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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Although definitely a Goddess, this is another thank you to Ann Margaret, umm, I mean Meg For Fun for bringing us this fun thread as a way to honour the ladies from CERB Here is Meg's profile http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/member.php?u=27470 A photo of Ann Margaret And a photo of beautiful Meg...a blonde Ann Margaret Thanks again for this thread Meg RG
  2. CERB introduced me to a lifestyle which has enriched my life. Prior to partaking in this lifestyle, I too had the stereotypes of escorts. Thank God for CERB where everyone can participate in a environment which is positive and has mutual respect for both ladies and gentlemen. And most everyone in this community, be it lady or gentleman is a lady or gentleman...a far cry from the stereotypes mainstream society would have of us. My participation in this lifestyle, well it has allowed me the human female companionship we all crave, without the strings and drama of a conventional relationship. Even though there isn't the strings and drama of a conventional relationship in this lifestyle, I have met some ladies I consider friends. Not to mention, back in my dating days, sexually I was pretty conventional, you might say vanilla. But I just was just introduced to something unconventional you might say, but very pleasurable with two ladies (and friends) I certainly would never have done anything outside conventional sexual companionship if I was still dating, but in this lifestyle, well activities not considered the norm, well in this lifestyle can be practiced in a safe and judgement free environment, if that makes sense. Finally, to CERB, the Mod and Town Council, thank you for the community you provide all of us. And to the ladies I have met, and will meet, thank you for the companionship you have provided me. And to someguy, thanks for starting this thread A long winded rambling RG
  3. So I guess I was right, everyone's experience is different...maybe cell phone providers should put YMMV on their contracts LOL RG :-)
  4. Just came back from the grocery store...god I hate shopping First someone trying to sell subscriptions to the Toronto Star. Said no. Tried the pressure sale on me. Had to get kinda rude with him, say what part of no didn't you understand. WTF is a grocery store thinking allowing that type of selling on the way into their store Second, going up and down the aisles. Someone turns their cart perpendicular to the aisle while looking at the items on the shelf, essentially blocking the aisle...WTF are they thinking...well guess they aren't thinking Third, the store has recently changed and has an express checkout four items or less. Might be great in theory, but on a Saturday when it's busy, and there is one checkout (express) staffed, a couple regular checkouts closed (lack of staff) and line-ups at the two checkouts open, not to mention, to boot, there is no one going through express, you got to wonder WTF are they thinking. I hate shopping RG
  5. Interesting article, but I have to disagree with the findings. Basically our prehistoric ancestors dealt with and overcame the obstacles of his environment and today man (and woman) deals with and overcomes the obstacles of his environment. It is in my opinion an apples and oranges comparison True we may not have the same challenges of our prehistoric ancestors. But by the same token our prehistoric ancestors don't have the challenges of today's world The only way to see if the assumption that our prehistoric ancestors are smarter is to put today's men and women in a prehistoric world, and put prehistoric men and women in today's world, which I realize is impossible RG
  6. Honestly I think everyone has different experiences with phone providers so a true objective opinion won't come For me, I like Rogers, got a 3 year plan costing $70.00 month and my android (Samsung Galaxy Note) came with it. If I bought just the smartphone it would have cost $600.00 I left Virgin, (had pay as you go) They used to have great customer service, now it sucks...sucks enough that I left them to go to Rogers. Oh and I had to buy the cell phone (basic cell phone) from them, not a complaint, but at least with Rogers I got a smartphone included. And don't get me started with Bell, they screwed up my regular phone, internet and dish, so I dumped them years ago. Would never think of getting them for a cell phone provider A late night, well early morning rambling RG
  7. Although I wouldn't book it for an encounter (wee bit too pricey, would prefer to spend that money on a lady) would the Chateau Laurier in Ottawa do? RG
  8. Each of these ladies in her own right is a Goddess. And I have paid tribute to each of these ladies. But together, they are very special companions and friends, and deserving of the dual title Goddesses Of The Day I still have a smile on my face thinking back to two weeks ago, and know it will be a special encounter I will never forget http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?p=401733#post401733 So again Emily and Lonna, thank you RG
  9. Congratulations Jazzitup on hitting the 500 post milestone Looking forward to the next 500 contributions RG
  10. Why so much input...because this thread affects the CERB Board as a whole. As a CERB member when there are threads taking a negative spin that does affect me, as it does other CERB members, whether we are from PEI, Ottawa, smalltown Ontario or wherever. Frankly this thread should never have made it's way to CERB to begin with, it should have stayed on the "other board" whatever board that is. We don't need the other board's drama here As for being enlightened, here are a couple things you might want to read and review. http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/faq.php?faq=vb_faq#faq_rules and http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=26718 If you don't like the rules (censorship as you put it) well there are other boards you can join. RG
  11. Happy Birthday Arejayell, rickkkm, Cream, Yabut, goodguy613, Willsmith, comeon50, and colmustard35...WOW May you all enjoy you special day RG :-)
  12. Don't like them, find the bills stick together RG
  13. A few ladies say I look like John Malkovich...don't see it myself but I don't argue with ladies. Hence my avatar RG
  14. Homemade meat pie with baked potato. Washed down with a Becks no alcohol beer For desert, since my cat asked nicely, Häagen-Dazs cherry chocolate chunk ice cream (yes my cat demands a spoonful of ice cream) RG
  15. Well sort of life sucks #1 but also sort of good too. Took mom to get her eye checked by the surgeon yesterday. Her cornea was replaced two years ago, now she finds blurred vision in that eye. I was hoping for just a treatment (eyedrops). Well she needs surgery to have her cornea replaced. The cells are dying in the cornea, which is why the blurred vision. Been through this before a few years ago, a few trips back and forth to Kingston. Plus side, they can fix her eye, I was getting worried she might be going blind So I guess in the greater scheme of things this is good. RG
  16. Happy Birthday Kianna Enjoy your special day RG
  17. Congratulations Cato on four years of contributions and participation. Looking forward to your next four years RG
  18. Right now, I'd have to say no. We all need human companionship. Dating for me had too many complications, strings attached and drama. This lifestyle, enjoy the companionship the ladies provide. And there is is no complications, no strings and no drama. No risk of capital "F" feelings...in fact the only "F" word that might develop is friendship So I won't quit...for now. I receive female companionship. Should I (can't see it happening now) find a woman and it develops into a relationship, maybe marriage, then yes, I would give up this lifestyle But ironically, in a relationship I'm monogomous, but I thoroughly enjoy the polyamorous aspect of this lifestyle, and don't know if I could give this up to go back to a monogomous lifestyle So for now, I can't see me giving up this lifestyle RG
  19. First job, well technically speaking, guess that would be a paper route, delivering the Globe and Mail back when I was a kid When I was 17 I went up to Parry Sound in the summer of 1978, in the Junior Ranger Program, making ten whole dollars a day, six days a week. In the summer of 1979 I joined the Canadian Armed Forces Reserve (Militia). Qualified as an Infantryman. Served for two years, including time with the regular force (3 RCR) in Baden-Soellingen West Germany. From 1981 to 1985 I was in university, once I got my degree I applied to the federal public service, and got a job in a government agency which falls under Public Safety. Been with them for 28 years, at this stage I can say I hate my job...but 5 years to go. The bright side, it provides me with enough disposable income for my monthly encounters and escapes. RG
  20. Well because of recent family circumstances what all I want for Christmas is for the surgery on mom's eye to turn out ok and for dad to beat cancer. Keeping my fingers crossed and praying RG
  21. Congratulations General on your 500 post milestone Looking forward to reading your next 500 contributions RG
  22. Well John Malkovich has a certain sexiness doesn't he ladies? By the way I'm not that way (not that there's anything wrong with that) but I've been told by a few ladies I look like JM, and I need all the positive reinforcement I can get LOL RG
  23. I've been to Toronto on a few occasions ;-) One Toronto lady I can recommend is Kylie Daniels http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=103516 I'd wholeheartedly recommend Emily Rushton, but she just toured Toronto But if she ever makes it your way, schedule an encounter with her http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=46726 I'd also recommend Lonna Lux but she isn't a Toronto lady per se, she too tours, so I don't know if she is available for Toronto now http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?ltr=L&t=76534 From my vantage point, well all I have is very fond memories of wonderful encounters with each of these ladies. RG
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