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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Love the longer sessions. Encounters, at least for me are more, much more than just about sex. My minimum time for an encounter is two hours. When I see a lady for repeat encounters it usually is even longer, from two to four hours Like Cato, I have done one sleepover. It was done with a lady I consider more a friend than a escort. And I am planning a weekend escape with another lady, who likewise I don't consider a escort, but a friend. I have also had one menage a trois with two ladies who aren't to me, escorts, but are friends. And the menage was for an extended period of time. The longer encounters allow for a social dimension to the encounter. A chance to get to know one another, and in the case of repeat encounters to re-connect with each other. And, at least in my opinion, being in the bedroom is much more enjoyable with a lady you spent time getting to know, than having an anonymous sexual encounter A rambling RG
  2. homemade nachos with three different cheeses (chedder, salsa and jalapeneo), olives, garlic and onion, nuked till the cheese melts and washed down with a Becks no alcohol beer RG
  3. Talked to dad, had a bad day (feeling sick) the side effects from the chemo And our conversations on the phone are short, not even five minutes...he just gets tired (we used to talk 20 minutes to half hour before he got cancer) He's also not making sense, well to me. After being misdiagnosed as having pneumonia by a doctor down in Florida (he's a snowbird) he decided to go back home to Canada and get looked after by his own doctor. Now he's talking about going back down to Florida and continuing his chemo down there...he's too tired to stay on the phone for very long, how is he ever going to manage a flight to Florida On a plus note, I told him I'm coming to visit in mid January. He said his strength should be better than it was on his visit last weekend which is a positive outlook. Now I just have to rush to get my passport, just in case he goes back to Florida...I actually hope his wife can talk him out of that idea RG Additional Comments: Is there a contact phone number on the back of your bank card to call Gabriella? Maybe a phone call could work Also, if you use on-line banking, there should be an email contact (more like an IM set up) in the on line banking program. Perhaps use that to contact the bank, might get things resolved before the holidays are over Anytime the banks do that it sucks, but especially now with holidays. Banks really don't care about their customers, we're just forced to use them Good luck RG
  4. Happy Birthday Jazzitup Enjoy your special day RG
  5. When there are two ATM's at a bank, both being used. The woman at the one ATM is having a conversation with a guy who just cut in front of the line to talk to her...not using the ATM. Meanwhile she is very slow using the ATM because of her conversation, and there is a line up waiting their turn to use the bank machine. Added insult, the machine she is using is the only one kicking out $50 bills, so had to keep waiting till she finally finished talking. Probably would have been quicker going in the bank and getting my money from a teller WTF hasn't anyone heard of common courtesy? RG
  6. Well the sun gets about 10% brighter and hotter every billion years the effect of which in that time the earth's will be uninhabitable and surface water will boil away. Just no water means no life. So there will be a end to the world...but not in my lifetime But don't take my word for it I'm really like these gents LOL and got my info off the web RG
  7. Congratulation Nathalie on your 500 post milestone Enjoy reading what you have to say, looking forward to your next 500 contributions RG
  8. cheddar greek salad or caesar salad RG
  9. bought cucumber & tomato salad. Added olives and feta cheese...presto greek salad Washed down with a bottle of water RG
  10. innie apple pie or mincemeat pie RG
  11. Cranberry Juice Turkey or Ham for Christmas dinner RG BTW my two cents on LaSenza vs La Vie en Rose...it's Victoria's Secret hands down :-)
  12. Well I'd like to visit a radio station one day, specifically WKRP in Cincinnati. And stay for awhile because there are two beautiful ladies working there First is Bailey Quarters and the second lady is Jennifer Marlow RG
  13. Today my day really perked up Received a Christmas card from a very special lady. What a pleasant surprise, just brightened my day She knows who she is, here is a BIG THANK YOU RG
  14. I tried watermelon when I heard about it's side effects. I would eat it daily (produce section had fresh cut up watermelon for sale). No side effects Turns out you need something like six cups of watermelon to get the desired effects, but another side effect with that amount of watermelon, diarrhea :-( Now I never took that amount daily, probably explains why it didn't work for me. http://www.buzzle.com/articles/can-watermelon-boost-your-sex-life.html But l-argenine, in pill form, does work...emphasis, for me. Along with adding "Tribulus 20000" I'm not saying watermelon doesn't work, it just didn't work for me...but we are all wired differently aren't we. Anyone needing an assist may just have to do trial and error research like I did to find what works for you. But for health resolutions, I'm going to start a routine of walking everyday plus eat more good foods and less bad ones...my cat is mad already, he knows no more Hagen Das in 2013 :-) RG
  15. I like Ann Margaret, (aka Meg) one of my friends from Orleans just because I do ;-) Not to mention she is one of the positive contributors to this community RG
  16. Honestly coin toss depends on food...bbq sauce for ribs, but hot sauce added to things like chili, spaghetti sauce, tacos and so on And sometimes both for wings Gee, should be a politician, talking out of both sides of my mouth, can't get a straight answer from me LOL Now a two parter First, shower or bath and Second, in the morning or evening RG
  17. BBQ back ribs (grocery store had them already cooked) and a baked potato smothered in butter and sour cream. Washed down with Becks no alcohol beer RG
  18. Well should I ever "trek" to outer space, from Star Trek Voyager, Seven of Nine (Jeri Ryan) can assimilate me any day RG
  19. At my brother's right now Dad flew up for a visit. Looks frail and tired but optimisic he will beat the leukemia Goes home tomorrow Monday in to hospital Tuesday surgery to put a mediport in him and then chemo started. At the best of times a lot to handle but add holidays and dad living out of province it gets overwhelming RG
  20. Here's a BIG HUG Angela Know exactly what your going through and how your feeling Thoughts and prayers with you, your family and your dad RG
  21. Being a non drinker I have non alcoholic wine, no particular favourites or a bottle of Becks no alcohol beer. However a few people who do drink have taken a liking to cranberry wine. I personally don't know what it tastes like (cranberry I assume duh!!!) but family/friends/guests who have had it say they like it RG
  22. I'll be selfish, I have two. First is for my dad to beat cancer. He's got a positive outlook, his leukemia is the most treatable kind, but it's still cancer and to say I'm concerned is an understatement. One plus, tomorrow morning heading to my brother's, dad and his wife flying in to Ontario for a visit before heading home, family gets to see him this weekend Second, my mom is having eye surgery in the New Year. The surgeon is good, and the surgery isn't considered risky, but still it's your eyes, I want mom to come out of the surgery ok RG
  23. As has been said, outcalls are legal, no issue there so going to your place is legal You may have to provide verification information (real name, board handle confirmed by pm, reference, email address and phone number, possibly where you work and work number too) As for communication, spend a few bucks on a pay as you go disposable cell phone. The phone doesn't need all the bells and whistles, just phone and text capability, and can cost around $100.00 Only thing, just my opinion, text the lady, don't phone her, she may have family, friends, or clients when you call and can't answer. But a text she can answer later RG
  24. http://www.cbc.ca/player/Shows/Shows/Doc+Zone/ID/2141173058/?page=2
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