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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Not saying it's a bad idea, but if a lady is uncomfortable giving a reference to another lady about a gentleman, then by the same token wouldn't she be equally uncomfortable giving a reference so to speak to all ladies via the SP only section But, and not starting any arguments here, isn't providing references and warnings just a way for the ladies to help one another by proverbially watching each other's backs Anyhow, just my two cents RG
  2. First time I've done this, quoting myself, but I did say if there is a lady you wish to use as a reference, ask her first. I never assume a lady will provide me with a reference until I ask her first, even if she has provided me with one in the past. Besides, to me, it's bad manners not to ask first. And I may be wrong here, but if a lady gives a reference, even if she saw you just once, isn't she just saying the the guy she saw behaved ok, arrived on time, paid in full, no issues, no concerns. She isn't giving out a guarrantee on him, so to speak on any future behaviours he will have with other ladies, just speaking to his behaviour and actions when she saw him. A quick two cents RG
  3. To answer the question posed, as phrased, yes IMHO a guy can suck a cock and still be heterosexual. He can also be bi-sexual He can also be homosexual It is merely an sexual act, not neccesarily a sexual preference But my question is really in the bigger scheme of things, does it matter? Because one fallout of labels is they can lead to judgements, and some judgements can end up stigmitizing people As long as the acts are between consenting adults, and no one gets hurt who cares Now if we are talking about coercion (ie rapists & child molesters), then it does matter, and needs to be dealt with. But sexual acts and behaviours between consenting adults that are mutually beneficial and pleasurable, really who cares. Just my two cents RG
  4. Just an idea. Under mini statistics is your friends page. It shows your friends, unfortunately one friend at a time. If you refresh your page a different friend comes up. Now I don't know if you want to do this, but refresh the page and delete those friends who's accounts are no longer active, or are otherwise no longer on CERB. Get your friends list down below 1000, your list should come back, and then clean up your friends with those no longer on CERB. Just a thought RG
  5. Nope never any FWB. While dating yes but there was the strings attached, I was the boyfriend, she was the girlfriend, but nothing like a no strings FWB. I guess the closest to a no strings FWB is in this lifestyle. I've met some ladies I would consider friends, and obviously there are the benefits. Whether that qualifies as true FWB or not, don't know. RG
  6. Although this thread goes back to 2010 Emily Rushton is a touring lady who I believe still goes to St. John's. And I agree 110 percent with Scott, she is a lady well worth spending time with. Every time I see her, well the visits get better and better, and the encounters aren't just memorable, they are wonderful memories too RG
  7. I noticed yesterday that when I pulled up my friends list you were off it. Went back, still off it. Then went back again and you were there. Don't know if that is a sympton of the problem or not, but I didn't take you off my list so you know RG
  8. Again thank you to the ladies of CERB. My interactions with you have been a positive factor in my life, companionship without the strings and drama of a relationship. And thanks to Ann Margaret (Meg For Fun), she knows why I call her Ann;-) for the thread CERB Goddess Of The Day where we can pay homage to individual ladies. Both this thread and that thread compliment one another IMHO http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=90044 A morning rambling RG
  9. One thing about this idea that you are jumping through hoops when you need a reference and have to provide verification information. Not at all. Contact the lady you wish to see via email, giving her all required information, except the reference. But tell her in your email that you have contacted your reference for her permission, and will give her name/email once she gives permission PM the lady on CERB, which provides proof of your board handle Email the lady you wish to see once your reference gives permission WOW, something like three emails total (not counting any thank you emails :-) ), plus a PM Now you may be a gentleman, but until you and the lady meet, you are both strangers, the most she knows about you is your posts and emails Verification including references lets the lady know about you from someone else who has met you. It's not a 100 percent guarantee, but it sure minimizes the risk to the ladies, and keeps this lifestyle as safe as can be. The first time I had to be verified, once I gave my name, pit in my stomach, "OMG she knows my real name" LOL. Now I happily provide the information to ladies on autopilot. And the hoops, well the ladies I have met after jumping through those hoops have provided me with wonderful encounters, and some of those ladies I even consider friends...who could think hoop jumping could lead to many great encounters and wonderful memories A rambling RG
  10. Absolutely oral, both giving and receiving. To me it is the one most intimate act The giver is solely focused on providing pleasure to his/her partner The receiver is, well the recipient of the giver's pleasure. It is a completely unselfish act, if both partner's are both givers and receivers One other, don't know if it qualifies as a sexual act or not, but just lying in bed post intercourse, kissing cuddling and conversation (KCC) That ranks up there too, for me. RG
  11. First is more an inconvenience I guess. Mom's surgeon has a pre-op appointment scheduled for her next week. Had plans that I had to cancel, in order to take her to the appointment. More disappointed than anything, but sh--t happens. Second, more serious, dad fell last week. When they took him to the hospital they discovered he has pneumonia. He thought his weakness was from the leukemia. Kicker is, untill the pneumonia is beat, they can't begin chemo to battle the leukemia. Cancer being what it is, the sooner you treat it, the better. Turned into a pretty lousy day today, you could say it sucks RG
  12. kick her to the curb??? ridiculous hoops??? I'm sure statements like that raise warning flags with the ladies. Likely it's guys like you that are the reason ladies require verification and references. Ladies are deserving of respect, and I certainly do not see any respect for the ladies coming from you with that post. You could say you chose not to see ladies requiring references without bashing those ladies who do require them RG
  13. One thing, if you have seen a lady you would like to use as a reference, before providing her name to the lady you wish to meet, ask her first. Nothing like a lady getting asked out of the blue by another lady about a client she saw. And depending on how long ago she saw you, she may not immediately remember you RG
  14. Another alternative is to use verification sites, such as Date Check (there are others, just can't think of the names off the top of my head right now) But my advice, even if you don't have a reference, be open with the lady you wish to see, providing her with your real name, phone number, email, and board handle confirmed by pm. She may wish additional information as well. Good luck RG
  15. A box of grapefruits for $22.00 Guy at work selling them to raise money for his kid's hockey Don't know if I can eat them all LOL RG
  16. since 2 is spelled two I'll use "O" Ozark Mountain Daredevils-Jackie Blue http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XODU0NTgwMDg.html RG
  17. neither, it's the rust and dirt holding my truck together LOL seriously, hand wash spring, summer, fall or winter RG
  18. And now he apologizes http://news.ca.msn.com/top-stories/rob-ford-apologizes-for-actions-in-conflict-case-1 I don't think he's really sorry, more like sorry he got caught and convicted. The apology, that's his opening statement for his re-election campaign Call me cynical RG
  19. Brain in neutral tonight about what to cook so something easy hash brown potatoes with a couple fried eggs on top, with a cup of decaf coffee (breakfast for dinner LOL) RG
  20. Drivers following so close at night (not exaggerating) that you can't see their headlights in the rear view mirror (I should add I drive a full size pick-up)...if I had to stop the car behind me would have hit me RG
  21. Tonight it's going to be fried portabello mushrooms. Stuffed with feta cheese, tomatoes, spinach, and garlic. And for a midnight snack tonight, the leftover spinach from the tin of spinach I use for the portabello mushrooms RG
  22. Decaf coffee and a piece of apple pie while browsing CERB and checking my emails RG
  23. Pre cat I preferred artificial, easy to put up, easy to put away, no mess, most important, safe fire wise. But cats take a liking (as in climbing) to trees and to the ornaments, so no Christmas tree whatsoever now. RG
  24. http://tech.ca.msn.com/the-10-embarrassing-gadgets-you-should-stop-using#image=1 I just posted it, didn't write it :-) RG :-)
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