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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. I like Angela, one of my friends in Orleans. A positive contributor to this community, a good thrower of socials (so I'm told) and a great SP RG
  2. First got the call last week about mom's eye. Now just got a call from dad, he has just been diagnosed with cancer (leukemia) Apparently according to him it's the least serious (all cancer is serious) and most treatable form of leukemia. He starts chemo next week for five weeks He told me not to worry, yeah right, I'm worried RG
  3. With the caveat it depends on the stranger of course, sex with a stranger. Fishing or hunting RG
  4. I know, again preaching to the choir here, the "moral majority" isn't even here, and even if they were, they wouldn't listen to any opinions but those that agree with them. That said, does the "moral majority" have jobs lined up for the ladies who are escorts. Yes, that is right, while a escape for the gentlemen, this is for the ladies their livelihood. It pays their bills, car payment, rent, puts food on the table, in some cases helps them raise their children etc. In short, it is their job, and if taken from them, they would be for all intent purposes unemployed. As for the risk, well not to sound glib, but there is risk in everything. A firefighter going into a burning building runs a risk. A kid working the midnight shift at a corner store is likely at very high risk to be robbed. A police officer runs a risk of being assaulted or shot. In my job I run the risk (and have been) of being assaulted. What about Alaskan crab fisherman, considered one of the highest risk jobs, all so people can eat crabs...imagine, a high risk to your life so someone else can have a nice dinner...these just a few examples of risky jobs And what about "normal" conventional relationships...example being marriage. How many women wind up trapped in an abusive relationship. Any signs up banning marriage? Point to all of this, most of the ladies I've met require some sort of verification before meeting. It may not eliminate risk, but it certainly can help the lady reduce the risk. Some convoluted ramblings to the choir RG
  5. Fair enough point taken BTW these ladies are likely going to show my age Had a thing for Cheryl Tiegs And the original Charlie's Angels Just a couple of fantasies from my youth :-) BTW they are fictitious only because Cheryl Tiegs and myself, well we just wouldn't run into one another, so any chance of getting together is pure fiction. And as for Charlie's Angels, well it is, well was a tv show with a fictional cast of characters...but with Bosley as their guy, someone like me stood a real good chance LOL RG
  6. I have to second cometman's sentiments. The reality of the encounters I've had and will have are so much better than any fantasy's I could have thought of. Where else can a 51 year old bald overweight man be with beautiful down to earth, intelligent ladies...in some cases become friends with those ladies. In short, ladies, you have my utmost gratitude and appreciation. The encounters you provide, for me at least, has a value far beyond the donation provided. We all need human intimate companionship, and you provide it And here's a big thank you to all the ladies RG
  7. Well I don't buy girls. What I as all gentlemen do is compensate women (adults) for their time, and what consenting adults do privately during that time is no one's business. At no time, because I pay a donation, does the lady lose control. Her boundaries are completely respected...I don't own the lady, not even a little bit. We have a mutually beneficial time together Tired of the morality squad that doesn't understand nor would ever try to understand And we are all preaching to the choir here aren't we RG
  8. Since I'm with Rogers and hate Bell...Rogers Choice of when you'd prefer an encounter...morning, afternoon or evening RG
  9. I must say I'm one of those who hates my job But I absolutely love (small l love LOL) the ladies I meet, and the escapes they provide. And it's those ladies and the monthly escapes they provide that help me to keep a positive outlook on life. So I'd just shout I love this lifestyle RG
  10. Got a call from mom. About a year and half ago she had surgery on her eyes (glaucoma and cataracts) Well one eye has recently been giving her some problems, she saw her opthamologist today, eye bad enough she needs to see a surgeon, apparently for an exam. Normally a two month wait, but they are rushing her and she has an appointment next week. Just worried. And yes, being good son, driving her to Kingston (three hours from where she lives) for the appointment RG
  11. Back in my university days, in first year psychology part of the course requirement was to be a lab guinea pig for fourth year and graduate students in psychology. Had to do this for four different experiments. Well one fourth year student was studying hypnosis. And I signed up for that lab. But try as she might, I just couldn't (or wouldn't) be hypnotized. Just wasn't willing I guess to let myself be open to suggestion Something about not having control, and relinquishing it to someone else (a stranger no less) that doesn't appeal to me RG
  12. Ice Cream Android, iPhone or Blackberry RG
  13. Meg is right, focus on the lady...btw one of the great Ottawa ladies is Meg Besides being great, she has this Ann Margaret thing going for her RG
  14. http://money.ca.msn.com/taxes/gallery/the-world%E2%80%99s-strangest-taxes#image=10 RG
  15. And to add to Berlin's post, that gentlemen who see ladies are also bad parents (or uncles in my case) I have a nephew I love, and being in this lifestyle doesn't affect my relationship with my nine year old nephew at all RG
  16. The military has certain laws, in the United States military, called the Uniform Code Of Military Justice (in the Canadian Forces it's the Code Of Service Discipline) The General as are all members of the United States Military is bound by those laws. And yes, they are laws Those laws do not apply to the CIA Director or to other civilians. And in the military, both in the United States and Canada, it is volunteer, so the members of the military chose to join the military knowing it has certain laws unique to being in the military...not to mention the General is a high ranking member who should lead by example. Breaking the UCMJ so publicly where troops can read about it, is poor leadership. RG
  17. Another misconception is that this is somehow an immoral, unethical activity. It is a mutually beneficial lifestyle. It is uncomplicated no strings no drama fun, not to mention it fulfills a real human need, physical intimacy. Yes, friendships can develop, but love stays out of it, meaning at an emotional level, risks to relationships shouldn't happen, as long as discretion is excercised How does that compare to "civilian" life where affairs take place. Not only sexual infidelity, but emotional infidelity too. And much more risk to damage/destroy existing relationships than seeing escorts. Also, I've, at work, seen a lot of female co-workers who have "accidental" pregnancies after a hook up (one night stand). My point, escorts are far more religious about safe sex than a lot of women and men in "civilian" life. Kinda goes against the stereotype about seeing escorts is high risk for STD/STI Some ramblings from a guy who has met many ladies in this lifestyle who are class acts that have enriched my life RG
  18. Not only wash your hands, some soap and water on Mr Johnson I'm sure would be appreciated by the ladies. They would like "down there" to be clean for them, and after peeing it isn't really clean till washed RG
  19. Just for Meg, ripped jeans and a tight tshirt RG :-)
  20. Off...actually everything off, I don't even like PJ's (too much information I know LOL) Victoria's Secret or LaSenza RG
  21. Worry about bait and switch...well two things. Look for a well recommended lady here on CERB. And from my experience only, so just my opinion here, stick to CERB, all my bad encounters were with non CERB ladies Two, Cowboy's Diary reports on the bait and switches, give that a look As for hitting it off...think of your first encounter, or any encounter with a lady you haven't met before as the ultimate blind date. Best you can do on your part is be a respectful gentleman, and let the encounter unfold naturally. Some quick ramblings RG Ooppps...missed a part of your post. When the doors open, greet the lady with a smile and a friendly "Hello I'm Kippers, pleased to meet you" or greetings along those lines
  22. I too wish the veil of secrecy could be lifted. While more so an issue for the ladies, I wish I could share with family and friends some of the absolute amazing ladies I have met since embarking on this lifestyle. Ladies who are intelligent, down to earth, have a sense of humour, and at least for me, my encounters with these ladies have been more fulfilling, rewarding and memorable than any relationships I've had. But more than likely, I'd either be asked for the intimate details (which I don't share even on CERB) or be told "RG, I know someone you'd like, she's a real nice girl, would you like to meet her" (god not another blind date) This lifestyle is mutually beneficial, for both the ladies and gentlemen. It isn't about exploiting women for men's gratification, it is about respect for one another And it is about more than just sex, it is about companionship. There is, at least if you allow for it, a social interpersonal aspect to this lifestyle. One that is every bit as important if not more in an encounter as the sexual side Finally, more as a side note. How is uncomplicated no strings no drama sex for money so stigmatized? If you date, how many times do you take a women out for dinner (costs money btw) or out somewhere else before you go to bed with her. If the bar scene, well how many drinks (cost money btw) do you buy the woman, not to mention the possible underlying issue of sex with an intoxicated women, leading to the question did she really consent. And finally, marriage, aside from the cost of a ring, how much does it really cost. A long winded rambling RG
  23. Meg Go to Quick Links (beside Log Out) at top of page Drop Down Menu Enable Top Statistics (bottom of menu list) Should do it RG
  24. Honey Ryder Pussy Galore Holly Goodhead Octopussy Jenny Flex (just has a ring to it) And one of the best euphemisms referring to sex, without calling it sex "brushes up on an old case." RG
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