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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. You are all ladies and people who graciously provide us gentlemen an escape with your time and companionship. What is given far exceeds the donation requested No excuse for a man crossing boundaries, no means no, and no lady should ever be made to feel unsafe or threatened RG
  2. 1. When the lady is happy to see you because she likes you, not because you are a client 2. Undressing one another. 3. The feeling of a lady's hand stroking your leg/thigh while your lying in bed 4. Just that beautiful women want to spend time with a middle aged guy like me, no strings attached 5 Getting a cash windfall, and there is a sale at Bass Pro Shops at the same time I'm in Toronto to see a lady for an encounter RG
  3. Congratulations Vanessa on your first 1000 posts Looking forward to your next 1000 posts RG
  4. No arguments, a lady can be dressed sexy without drawing the wrong attention. But some clothing requests definitely can draw the wrong attention...for example a mini mini skirt, high heels, top showing cleavage, the proverbial (not my cup of tea btw) schoolgirl outfit or nurses outfit. Although I haven't seen the latter two outfits, I have, while sitting in the lobby waiting for my room, saw a lady in mini skirt with top showing her cleavage come through the hotel lobby...it was middle of the afternoon, quite obvious she was a lady going to see a client. An outfit nice to see a lady wear in private, but one which raises eyebrows in public But it really is, as cliche as it sounds, the lady I want to see. One lady I see regularly often wears sweats...never thought sweats could be so sexy. Really, don't care about what the lady wears anymore, just want her to be comfortable, it's her companionship I'm looking for RG
  5. Well, as I've gained experience in this lifestyle, for an outcall which is the norm for me, I just want the lady to dress comfortably. I have no clothing requests, wait that comes out wrong LOL, I don't request any special outfits. She shouldn't have to worry about drawing attention to herself walking through the front lobby of a hotel I may have a clothing request for an incall, but even then, now I like to be surprised But at the end of the day, the most important is seeing the lady, not what she is wearing RG
  6. Always delete browsing history. I'm single, the only other person in my place is my cat, and I delete the browsing history every time. Not to mention password protect your computer RG
  7. I am a gentleman, so I've been told. But perfect, well I try for perfection, but there is likely a flaw or two LOL RG
  8. Something like that happened to me once, at my outcall. Maid knocks on the door while I'm headed to the shower. First thought, the lady I'm seeing is wayyyyyy early LOL I answer the door, only wearing pj bottoms, maid just asking is everything ok? WTF!!! Since that time once I check in and get to my room, the do not disturb card is left hanging on the outside of the door RG
  9. Wow Why so concerned First, whether a elite companion with professional photographs, websites etc or one who only advertises on BP, no website or photographs, all of these ladies are human beings and ladies deserving of respect. They aren't slags. Show some common courtesy Judging from your post . You go to BP and see they have no pro pics, or websites so why did you schedule an encounter with lady to begin with You know ahead of time they are in the sketchy side of town with no parking. Don't go to the sketchy side of town, or get the hell out of the sketchy side of town when you see it's a sketchy side of town, move on. You know their incall is cat urine covered. So their BP ad wasn't enough for you, you went to the sketchy side of town, that wasn't enough for you, you went inside their incall...didn't the smell of cat urine make you turn around and walk out? That wasn't enough for you Now you know they don't pay taxes (really a concern between Revenue Canada and the lady, not you) Although if your so civic minded a citizen and tax payer, why don't you report them to Revenue Canada. If you don't aren't you just as much contributing to this "problem" that you complain about. Mind you you might need some evidence not rhetoric spouted off anonymously on a board It sounds reading your post, like all these warning flags about the lady were there before you even saw her, but you saw her anyway paying her donation. So why should she reduce her rates, you were willing to pay them even knowing ahead of time she wasn't a "professional lady" (using your term) And if I'm wrong, you didn't see her, then why your beef to begin with? You are concerned about something that really didn't affect you (assuming the warning flags ahead of time were enough for you to not book an encounter). Personally I think your post is just feeding all the negative stereotypes about this lifestyle, not needed here. But if this is based on your personal experience, well in business terms you are the market, the market has spoken, whether you saw the lady or didn't see the lady. If you didn't see the lady, then why the beef. If you did, after all the warning flags well you kinda have to blame yourself a bit too don't you? And you gave the lady no reason to reduce her rates or improve her service did you. RG
  10. A couple things. First, no two encounters are the same. Not just between different clients and a lady, but even repeat encounters with a client and lady Always, always remember YMMV I have read some recommendations. To me what is the most important is did the gentleman have a good encounter with the lady. I never assume when the recommendation goes into details that that is how other encounters will unfold. None of my reco's go into details (that is private), but you know I've had a good time. I also, in encounters, let the lady take the lead. That way the lady is comfortable knowing her boundaries won't be crossed. If there is something I would like, yes maybe mechanical somewhat, but I ask, I don't assume and don't force And I don't pm/email details of encounters, read my recommendations, that is how detailed I go. RG
  11. Just throwing in for discussion. First, garlic breath. For me any foods that may cause offensive breath (garlic, onion for example) I cut out the week preceeding my encounter. But if you are having a dinner date for example, and the restaurant serves some meals that have garlic in them (ie caesar salad), the way for no one to notice garlic breath is for the lady and gentleman to both order meals with garlic in them. BTW it works, had a sleepover, we went out for dinner and ate food with garlic in it. No complaints about her breath, she didn't complain about mine ;-) Also, some foods, when it comes to oral sex, can make the taste more palatable, if that's the right way to phrase it. Pineapple is one of those foods. So I'm eating fresh pineapple for desert for lunch and dinner for four days before an encounter I don't know if appropriate for this thread about hygiene, but what the heck RG
  12. This is definitely a luxery, with some amazing ladies, some of whom have posted here. If you can't afford a lady's rate, then see another lady. Or save up to see her, or in some extreme cases, sell your boat LOL (some know what I'm talking about). But you will find if you spend the time establishing the connection that Emily refers to, your encounter will be even better than imagined Just echoing what ladies have said, because they are right. Their rate is their rate, for them to determine, not for guys to begrudge and complain about RG
  13. Not only is life complicated enough, besides those complications it does have it's share of problems. Human companionship and sexuality are one of life's escapes and pleasures which brings happiness to people. Who cares about labels. What consenting adults do together and provides them with that happiness is of no one's concern. RG
  14. Enough money to retire with a real comfortable income (and all bills paid...be completely debt free) To be able to travel from coast to coast and see all of Canada (the hell with all those other countries, Canada is a pretty great country when you think about it, with lots to see and do) On those travels coast to coast, see ladies from CERB that I have yet to meet RG
  15. Congratulations on your 500 post milestone Jafo Enjoy reading your posts Looking forward to the next 500 RG
  16. Well I know my choice would be different if I knew then what I know now. That said, seeing as you are in Winnipeg, a lady I would see (I qualify this by saying I haven't seen her in person only through the board on-line, but she peaks my interest) is Soleil RG
  17. When my nephew was born. When we were told my nephew had six months to live (that wasn't the highlight), but the highlight, later the doctors told us they were wrong, he will live much longer (mind you to say we all went through hell thinking he would die in six months is an understatement)...that was nine years ago. RG
  18. While spitballing, couple things to factor into the equation. Maybe not everyday a lady works two hours a day, some days she may not see any clients. Maybe there is a slump in business, this business as in all businesses do have downturns. The lady's rate isn't 100 percent profit, there are expenses (clothing, travel in some cases, hotel or other incall not to mention condoms, lubricants etc, just to name a few) Now if a lady were to reduce her rates, she may just not find it worthwhile income wise to even be a provider and end up getting out of this lifestyle I've said it before, I'll say it again. For the gentlemen, this is a social time, an indulgance, an escape to get away, even for a hour or two from the outside world. But for the ladies, who provide us with that indulgance and escape, to them, this is their job, their livelihood. But they are so good at their profession, it seems like it is as much a social encounter for them too. But do you really think we would see the ladies if they weren't making enough to cover expenses, not to mention make a liveable income And for those filthy rich ladies gouging us men (tongue in cheek here) more power to you. Most of the ladies (there are a few fortunately in my experience, very few exceptions) all earn every dollar they charge for a donation. Ladies, charge what you feel you are worth, not what some guys wish you would charge My evening rambling RG
  19. Sorry, just flashed to me, but when you look at what Ministers, MP's/MPP's, professional athletes and executives at major corporations make, and some begrudge what a professional companion charges. The ladies provide us with a much needed escape, a fantasy, and no strings attached companionship. I can look back at the encounters I've had, and in most cases they were worth what the donation was. In fact in some cases some of the encounters you couldn't put a price on it, they were that memorable. I just can't say the same of politicians, athletes or executives though, and you, me and everyone directly or indirectly pays for those salaries. RG
  20. Yes, the ladies are rich being SP's and charging the rates they do. And the gentlemen must also be equally rich if not more so since they can afford to see ladies Some need a reality check. Remember, for the ladies this is their livelihood, their job, it pays their bills, raise a family, pays the rent etc etc etc. The ladies may make x number of dollars per hour. But they don't work 8 hours/day seven days a week, 365 days a year. And even if they do, so what, it is their business, not for anyone, especially prospective clients to question And for the gentlemen, if we can afford to see ladies, that must mean we must be filthy rich. For us this lifestyle is a luxery. The assumption must be then that after all our bills are paid, we have lots of money left over to see ladies...and we must be rich. Reality, for most of us, this lifestyle is done on disposable income. But as Emily put it "Well you should know it is very wrong to assume....you know the saying...." And really, no one should be concerned here about someone else's income, that is a private personal matter, not something for public disclosure My rambling RG
  21. Deciphering the OP's question (with the help of other posts, I'm slow LOL), all I can say is a lady should charge what she feels her time and companionship is worth. It is not for anyone else to say whether her rates are too high. It is also inappropriate to imply ladies don't pay taxes, or are seeing x number of clients a day, or know how much they make net a year. A person's annual income is his/her business, and no one elses. If you find a lady's rates too high for your budget, then see another lady. Or if you wish to see a certain lady who's rates are higher, but you do wish to see her, save up your money for a few months and then schedule an encounter. Remember, this lifestyle is a luxery, not a necessity. Some even call it a hobby. If you can't afford to see a lady, then don't. But don't begrudge a lady her rates. They are for the lady, and the lady alone to determine My two cents. RG
  22. No arguments Meg. Labelling leads to stigmitizing. As long as the sexual activities are between consenting adults, and make you happy, why should anyone care. RG
  23. Exactly, do what feels good, and don't worry about it. For me it's not prudishness, but I have no interest in being with a guy. The closest to trying something out of the ordinary, well out of the ordinary in civilian society LOL might be strap on play with a lady wearing the strap on. Fortunately it's something I can try in this lifestyle when I'm ready to try. But I guess you can call me pretty vanilla, but I'm happy with that, and isn't that's what is important, that we're all happy with our choices sexually, and to hell with judgments about anyone's sexual choices A rambling RG
  24. Well don't know if this is things that suck or something good, well not good, dad still has leukemia. But the doctors were originally wrong, he doesn't have pneumonia. That's the good news. Bad news, he has fluid in his lungs, which is why the mis-diagnosis. Bad news. Good news, they can drain the fluid, meaning he can start his chemo sooner. But he had a stroke a few years back, and is on coumadin. He has to be off the coumadin for five days before the fluid can be removed. Hopefully there are no side effects from being off the coumadin for five days. But he can also get started on the chemo once the fluid is removed, which means sooner than later. So still worried, don't know if this is good or bad news RG
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