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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. R is for rheomism-a form of female masturbation practiced by directing a stream of water on the clitoris and introitus Yes I looked it up, and yes, learn something new every day :-) RG
  2. Here's a real sick one N is for necrophilia an erotic interest in death and caskets both sick and yuk RG
  3. Honestly I have read back through this thread and see no one lecturing you. Ladies were offering their advice to you, based on your question to the CERB community. Their advice was based on their experience and as professional companions, and they wished to share their insights with you, that is all. You also stated "I want to believe the initial question was not a set up,..." I saw nowhere in the thread anywhere that could lead anyone to think there was a set up. But if the question about upscale clientele, my question btw you construe as a set up, well it wasn't (and again, I don't see any evidence of a set up in the thread) The image in my mind of upscale clientele is someone rich. My only point is that I would think a lady would much prefer a gentleman as a client. His income is irrelevant, just so long as he can pay the donation. My question was only to know how you define upscale clientele. Nothing more than that RG
  4. L is for lygerastia To become aroused only in darkened or partly darkened rooms RG
  5. jailbait a underage girl to be avoided both for the girl's sake and for the guy's sake RG
  6. A greek salad and two prepared fruit salads Greek salad and one fruit salad for dinner tonight The other fruit salad and a frozen "smart ones" weight watchers dinner for lunch tomorrow (bought a bunch a few days ago) RG
  7. Well, generally speaking for me, I initiate contact with a lady I would like to meet via email. I add this caveat to what I'm saying. I plan my encounters a few months in advance (up to six-seven months in advance in some cases) Confirmation of the encounter, well I'll email the lady two-three weeks prior to our encounter to confirm, with maybe a final confirmation email week of the encounter. Day of the encounter, I'll text the lady after I check in giving her my room number (I'm a outcall type of guy) If the lady has a preference for contact different than what I use, obviously, I'll use her preferred method of contact. My reason for texting instead of a phone call day of the encounter, you don't know if anyone is around if she answers her phone, likewise she doesn't know if you are alone...texting allows even if people present, discretion. You can always say its your cell phone company sending a text RG
  8. I like Katherine, a classy lady from the maritimes, and a positive contributor to this community. Hopefully one day our paths will cross Katherine, I'd like to meet you in person RG
  9. Well here is the questionnaire to see if you can donate blood Look at questions 18, 25 and 26. All of us Cerbite's ruled out...and in my experience, professional companions, at least all the one's I've seen are far more religious about safe sex than women I knew, and know, in civilian life Some questions seem based more on stereotypes than reality http://www.bloodservices.ca/centreapps/internet/uw_v502_mainengine.nsf/page/ROD%20Questionnaire (open the record of donation form) RG
  10. Although not from Thunder Bay, I want to ask a question...what is upscale clientele? To me, a guy who is a gentleman, treats you with respect and courtesy, good hygiene, pays your donation in full (plus possibly a tip and gift ;-) ), well isn't that what is important? Whether he is blue collar, working the assembly line at GM, or a partner in a Bay Street law firm, it would seem to me being a gentleman is the quality a lady would like in her clients Anyhow, just wondering exactly what is an upscale clientele. RG
  11. A is for something kinda kinky and dangerous Autoerotic Asphyxia-defined as near death from self-induced strangulation or asphyxiation while masturbating Yes, I looked it up RG
  12. http://www.cbc.ca/news/health/story/2013/01/12/calgary-blood-services-changes.html
  13. Before a date...well I cut out red meats a week prior to an encounter. I also avoid garlic and onions. I do eat pineapple, and drink water RG
  14. First this is exactly what I said "To those guys who see younger adult SP's, especially those that advertise they are 18-19" To me a lady early twenties would still be a younger SP and in no way did I say that that if they advertise they are twenty you are okay. I just included in my sentence "...especially those that advertise they are 18-19" Fair enough on the point about id though, however and I'm only guessing here, if you did your best due diligence checking ID, it would be be factored in should you get caught. But it is just a guess on my part. RG
  15. To those guys who see younger adult SP's, especially those that advertise they are 18-19, irrespective of whether you are a young guy yourself or older check the ladies ID. If she is unwilling to produce an ID, do not see her. You do not want to have an encounter with an underage girl and get caught. You'll find the police (and courts) will not be understanding if you get caught. A simple ID check will ensure two adults are having a consensual encounter A morning rambling RG
  16. I confess I looked this up YKINOK-bdsm term meaning Your Kink Is Not OK Learn something new every day RG
  17. Just a beautiful day today. My jacket was too heavy to wear, it was so warm out Did a walk to the grocery store going the long way, enjoying what felt like a spring day RG
  18. Either go to the police or social service agencies, show them the advertisement and tell them of your concerns about her being underage. And don't be concerned about the "men", in my opinion, any man who would have sex with a underage girl deserves what he gets. My two cents RG
  19. Telling your wife serves no purpose that I can see. And I'm pretty much echoing everyone else Be there for your wife. But don't tell her that you need to see escorts for your need for physical intimacy She likely feels bad that she can't provide that intimacy for you anymore. But telling her you are seeing escorts would be a hurtful thing to do to her Be a supportive loving husband, but very discretely see escorts for physical intimacy. And under the circumstances, IMHO you don't have anything to feel guilty about. RG
  20. Prefer twosome, it's more intimate. But with the right ladies a menage a trois (threesome) is something very special Ice Road Truckers or Ice Pilots NWT RG
  21. Cruise ship (don't know how to sail) But you forgot to mention fishing boat LOL Holiday, your choice of type of holiday, in Canada (your choice of where) or outside Canada (your choice of where) RG
  22. Welcome to CERB Shirley Glad you joined our community RG
  23. Really and generally speaking (yes likely some exceptions), a private SP minding her own business, the police won't know about her, because she is private and minding her own business. As has been said before police act on public complaints. Those complaints usually would be the result of a SP who isn't so private or doesn't mind her own business...in short a SP who is indiscreet, or possibly a client (prospective client) who is indiscreet and his indiscretion has fall out on the lady RG
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