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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Why don't you conventionally rent out the room to a conventional tenant Use your rental income to partake in this lifestyle This idea sounds bad. If the SP has to find a incall location since she can't use the condo , then she leaves the condo, (her "home" btw) to conduct business...remember, this for guys is an escape, but for the ladies, it is their livelihood, their work. Now everyone needs a place to go, a place they call home, to escape work and the outside world. Your proposed arrangement means for the lady who would accept it, when she is out she is likely practicing her profession. But when she comes to her so called "home" to her room in this condo, she needs to still be an SP, or risk being evicted (that's something nice hanging over her head always) so she has no escape from her working world Maybe I'm wrong but it sounds like you want a sexual partner you can control and she is completely dependent on you My vote, don't RG
  2. I too have to agree with Emily. The encounter I had was with two very special ladies I had met individually for encounters on a number of occasions, memorable occasions btw :-) The two ladies had met socially but were not duo partners. But long story short, the subject of a duo was broached. Both ladies liked me, but more importantly, they liked one another, and finally the stars aligned, and no, we didn't have a good duo, it was a GREAT MENAGE A TROIS. But key to this encounter is chemistry, and we all clicked with one another. It was a very special evening with two very special ladies, one I won't forget, and one that still brings a smile to my face. And a thank you again to both ladies for that special evening RG
  3. We all collectively pay through taxes to have roads fixed, medical care covered and our homes protected by police etc. They aren't just your problems, or my problems, they are problems everyone could have RG
  4. For everyone who flies on a regular basis, a story you might appreciate. Good for Sunwing, hope the smokers pay through the roof for their antics http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/story/2013/02/02/ns-passengers-sunwing-divert-bermuda-dominican.html
  5. Well I'll reflect on a couple occurrences that took place in my young impressionable life, oh ok, not so impressionable but compared to now, young LOL I was looking to rent a co-op townhouse. This co-op was under construction, with both apartments and townhouses. I had priced rents at different apartments and figured the rent shouldn't be so bad. First you had to attend a meeting, where the rules were outlined. So I went to this long three+ hour meeting. At the end of it, the ball dropped. The co-ops were rentals, but also geared to those on social assistance. What that meant, first, I couldn't get into a townhouse, need to have at least one kid. So my selection of rentals was reduced to a very small one bedroom apartment, of which there were very few. Second, they worked the rents so those on social assistance got a very reduced rent, something like $250.00 month for a townhouse, but me, since I worked for a living, would have to pay way above market value in rent, something like $800.00 a month for a shoebox size apartment. The rationale in their thinking is those living at the co-op who have jobs would subsidize those on welfare (and have little choice in the apartment they could rent). I decided to get a bigger apartment with market rents and screw the co-op idea...and my rent was $500 month. Oh, and I drove by the co-op about a year after I thought of going in, the area became run down (no one took any pride in where they lived) and there was at least one and in more cases two to three cars in the driveway Second case. For a short period of time I was dating this woman. She was a single mother, on welfare living in subsidized housing. After a few dates she started broaching a few ideas. First, she asked if she and her daughter could be included on my medical/dental insurance. No big issues there, if the dating developed into a relationship, of course I would include them. But she also wanted me to move in with her at her subsidized housing. She would still only pay the subsidized rent (based on her being a single mother), and then wanted me to split the rent 50-50. Well if I moved in, she is no longer a single mother, and she wouldn't be entitled to subsidized housing. Anyhow, if your wondering how there can be two, three cars in a driveway, maybe Cadillac Escalades, maybe someone on welfare latched on to someone working for a living. They both live in subsidized housing together, paying for the working guy a very reduced rent compared to market prices. Me, when the idea was broached, just seemed unethical and illegal, not to mention I had my place. And to boot, she had kind of a big mouth, she'd brag to her friends how she was scamming the system. Now there are those who need welfare legitimately, but there are others who could start looking through the want ads, and work. It may not be a glamorous Bay Street job, but earning your pay instead of getting spoon fed a cheque every couple weeks builds pride and character My 2 cents RG
  6. Here's another well sort of inspirational type video http://www.values.com/inspirational-stories-tv-spots/99-The-Greatest RG
  7. With the demise of the penny, banks are no longer allowed to issue pennies. Went to convert my US$ back to Canadian$. The bank owed me 7cents. Well they rounded up, I got 3cents more. Very minor highlight of the day in the greater scheme of things I'll grant you, but how many would complain if in the same circumstances they rounded down, and you lost a couple cents. RG
  8. Just a quick comment, sort of made it earlier. A few have posted the argument a job is a job. Generally speaking yes I would agree. But here there are potential innocent victims. Has anyone considered the wrath a SP could incur once the wife finds out (I'm not sure how much is known in this investigation, like the names of the SP's he has seen) Is it right that the SP's should have to deal with a angry wife because of a client's indiscretion and another guy's investigation at the behest of a sister-in-law The ladies we all see provide wonderful companionship and don't deserve nor did they contract for in any way shape or form any fallout from one of their clients marital indiscretions. Just saying that's all RG
  9. Ethics is a matter of doing what is right. Money doesn't factor into it in this case IMHO. What you are suggesting is nothing less than extortion, irrespective of how it is ratonalized. And it isn't just wrong, it compounds and complicates what is already an ethical dilemma for this guy. Just my two cents RG
  10. Mine does just I can't use Viagra or Cialis. But it doesn't cover the cost of laser treatment for your eyes, instead just the partial cost of prescription glasses. Guess the insurance company has the right priorities LOL RG
  11. Well a couple issues. You as someone who partakes in this lifestyle undertook a contract which could potentially out someone else who partakes in this lifestyle. To me, if I was in your shoes, I would have declined the contract right there. If this concern happened as your surveillance started, you should have ceased the investigation. And return all money to the former client. She shouldn't pay for services she never got, there are ethics concerning dealing with your clients/ex-clients too. As for warning him, you wouldn't have known unless hired to investigate to begin with. If this guy is so indiscrete to leave a trail of proverbial breadcrumbs, on one hand he knows the risks. But on the other hand, there are potential innocent victims here too, the companions that this guy sees. They shouldn't run the risk of being contacted by an angry wife because of the husband's indiscretion or your surveillance of him. So only considering the ladies here, tell him he is suspected by his sister in law of cheating so he can be more discrete. Not only is this guy at risk of being exposed, the companions he sees may incur unfairly the wrath of a angry wife. Your client, hired you on the belief you would perform the services requested. If you chose to not pursue the investigation you shouldn't accept any money, imho it would be akin to fraudulently obtaining it, she is paying for services she never received. What you choose to do I don't know, but from posting this you are having a moral quandry here. My advice, cancel your contract, return the money...ALL OF IT and warn the guy only so he can clean up his breadcrumbs. You have to look at yourself in the mirror at the end of the day RG
  12. Happy Birthday Toine Enjoy your special day RG
  13. And what does that say about the men who assume the ladies they see don't like what they are doing. They likely go through with the encounter anyway, even though in their mind the lady they are having sex with doesn't like what she is doing. What guy would want to have an intimate encounter with a woman who doesn't want to be there. Hope that is coming out right The ladies I've met are intelligent, fun, and are able to make me feel special. And it is a special lady who can be a professional companion. I've never got the sense the lady didn't want to be there, and I was never made to feel bad for seeking the company of a paid companion. The services, the companionship the ladies provide are appreciated by this gentleman. And you all have my utmost respect for providing the no strings companionship that you do...so a big THANK YOU Good post Nicolette RG
  14. Your not being overly dramatic, but in fairness, you could apply that same reasoning to any era. Yes the forties had World War 2, and following WW2 the Cold War started. The fifties, well the Cold War continued, the Korean War and first involvement in Vietnam. The sixties, the escalation of Vietnam, Cuban Missle Crisis, The Six Day War, JFK, Bobby Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr assassinated. The seventies, the FLQ crisis, Watergate, Vietnam continued, killing of Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics, the taking of American hostages in Iran, and I could go on ad nauseum about the negatives in each era. However my point is I don't think that the negatives necessarily defines a era. Yes in part it shapes the history of an era, but so do the good events. For me, the era I'm in right now is my favourite. I have good memories of past eras (sixties/seventies/eighties/nineties/2000-2013) But all I have is memories, and can't live in the past. But I can enjoy the present and that is what I do RG
  15. I've done the following 1 3 6 11 13 14 16 17 22 24 27 28 32 33 41 42 43 48 49 I'm ashamed that as a former boat owner I never did 19 RG
  16. When I go into GNC to pick up more l-arginine there is a young (early twenties) attractive woman that usually works at the check out. It's got to be friendly banter between us, words to the effect, that stuff's working for you etc etc etc. She very pleasant, seems happy that an old, well middle aged guy is still active. If she knew how classy and beautiful the women are that I see she'd be right impressed with me (oh ok, maybe that part is what I tell myself LOL). Anyhow, at least for me, I don't care that some woman might be wondering about my sex life...it could be much much worse, I could have no sex life at all. As a sidenote after the talk about how long it takes for viagra to act. I noticed a change within 30 minutes of first taking l-arginine. And now, taking it regularly on a daily basis, no ED problems at all. In fact the only time I stood on the sidelines so to speak since using l-arginine was when I injured my foot (sprained it) and the doctor told me to stop taking l-arginine because it could affect the swelling (l-arginine affects circulation) in my foot. One more point, irrespective of what ED medication/supplement you use, you still have to be aroused...if your not aroused ED medications/supplements won't help. A quick rambling RG
  17. That was from The Naked Gun http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=naked+gun+scene+practicing+safe+sex&view=detail&mid=9AA7573E2BFC022EAB5B9AA7573E2BFC022EAB5B&first=0&FORM=NVPFVR RG
  18. EMail money transfers simplify things when otherwise you would have to carry a large sum of money to the encounter. Not only do I not like carrying big wads of money, the lady probably prefers not having to carry a large sum too. As for trust, well trust isn't an issue for me with the ladies I see, so I can pay in advance if preferred by a lady RG
  19. It can react to some medications. And some prescription medications can affect erections. Also, as I discovered, if you have a family history of strokes, Viagra (and Cialis) are contra indicated. Only your doctor knows your medical history and can prescribe medications for you safely. I'm not sure, but someone not qualified to prescribe and/or dispense prescription medications could in fact be breaking the law by giving prescription meds to someone, without a prescription. If you think you need Viagra, get a prescription from your doctor and get the prescription dispensed by a licensed pharmacist As a side note, there are other options...THAT WORK :-) Me, I use L-Argenine. No side effects, well just one :-) It is safe with my prescription, and no negative side effects that are reported with Viagra I posted about it early http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=98245&highlight=l-arginine My evening rambling RG
  20. People walking on the street, especially at night, when there is a perfectly good sidewalk to walk on...do they think they are indestructible, that cars and trucks driving by can't hit them RG
  21. Well maybe experienced airline travelers could explain this to me Why do the airlines say arrive three hours early before your flight takes off No choice going Pearson to Tampa, my brother had to get to work so he dropped me off actually four hours early But coming back, Tampa to Pearson, well it took forty minutes to get to the departure lounge...and that was because Westjet's ticket desk was late opening. Security not a hassle at all So WTF why arrive three hours early RG
  22. Why would I feel bad, this is a mutually beneficial lifestyle, or should be. For the lady, she gets compensation for her time (I never forget that for the lady this is her livelihood) not to mention, at least with me, she also gets a gift and tip For me, I get companionship with no relationship complications or strings attached And for the time we are together, hopefully both the lady and myself are having a good time As for what other people think, frankly why would I care what other people think. RG
  23. M is for Messalina Complex, a seldom used synonym for nymphomania RG
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