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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Wishing you a speedy recovery Get well soon and thanks Angela for letting us know RG
  2. Mighty Finn seems to be inadvertently missed. I like MF for his sense of humour. His jokes are a positive fun contribution to this community And I like MrNice2 because he is like his name...nice RG
  3. Is there another word besides cheating that can be used. Adultery and infidelity also carry a judgement laden tone. I repeat again, that using the term cheating in this thread I don't consider judgmental by any of the posters...it is just the commonly used term to describe having sexual (and maybe emotional) affairs outside of marriage Just posted from a non judging guy RG
  4. Echoing what fortunateone said, don't fall into the belief that being young athletic, thinking you look like you should be on the cover of GQ is the way to see a companion. For guys, irrespective of how young they are and how they look (or how they think they look) and that they have the needed donation, don't for one second think this entitles you to see a professional companion. The lady chooses who she will see, and qualities like being a gentleman, maturity, willingness to be (and passing) verification, are far more important than being young and thinking you are good looking A quick two cents from a balding greying haired man in his early 50's who doesn't have a porsche, but a beat up old pick up, but has had many wonderful memorable encounters with ladies...ladies who have enriched my life and I am better for knowing them RG
  5. I agree the word cheat implies deception, and also wrongdoing, and has a moral underpinning to it when used by a person to describe another's activity/behaviour . But it is also the commonly accepted term for having sexual relations outside a marriage. But the use of this word in this thread IMHO by the various posters is less used as a judgement moral laden term than as the most common phrase to describe this activity...whew a mouthful Just saying that's all RG
  6. To everyone here. Over the past weeks I've posted about my dad's cancer. I have received in many PM's, comments, posts etc words of sympathy and support. I just wanted to say thank you all for your support. It really is appreciated This board is much more than an escort board, it truly is a community Again to all of you out in CERBLand, your collective support is appreciated more than you know Thank you RG
  7. Well I've tried diets in the past, yes they work, but sticking too them next to impossible. So now instead of diets, just start eating right. Cut out fatty foods (no more butter, no more ice cream for example) start eating more good food (fresh vegetables, fresh fruit, eat chicken, much less beef etc) and start exercising. For me that is walking. I haven't gone to WalMart yet, need to get a pedometer, and count how far I go each day. But anyone interested, there is a social group started, Walking Cerbites http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/group.php?groupid=169 Tomorrow, go to WalMart, start measuring my steps RG
  8. In the case I threw out for discussion, it isn't a first date, or even early stages of dating. The lady has a significant other, be it husband, common-law or boyfriend. If the lady is a professional companion, be it escort or MA, and I emphasize this is her livelihood, is she cheating by not telling her SO and continuing as a professional companion And this is just thrown in for discussion, again, in no way am I passing judgement or saying what is right or wrong RG :-)
  9. I'll throw another curve in for discussion here. Is a lady who has a SO, be it husband, CL, bf, who's livelihood is being an escort or MA, cheating on her SO if she doesn't tell him of her livelihood. BTW the question is only asked for discussion purposes only And as a sidebar, even though I'm single, and have no relationship strings so to speak, in no way do I sit in any judgement of the married gentlemen who see professional companions. Everyone's personal circumstances are just that, personal, and not for others to judge RG
  10. Yes a big thank you is due to the Mod for his hard work Thank You Mod RG
  11. And to add to that, if she entered into the marriage with the promise of sex, which she no longer wants and no longer wants her husband pestering her for, she can't then begrudge him for seeking sexual gratification from other women. Seeking sexual intimacy from professional companions has the added benefit that there isn't the risk of emotional infidelity that comes from having an affair. And affairs are far more likely to cause marriage break ups and someone to be hurt compared to seeing a professional companion. RG
  12. Well I'll toss this in as food for thought. Strictly speaking assuming a monogamous relationship and marriage is founded in part on the phrase (part of marriage vows) "forsake all others" Whether having an affair or seeing an escort, you are not forsaking all others, so you would I guess be cheating. But, to throw a curve in here, how often does cheating happen because of a sexless marriage. A generalization here, the wife chooses not to have sex...is it fair that the man has to forgo sex because the wife refuses to have sex? There is a quid pro quo to the "forsake all others" and that is that the husband and wife are going to be for all time amongst other things, sexual partners, and that means a normal active sex life. When one partner removes sex from the marriage it is an invitation for the other partner to seek sexual companionship outside the marriage Why get married to live and continue to live a celibate life? By the scenario I posted cheating would be as much the wife's fault as the husband. Yes cheating may be bad, but may be the only thing holding the marriage together A rambling RG
  13. While this thread doesn't judge anyone, terminology which used in this thread, specifically "cheating" and btw is a commonplace term for sexual relations outside of a marriage does have a judgement laden tone. I'm not criticizing the use of the term in this thread, because it is a term used commonplace, but calling sex outside of marriage as cheating does prejudge such activity as wrong (how can cheating be right) and ergo does place a judgement laden tone. In my humble opinion, every relationship is unique, not one size fits all so to speak. All that being said, this is a very good thread RG
  14. $1000-$2000 range...how long are you planning on seeing the lady for. A rate like that would generally speaking be for an multiple hour encounter or maybe a dinner date or even approaching a twelve hour sleepover. That is generally speaking, of course, not a hard and fast rule. But for an hour I think, unless there are some ladies profiles I haven't seen yet, I don't see a rate in that range. But I'm sure if you paid a tip to the lady in addition to her donation that adds up to $1000-$2000 for an hour, she would be happy to accept. A quick rambling RG
  15. Well I'll chime in. In a relationship, at least to me, the emotional (love) and interpersonal fidelity (for lack of better phraseology) are far more important between a couple than physical (sexual) fidelity. And having sex with a escort, if a married man or woman keeps his/her emotional head about him/her, when getting involved with an escort, keeping it strictly a sexual relationship, well yes it is infidelity but not as serious as emotional and interpersonal infidelity. But, if you define fidelity as forsaking all others, then if there are others, including paid companions then sex with a escort is cheating. I interpose another thought here however, all we can make is a generalization. Every relationship is unique. Perhaps the marriage is an open relationship (poly amorous) in which case multiple partners isn't cheating. Or maybe one partner for whatever reason doesn't like to have, or can't have sexual relations anymore, so seeing an escort isn't cheating, since the outlet the other partner uses for sexual intimacy is seeing an escort, which has the added benefit of no or little risk of emotional and interpersonal infidelity, as opposed to having an affair, where emotions come into play, and at least one person will end up being hurt. Finally, on a lighter happier note, I have been seeing escorts since July 2010, and met many wonderful ladies, some of whom I even consider friends. This lifestyle and most of these ladies have enriched my life, I consider myself a better and luckier man for meeting them. Not once have I cheated...but that's because I'm single :-) A evening rambling RG
  16. Although I don't know the Thunder Bay area, when it comes to having an incall, be it a apartment, condo, house or hotel, the key is discretion. If you have a steady stream of clients day and night, neighbors will notice or in the case of a hotel, the management and staff are going to notice. Submitted for whatever it's worth As for specific apartments or hotels locals would know better than me RG
  17. You'll likely find a lady's rate, yes while some more expensive than others, are also based on their expenses. A touring lady has more expenses due to her travel costs (ie plane fares, hotels etc) which will be reflected in her rate compared to say a local lady who wouldn't have the same expenses. I personally wouldn't be looking for the lady who is most expensive and exclusive. I would instead look at ladies' recommendations, see if there are a few different ladies who interest you, email them, see if you might click, and then when there is one who interests you, schedule an encounter. I also look at a lady's posts, gives me an idea if I would click with her BTW I have had great encounters with ladies who are as you might say,more expensive and great encounters with those who are average rate. Likewise, I have had horrible encounters with more expensive ladies, and horrible encounters with average rate ladies. Just so you know, a lady's rate isn't a indicator of how good an encounter you'll have My two cents RG
  18. Me, once every two months, which translates into once after every two encounters (I normally have an encounter once a month) And while everyone's sexual health is their own business, if I (touch wood it doesn't happen) should get a STD/STI I can let previous ladies I have seen know so they can get tested/treated. And no, not to pass or lay blame, we are all equal participants in this lifestyle, opposite sides of the same coin you might say, but to let ladies get tested/treated My two cents RG
  19. Dad is slipping away, I don't know if I'm going to get to see him one last time. He is alive, but not living Besides the leukemia which has mesastized to his lungs and bones, he now has fluid in his lungs and blood clots. They are using blood thinners to clear the clots but because of the thinners they can't drain the fluid in his lungs for fear of bleeding He is no longer at home, he is in intensive care. He wasn't even allowed to move himself from the gurney to his bed in ICU for fear a clot would move, six orderlies had to pick him up and move him I hope they expedite this passport fast, so I can see him one last time RG
  20. Eat right (not diet)...cut out bad foods, eat more nutritional food (fruits, vegetables etc) Further to my first resolution, is to drink more water, drink less (even though it's no alcohol) beer or other empty calorie drinks Exercise...no nothing dramatic, just something simple like walking In fact a social group, walking cerbites has been created for those who want to get their exercise by walking. Anyone is welcome to join http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/group.php?groupid=169 RG
  21. Happy belated birthday Hope you had a great day RG
  22. Happy Milestone Birthday BHW Enjoy your special day And welcome to the half century club RG
  23. Happy Birthday and Happy New Years CH Enjoy your special day RG
  24. Well a way to put a face to the name if you booked by phone and have had your encounter would be to send a thank you to the lady, either by pm (verifies your board handle btw) or by email. If by email maybe after you sign your name put in brackets after your name your CERB board handle. Maybe even confirm by pm that you just sent her the thank you email, telling her what your email address is (also confirms board handle) If you think in the future you would like to use the lady as a reference save your pm and or email correspondence (she will more than likely reply to a thank you) That way a reference request could be made by emailing the lady along with the previous correspondence (sort of forwarding on to the lady if that makes sense) But with all that, even if you had a great encounter, don't expect the lady to remember you three or four years after the encounter LOL. RG
  25. For those who's New Years Resolution includes exercise, well specifically walking, in some cases running, or any activity which can be measured by a pedometer, this group may be for you http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/group.php?groupid=169 We can all compare how many steps we made either daily or weekly RG
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