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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Thanks for the information, but the reason for the visit isn't a vacation, but family (visiting dying father) I won't be able to leave the house to go to an internet cafe. Just was wondering about using my phone, because dad naps quite a bit now, and during his naps I could browse CERB on my phone. But in the greater scheme of things, it's really not important. But thanks for the information RG
  2. Oopppps...how can I forget mom's meat loaf, served up with tomato aspic, and brocolli rice casserole Yummm RG
  3. Homemade macaroni and cheese made with five year old cheddar (makes extra old seem as mild as mozzerella LOL) Breakfast sausages and mom's whipped/mashed potatoes Spaghetti Carbonnerra (spaghetti with eggs, bacon, cream, butter, parmesan) Not fattening at all LOL Steak and baked potatoes (with all the trimmings) going to have that tonight, taking mom out to the Keg because she is looking after my cat next week And last, mom's apple crisp RG
  4. E is for ecstasy (no not the drug) the good type, which we get seeing a lady) RG
  5. Thanks for the information everyone I'll use the phone at dad's home then and only use my cell at Pearson to co-ordinate my pick up And alas I like CERB but will be absent till my return to Canada :-( RG
  6. Maybe should be posted in tech corner but I thought this section got more viewing which is why posted here I'm headed to Florida Monday. I'm taking my cell phone with me. How expensive is it to call from the cell phone from Florida As for checking the internet, is it expensive on a cell phone from Florida to Canada Don't know, never used a cell phone this long distance before Thanks for any info RG
  7. Try using a verification site, like Date Check or Preferred 411 Or maybe the lady has alternate screening methods if this is your first time and you have no reference RG
  8. Z is for zoorast-a human male who has sexual relations with a female animal RG
  9. Well I'll offer my two cents worth. When I see a lady on a repeat basis, she is obviously doing something right. A lady doesn't need to change every day and try to be someone else, because I want to see her again, if that makes sense As for seeing a lady for the first time, there is something about her that makes me think we would click. Yes I do look at her pictures and read her recommendations, but most of all, I read her posts on CERB (I now stick exclusively with the ladies from CERB) They most of all give me an idea of who the lady is. Although I don't know about this part for sure, it would seem to me having regular clients coming back to see you would be more stable and reliable than constantly trying to keep attracting new clients, who may see you one time only. Nothing against attracting new clients (after all we were all new clients once to a lady), but they should, IMHO, want to see you for you. A rambling for whatever it's worth RG
  10. Well I had to clean out the kitchen, away next week. So I bought full back ribs (already cooked) at the grocery store, having that along with a baked potato. RG
  11. This one I looked up W is for Winchester Geese In 14 th century England, London prostitutes were obliged to live within Cock-Lane , part of the Bishop of Winchester's lands. He benefitted from the rents and they were commonly known as Winchester Geese. History lesson over LOL :-) RG
  12. Just popped in my head...another scary thought LOL Lola Wantu (pronounced want you) RG
  13. Suggestions, well that will be very personal, depending on who you are looking for in a lady. I will suggest that you be up front and candid that you are a virgin when you make initial contact (be it by phone, pm, email etc) with the lady. And when you schedule your date, keep it. Even if your nervous as hell, and getting cold feet. See the lady. She scheduled a block of time (be it an hour or two) to see you. Time she could have spent seeing another client. She would rather see you, even if your nervous, than be stood up. When you show up, let her take the lead. Don't assume its ok to do something like grab her and just start having sex. She will likely want to sit down, a little conversation getting to know you and one thing will lead to another..... :-) Most important, be a gentleman. Pay the donation in full. A gift and tip though not required, are appreciated. Good hygiene. Freshly showered, shaved, fresh breath. Good luck RG
  14. How about Lola Copacabana...you know, Lola was the showgirl in Barry Manilow's song Copacabana or Lola Falana RG
  15. Even though I've seen her in Ontario, I would have to recommend Emily when she tours to Gander. Encounters with her are memorable and wonderful memories too. Gentlemen across Canada are fortunate she tours and blesses us with her company RG
  16. A few things today went to the bank and bought 500 US $-for my trip to Florida to see dad went to Mark's Work Wearhouse, used one of my Christmas gift cards, bought a sweatshirt then to the gas station, filled up the truck, probably the most expensive purchase I made LOL and finally to the grocery store, roast chicken for dinner and berries for desert RG
  17. The one time I did get the flu shot, that year, actually within hours of the getting the shot, I got the flu In general I'm relatively unscathed by the flu or colds (touch wood) Only exception was last year when I didn't get the flu, I got what was called by the doctor a major viral infection which flattened me on my back for most of March and I wasn't back to 100% till mid April. And I should add I work in what a high risk environment for catching bugs, much like teachers in school or health care professionals in hospitals, a lot of people in a relatively small closed area...yet I'm still unscathed. In fact this year in my office, which has five people, four got sick this past fall, me, nothing. RG
  18. Just thought I'd post this in this thread for a bit of humour A 'heads up' for those men who may be regular Home Depot customers. This one caught me by surprise. Over the last month I became a victim of a clever scam while out shopping. Simply going out to get supplies has turned out to be quite traumatic. Don't be naive enough ti think it couldn't happen to you or your friends. Here's how the scam works: Two seriously good-looking 20-21 yr old girls come over to your car as you are packing your shopping into the trunk. They both start wiping your windshield with a rag and Windex, with their breasts almost falling out of their skimpy T-shirts. Its impossible not to look. When you thank them and offer them a tip, they say 'No' and and instead ask you for a ride to McDonald's. You agree and they get in to the back seat. On the way, they start undressing. Then one of them climbs over into the front seat and starts crawling all over you,while the other one steals your wallet. I had my wallet stolen December 4th, 9th, 10th, twice on the 15th, and again on the 17th, 20th, 24th &29th. Also January 1st & 4th. Twice on the 8th, again on the 16th, and 20th, two times yesterday and very likely again this upcoming weekend. So tell your friends to be careful. P.S. Wal Mart has wallets on sale for 2.99.
  19. Looking at the calendar, it's Jan 15th...halfway through Jan and Feb is a short winter month (only 28 days) RG
  20. Congratulations Angela on your 8000 contributions Enjoy reading what you have to say RG
  21. G is for Grafenberg, Ernst the German physician who first noted that erogenous zone in 1950 which is about 1 to 1.5 inches across and about 2 inches deep inside the vaginal entrance and it's sensitivity to stimulation Now known as the g-spot in honour of Ernst Grafenberg
  22. A is for acousticophile a person who gets sexually aroused by sounds RG
  23. V is for Victoria's Secret RG
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