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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. First, look at the very top of the page on CERB...very top "Cerb is not a review board-It is a recommendation board so if you do not have anything nice to say...Please don't say anything at all" But if that isn't clear enough, read the rules, and this is covered in the top three rules http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/faq.php?faq=vb_faq#faq_rules And remember, a lukewarm review isn't a recommendation, this is a recommendation board so lukewarm reviews not welcome RG
  2. Well I got lucky one night years ago and it was this song playing RG
  3. To lose a pound or two (or much more than a pound or two actually) by eating right and walking. RG
  4. Can you exchange it, try a Samsung Galaxy Note. It's got a big screen (a plus for my poor eyes LOL, I'm told if the screen was any bigger it would be a tablet...yes, it'll fit in your pocket) and even if your hands are too big for the keypad it comes with a pen which you can use to type on the keyboard http://www.samsung.com/global/microsite/galaxynote/note/index.html?type=find Here is a photo showing a size comparison between a Samsung Galaxy Note, Samsung Galaxy Nexus and a iPhone 4S. RG
  5. Contact a lady that interests you. Tell her a little about yourself, including age. And tell her it is your first time seeing a professional companion. Don't ask about the menu (a faux pas I made in my newbie days but was forgiven for), you'll find your encounter will unfold naturally when you see the lady. Yes, read the recommendations on a lady, but remember every encounter is unique, your encounter with a lady will be special and unique, and not the same as someone else's encounter with the same lady. Most important, be a gentleman, both in your emails and in person. And you are seeing a lady and person, and compensating her for her time. Just because you pay her donation, you do not own her for that period of time. If she has verification requirements, provide that information. It may be scary at first revealing personal information to a lady, but remember, she is at most risk by agreeing to see you, a stranger thus far, alone intimately. The verification is just a tool used by ladies for their safety. Don't be insulted if she requests it Finally, a lady appreciates a tip and gift, something you might wish to do. After all that, most of all have an enjoyable escape with a lady RG
  6. I'm not rich by any stretch of the imagination. But I have a little disposable income each month that allows me to travel either to Toronto or Ottawa once a month to have an encounter with a lady. It's a matter of budgeting. If your income allows once per month, then you can see a lady once a month. If you need to save for three months, then save for three months and so on. Only thing I would advise, use disposable income, don't use credit. It would be wayyyyy too easy to lose control then and find yourself in a money hole that's hard to get out of RG
  7. Maybe in the pre-encounter emails tell them your age...at my age, one thing I tell is a bit about myself (that includes my physical shortcomings, which includes my age, 51-LOL) Maybe the lady assumes your older, don't know Also you say she is only giving seventy percent, how would you know unless you have had an encounter with her giving one hundred percent (btw not saying that to sound smart) BTW if you have repeat encounters with a lady, and I don't know if this is the case, your first encounter is not the same as second, third, fourth, sixth and so on. It's not the first encounter is seventy percent, it's the repeat encounters are more friends getting together, than a SP meeting a client, and are more like one hundred and twenty percent Don't know if that helps RG
  8. Dad decided to fly back to Florida, after deciding to stay in Canada. When he got back down to Florida we (my brother and I) were told he doesn't have the most treatable form of leukemia, it is far more serious. And the cancer has spread to his lungs and bones. He wouldn't tell us how long he has left, but said he is staying in Florida till the spring. And he wants us to see him. So today running down to Whitby to the passport office to get my passport. But because they lost my Certificate of Registration of Birth Abroad (I was born overseas) when I applied for a passport a few years ago, I need to apply for a citizenship card (yes I'm Canadian) So this weekend fill out the forms and documentation, send to CIC, proof of applying plus proof of travel (plane tickets) and Passport Canada will expedite a passport for me. But another trip to Whitby Monday This December has sucked, so far no improvement At least this community and a few special ladies I have been in touch with and have been in touch with me help brighten things and take my mind off matters at hand, even for a little while RG
  9. I use Firefox, but was out of town and using a computer that uses IE Only thing I noticed, sometimes I would hit the refresh icon and it would take me right out of the board itself and back to the main log in page and I sometimes had to re-log in (log-in screens blank), sometimes my username/password still there, just click the log in icon. Don't know if it means anything RG Somehow I double posted. My bad RG
  10. I use Firefox, but was out of town and using a computer that uses IE Only thing I noticed, sometimes I would hit the refresh icon and it would take me right out of the board itself and back to the main log in page and I sometimes had to re-log in, sometimes my username/password still there, just click the log in icon. Don't know if it means anything RG
  11. Well once I had to cancel on a lady at the last minute (due to illness). I paid the lady her donation (plus what she would have received from me in tip ;-) ) in full before even being asked. All I asked for from her, after my profound apologies is the email address to use for sending payment via email money transfer. Why should she be out, even a penny, the cost of this outcall because, even though I couldn't help it, it was because of me that the encounter couldn't go forward. And in another case, I had a three hour encounter booked. Due to my truck breaking down the money budgeted for the encounter had to go to truck repairs. I postponed, by about three weeks, our encounter. But I increased the time of our encounter from three to four hours, plus gave her a little extra in tip (over and above the usual) plus gift As for threats, well report him to the SP only area. But beyond that there isn't much more you can do. His threat was more just so you wouldn't pursue getting a cancellation fee, that's all. I had veiled threats made to me by an escort, all I can do is not see her again. Another ripped me off. I just haven't nor will I ever see her again. Nature of this lifestyle as in life, there are clients who are gentlemen, and those that are jerks. Likewise there are SP's who are ladies, and those who are, well not ladies. RG
  12. Well I'll chime in here. And as someone who wouldn't make nor expect to make such a list (I'm bald, overweight, and middle aged) based on criteria posted Likely ladies wouldn't publicly post such a list. Ladies see many clients, and to only list some of their clients as the most sexy while complimentary to those listed could be seen as insulting by gentlemen who haven't been listed. And possibly a lady could lose a client or two And I know there are some best of threads by guys about ladies. Personally i don't partake in those, it can be seen as insulting to those ladies who wouldn't make a list, so there is no hypocrisy in what I'm saying In my honest opinion the relationship between a client and lady is private between the two, not something that should be ranked in a public "best of" list for all to see Just my humble opinion RG
  13. Definitely a Huge Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year due to the Mod, Staff and Town Council of CERB They all work hard year round to provide this safe forum for all of us partaking in this lifestyle And a Merry Christmas, Holidays and a Happy New Year to the ladies and gentlemen of CERB who collectively make this the community it is Good thread Lexy RG
  14. A few gift cards and Christmas cards bought on the 23rd and which were opened today RG
  15. All I can say, when I look back at all of the escapes I have had this past year (and since I embarked on this lifestyle) with the ladies of CERB, one thing that isn't even an issue is the donation. The rates you have all charged don't come close to reflecting the real value of the escape, companionship,memories, (and even in some cases friendship) you have provided to me. The rates have all been more than fair considering what has been provided in exchange So I would just like to say to you ladies, charge what your time and companionship is worth, don't let any guys try to pressure you to reduce your rate. And a Thank You to the ladies I have seen, and provided a positive escape in my life A quick Christmas rambling RG
  16. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year everyone Thanks to the ladies I saw this past year who's company brightened my life Thanks to this supportive and respectful community where we can share ideas on all subjects And thanks to the Mod and Town Council who perform the thankless task of keeping this community the safe and positive forum it is Again, Merry Christmas everyone RG
  17. What is for Christmas Eve Supper Mom, brother, sister in law, nephew and me together Tonight, start off with appetizers (cheese, crackers, shrimp ring etc) Then dinner I'm cooking spaghetti alla carbonara (spaghetti with eggs, parmesan cheese, cream, butter, and bacon) Followed by mom's apple crisp RG
  18. Big hug to Angela. My thoughts are with you at this time Take care RG
  19. Look at the profiles of some ladies who have professional photos on their profile page and websites. If you like the quality of their photos, email them and see if they would give you the name of photographer who did their pictures Just a thought RG
  20. Well for me only, it's not so much having that kind of cash. I can afford one encounter of two to three hours per month. For an even more extended encounter, if that is something you would like to try, maybe forgo a few of the half hour encounters, save up the money you would use for those encounters and have a extended encounter. Just a thought if seeing a lady for a longer period of time interests you Good luck RG
  21. Well it wasn't dinner, it was lunch. Took mom out for lunch, I had soup and salad Soup, french onion soup...sooooo smothered in cheese the only part of the soup bowl you could see was the handle...cheese melted all over the bowl Salad, a caesar salad...sooooo loaded with garlic it almost hurts to eat One of my favourite restaurants RG
  22. Big hug to Gabriella. What happened to you sucks. Hoping everything works out RG
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