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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Congratulations Cato on 6500 posts Looking forward to your next 6500 RG
  2. When I started this lifestyle, writing a recommendation was difficult, only because I was raised that being intimate with a lady was private, not for public discussion. But some rules, if you will, about intimate activities in this lifestyle are different than in "civilian" life. Here, recommendations are welcomed. My first recommendations were, at least to me, awkward and uncomfortable to write. Now after a good encounter, with a lady, I enjoy writing a recommendation. No details are written. But you do know that I enjoyed the time I spent with the lady, which is the most important message to communicate. And I look at a recommendation as having a threefold purpose. First it is my way of giving a public thank you to the lady for a good escape. Second, the lady may benefit by getting a client who would now be interested in meeting her. And third, sort of the opposite side of number two, a potential client now will know of a good lady to see So if you had a good time with a lady, say so. Not only will the lady appreciate it, there will be other gentlemen who will too. And a quick two liner will do My two cents RG
  3. Geez, for a laugh, my next encounter I should flash my badge...NO I'M NOT A COP!!! but I am a Peace Officer (some ladies know where I work) who partakes in this lifestyle, completely legally, and I've checked our Code Of Discipline, not breaking any rules there too But if there is any ladies out there who are cops, maybe we show each other our badges RG
  4. What I would do is contact her, tell her you only have one reference. At the same time, provide other verification information (real name, board handle confirmed by pm, phone number, email address) She may have other screening methods in addition to that Good luck RG
  5. Don't say everything is sugarcoated. Every recommendation I write isn't sugarcoated, it's the truth. The ladies I have written recommendations about I would and in some cases have seen again. I do run my recommendations by the lady first. Not because she has editorial control, but there may be something I put in which she prefers not mentioned...it was private, not for everyone to read about. And frankly I don't care about credibility on the "other board" whatever board that is. I'm writing my recommendation for viewing on this board by this community And yes I have had a few bad encounters, but instead of dwelling on those, and trying to find a board to post a negative review on those ladies, I chose to move on. Those few bad experiences just make me appreciate the good and great encounters I do have with the ladies of CERB Finally, it amazes me. Maybe the encounter a guy had with a lady was not what he expected. Could that have been because of YMMV factor? Or he didn't communicate what he wanted. Or maybe she did not provide an encounter as promised. Or just plain chemistry, sometimes two people just don't click. Did the guy contact the lady via email or pm first to express his dissatisfaction with the encounter, giving her a chance to rectify the situation. Probably not. Instead a public negative review for all to see. Quite often it seems people are afraid to talk privately to one another to rectify a situation, but have no fear to anonymously post behind a board handle a negative review for all, including the lady to see, when it is too late for the lady to rectify. A morning rambling RG
  6. Nicolette you make a very good point. But at least to me, with technology advancing every day, and the need for speed increasing even more, that at least is why there is a need for an unrushed escape (no I don't mean trying to get in extra hours for free)...a chance to shut out that outside world for a few hours with a lady and enjoy the chance to be in her company. For me, intimacy isn't and shouldn't be rushed. It is a time to relax and enjoy each other's company. I just can't see a 15 minute quickie being intimate, it's just to get off and go. It would be a very empty experience for me. This btw is just my opinion about my preference, not saying anyone is right or wrong RG
  7. My thoughts and prayers go out to you. Stay positive and fight the good fight RG
  8. Well speaking for myself, and only myself, with ladies that I have seen on a repeated basis, the lady and I click. She is a lady I like. So my next encounter with a lady I have seen before and like isn't going to be reduced to just a quick 15 minute encounter. After a few encounters my next encounter will be even longer, giving us a chance to catch up, maybe a dinner out or...well you get the idea. Why would I want to rush my time with a lady I like? I would much rather spend even more time with her But that's just me RG
  9. Wasn't criticizing your original post and yes, review quicker to post than recommendation. But there are review boards out there, and then CERB, a recommendation board. Only wanted to point the difference out in case someone (not directed at you) thinks posting a review (which can by definition be negative) is ok on CERB, that's all RG :-)
  10. First I don't write reviews, I write recommendations. CERB is a recommendation board not a review board, and a review isn't welcome here (a review can be negative, recommendations are always positive) Second, any recommendation I write is sent to the lady first for her yay or nay. She doesn't tell me what to write, but there may be something I put in which she may not want posted for public viewing And there really is no need for details. Key elements for a recommendation, are her photos accurate, was she on time, did you have a good time and would you see her again (did I miss anything LOL) But I understand the awkwardness of writing a recommendation, talking publicly about something which by nature is a private intimate moment...but in this lifestyle, a recommendation is often welcome by a lady RG
  11. Look at the profiles of ladies who might interest you for an encounter. When you see a lady who does interest you contact her by her preferred method of contact, and ask about setting up an appointment with her. Be open with her in that you are a virgin and your age (I'm assuming, I know, dangerous to assume, your twenty from your handle) Be a gentleman at all times, both in correspondence with her and in person. Book at least an hour, probably two hours. There will be some conversation and getting to know one another...and then, well don't worry, you will go through your rite of passage ;-) Make sure you are clean...freshly showered and fresh breath. Have the lady's donation in full when you arrive (unless you are getting a hotel in which case have it in plain sight in an envelope when she arrives). A gift and tip although not required, a lady does appreciate And only contact ladies if you are serious about an encounter. Don't be a "tire kicker" just emailing ladies to get a response, their time is valuable to them, they don't like to waste it. Also, read a lady's website, if your questions are answered in her website, do not ask them in an email. And finally, if the lady has screening requirements, provide them. You'll impress a lady if willing to provide your real name, board handle, email and phone number. Seeing as you are a virgin, you wouldn't have a reference, but she may have other methods of screening. Good luck RG
  12. I just came back from seeing dad down in Florida. One thing that came to mind, after going through the gong show at Pearson both flying out and coming back in, not to mention being in an airplane for three hours each way (probably a short flight in comparission to most) is that there are some ladies who tour, and put up with the travel hassles on a regular basis, so us gentlemen can enjoy their company. So to you ladies, for putting up with this travel hassle, whether on a very regular basis or the occasional basis, so we can enjoy the pleasure of your company, this (it seems like I'm a newbie flyer, I flew much more frequently pre 9/11) traveller gives a BIG THANK YOU. What you put up with is very much appreciated by this gentleman, along with a newfound appreciation of what you all go through So just sending an appreciative thank you to all the ladies who tour, whether I've met you, or one day will meet you ;-) RG
  13. Personally I don't see the appeal in a 15 minute encounter. To me a one hour encounter is too quick, which is why absolute minimum time for an encounter for me is two hours. I've had three hour encounters where the first two hours were spent having drinks, and good conversation. That made the time in the bedroom all the better, because it's with a lady I spend time geting to know, or to reconnect with. It's not a quick anonymous fling solely for sexual gratification That said, there must be a demand for it or it wouldn't be offerred...maybe for example a guy who can only see a lady at lunchtime during his workday. This lifestyle is about different strokes for different folks. And all different types of encounters, be it 15 minute specials, or longer gfe experiences, to sleepovers etc etc etc, along with the ladies who provide them and clients that seek them should all be respected. This lifestyle and this community should be judgement free when it comes to what different encounters are offerred and practiced A long winded rambling RG
  14. Again, thank you all. Came back a day early, only because dad has a appointment bumped up to tomorrow at the Moffit Centre. We said our goodbyes, knowing that this will be the last time we will see one another. But the support from this community is very much appreciated, more than you know Thanks again RG
  15. Happy Birthday Peachka Enjoy your special day RG
  16. Happy Belated Birthday (just got back from the U.S.) Meg Hope you had a special day RG
  17. I'm 51 and have been partaking in this lifestyle since July 2010 I've seen ladies from mid twenties to fifty. What matters most of all imho is the connection you make with a lady Never has my age been a consideration with the ladies I've seen What ladies do like is a client who is a gentleman RG
  18. THANK YOU all for the support shown over the past few weeks, whether by post, pm or email. It is very much appreciated And a special thanks to a special lady who offerred not just her support but her expert advice on travelling (she is an expert), and on Pearson Airport (I haven't flown since pre-9/11, so I'm like a newbie flyer and things have really changed) Just got my seats reserved, a bulkhead (I have long legs) and window seat on the way down and a window seat over the wing on the way back (bulkhead seats all taken :-( ) Again THANK YOU all Your thoughts are appreciated RG
  19. Unless you have a encounter already booked for a specific time/date and were calling as a final confirmation, the lady may already be seeing someone else. She isn't going to answer your call if she is in the middle of an encounter, nor phone back after too much time has elapsed That's why I (mind you I travel anywhere from two to four hours for an encounter depending on city) have my encounters scheduled months in advance, and I email maybe three times (once a week starting three weeks prior to the encounter) giving my semi semi semi final confirmations That way, I'm ensured of an encounter with the lady I want to see...and she knows I'm going to be there The lady has to go with the first confirmed client, not wait on the chance some other client is going to show up Don't know if that helps RG
  20. L is for like Sex with someone you like is so much better than with a stranger...just my opinion though RG
  21. Up at mom's to drop off my cat (she's looking after him when I'm in florida) having a good visit, and I took her out for a nice dinner at the Keg. Staying at her place overnight, then tomorrow aftenoon drive to my brother's place, stay overnight there and bright and early Monday morning he takes me to Pearson to fly out to Florida. Even though circumstances for the visit aren't good, my visit with mom is good and when I see my brother my visit with him will be good too RG
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