfortable seeing them because of the site's integrity. Immediately allowing Nichole back to EC would IMHO diminish the integrity of the site. Even more of an issue, those ladies who have integrity, and do invest in themselves will have to wonder why bother, when any lady can advertise on EC, with minimal sanctions for posting fake pictures. I do believe Nichole is sincere in her apology. I would recommend a time out on EC (how long I don't know) It seems the only fair thing to do, to maintain the credibility of the EC site, to acknowledge the integrity of those ladies who do pay to advertise on EC, without fake photos, (or plagiarized ads...it has happened, etc) and to the gentlemen who when they see an ad on EC they know the photo has been verified My two cents RG
  7. O is for "organum virile durum"-means erect penis RG
  8. Or better yet, lock them up, well five years a tad too long, how 'bout two years. Smoking isn't allowed in Canadian federal correctional institutions Two years without a cigarette to reflect on how their smoking disrupted other passengers RG
  9. If I don't hear back within a day or two, well I'll send a second email. Sometimes you may have sent a email but for whatever reasons it got lost in cyberspace (happened once to me) which is why I'll send a second email. Also, the lady may have taken a day or two off. Now if no response to a second email, then I won't contact again. RG
  10. I is for "in cuerpo"-In the nude , completely naked RG
  11. I hear you but even today we are still waiting for our lot to be plowed...other lots are plowed out around town Not to mention the super hasn't shovelled the steps or sidewalk areas, and he even has a snowblower he can use An inconvenience to me, but for some tenants they are elderly using walkers so dangerous for them Super is just plain lazy likes having a two bedroom apt rent free doesn't like the work that goes with it RG
  12. Well I just flew Toronto to Tampa Florida and back. Going through security both at Pearson and Tampa I had to take my shoes off, as did others. Also, on the way back security at Tampa patted me down since I was wearing a hooded sweattop and they said bulky clothes are easy to conceal things in. RG
  13. Had to take the truck in to the shop yesterday, they called got the repairs done. Took a snow day today :-) well when the garage called this afternoon saying the truck is ready, I went out to pick it up. The damn super at my apartment never called to get a snowplow in to clear the parking lot. Couldn't get the loaner car out of the lot to go to the garage to pick up my truck. I got wheels, but would have loved to get my truck Sucks paying rent and one of the things included in that rent is a plowed parking lot, and your stuck at home because the lot isn't plowed RG
  14. My only question, with all the security screening, why are cigarettes/lighters/matches allowed on flights to begin with. If you go through security with a pack of cigarettes, they should be immediately seized and not returned I know they made me empty my pockets and take off my shoes when I flew to Florida and back RG
  15. Well here are a couple map links for Ontario that may help you http://atlas.nrcan.gc.ca/site/english/maps/reference/provincesterritories/ontario http://www.mto.gov.on.ca/english/traveller/map/ And a map of Nova Scotia as well http://www.canada-maps.org/nova-scotia-map.htm The ladies, especially those who tour can provide you with much better information from a business perspective on cities to go to. But to bounce one idea, fly in to Ottawa, from there you could fly to Toronto. After Toronto you could rent a car, and drive to Niagara Falls for sightseeing. Drive back to Toronto, then fly, either back home, or stop off at Halifax, Nova Scotia and then from there, fly home As for hotel suggestions, I'm very familiar with Toronto :-). If you do stay in Toronto, avoid downtown hotels they are waaayyyy overpriced for a room which is more like a shoebox. Stay at a hotel by the airport. Price wise a downtown hotel runs on average $240.00/night (room and parking). A room by the airport, actually a suite (bedroom, livingroom, kitchen) runs about $129.00. Hope that helps RG
  16. I didn't just read your post, but hers too. She said "I don't mean to come off rude" to which I mentioned in my post it didn't sound rude. And I also mentioned it didn't come across as yelling. Capitalizing is a way to emphasize a point. To me, she was just emphasizing her point, nothing more RG
  17. Didn't come across as yelling or rude to me. It comes across by capitalizing her letters as she needs to emphasize her point, since apparently clients/potential clients aren't following simple contacting instructions. RG
  18. Always, always use the lady's preferred method of contact. Nuff said RG
  19. Not to hijack this thread but vanilla isn't necessarily boring...at least for me it isn't. I enjoy female companionship and receive it here. And remember, Baskin and Robbins serves lots of flavours...including vanilla Don't worry about stepping up your game, if you and the lady are content in your encounters, that's what matters, not what others may be doing Now back to the thread :-) RG
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